Optimistic Observations

lilylivered's Avatar
People around Trump dont seem to commit suicide...just sayin

fuckin awesome.... and FF worthy....
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-29-2020, 03:43 PM
This Tara Reade thing is a fatality. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Oh what a shame.


Now how about we talk about this:

People around Trump dont seem to commit suicide...just sayin Originally Posted by lilylivered

Next Best Thing's Avatar

This may be the most hilarious piece of trolling in the history of trolling:


Pretty much O'Keefe & friends at their best unless you count the dismantling of democrat party lackey and (now former, thankfully) United States Senator Claire McCaskill's ridiculous 2018 campaign, which PV fucked up royally.

The only thing I have ever been aware of that Ben Shapiro ever criticized about Project Veritas was a botched attempt at infiltrating the Washington Post which is a left-wing rag that below average intelligence individuals with especially poor judgment are transfixed with.

There's all kinds of pro O'Keefe material cranked out by The Daily Wire, and understandably so.

One of the best things about O'Keefe is his complete disinterest in being acknowledged as standard American shill media. He's been laughing at them and refusing to play by their ridiculous rules for years.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
All of that Project Veritas live footage is obviously bullshit because Morning Joe says so.

It's similar to the mountains of legal documentation that Fitton has unearthed destroying the Mueller Sham and exposing the Hussein DOJ.

These things are made up regardless of the fact that there is actual visual evidence in one instance, and that there is a pile of documents the size of the space needle in the other.

The good news, as always, is Orange Man bad.

Because Don Lemon said so right before he said Jessie Smollett is a victim of an overzealous and racist prosecution by white supremacists in fucking Chicago of all places on earth.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Oh what a shame.


Originally Posted by Doove
Welp I guess this is a wrap then.

We don't need weeks of sham hearings and an all-out left-wing media blitz in which B- list celebrities, CNN, MSNBC, and The View wring their hands and declare the end of due process because it's not a legal proceeding, it's a "job interview".

In the spirit of our thread, here's the optimistic perspective:

The democrat party never stops supplying us with material. It's what they do.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Krystal is a hot piece of ass, and despite being a junior communist in training, she has been doing a decent job of dismantling Dementia Joe and the democrat party morons lately:


Is DJ serious with this, and how did he escape from his padded room in the mental hospital and get on camera long enough to spew this extremely strange conspiracy theory before being recaptured by the men in white coats?

The key takeaway here is that these below-average weirdos are allowing this senile old man to represent them in any way whatsoever.


Willie Wanker's Avatar
Here, allow me...

A simple Google search would tell you that James O'Keefe is little more than a failed conservative wannabe hero whose edited and misleading videos have led to his paying more settlements than Donald Trump. And who even Conservative firebrand Trumpists like Byron York and Ben Shapiro think should shut up and go away because he does more harm than good to the Conservative cause.

He's an embarrassment who has no shame. Much like the people who post links to his videos. Originally Posted by Doove
Yeah he's lost some court cases, and won some as well. You can dismiss the videos as edited. Of course, he's not going to put hours of uncut video on YouTube, but it's always available upon request. Everything is black and white with you guys. You've dismissed him, so none of the video is authentic.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Oh what a shame.


Now how about we talk about this:

https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058...dium=affiliate Originally Posted by Doove
Do you think that Tara's mother calling in to Larry King at the time of the incident is fake too? I'd say go watch for yourself, but Google has recently removed that particulate episode.
Can I assume you also dismissed Christine Blasey Ford's claims?
Next Best Thing's Avatar

This is my favorite Tucker Carlson clip of all time:


It's opinion politics porn with live audio of Jeff Zucker, the straight news Village Idiot, exposing his agenda in a way no one else ever could.

This is your left-wing media at work folks.

These guys are simply telling it like it is.

At least they're not Joe Scarborough thumb-tacking a framed photograph of Robert Mueller on his living room wall before Mueller did his Joe Biden imitation in those epically embarrassing congressional hearings.

Mark Steyn makes an appearance late in this video. One of my personal faves, who always delivers.

Willie Wanker's Avatar

This is my favorite Tucker Carlson clip of all time:


It's opinion politics porn with live audio of Jeff Zucker, the straight news Village Idiot, exposing his agenda in a way no one else ever could.

This is your left-wing media at work folks.

These guys are simply telling it like it is.

At least they're not Joe Scarborough thumb-tacking a framed photograph of Robert Mueller on his living room wall before Mueller did his Joe Biden imitation in those epically embarrassing congressional hearings.

Mark Steyn makes an appearance late in this video. One of my personal faves.

Z2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Gee, I don't know? Some of that audio was obtained by Project Veritas. It must be fake. By the way, the Zucker impersonator used in the video is excellent, sounds just like him.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I wonder if one of the democrat morons can explain how Tara Reade somehow deserves less respect than Julie Swetnick.

CNN thinks she does.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Gee, I don't know? Some of that audio was obtained by Project Veritas. It must be fake. By the way, the Zucker impersonator used in the video is excellent, sounds just like him. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
It's fake news.

And Tucker is a republican party hack who can learn a lesson from Brian Stelter or Chris Cuomo on how to be reasonable and objective.

One of my favorite CNN moments was when one of their creepy opinion hosts, and I'm almost positive it was Don Lemon, describing the long overdue border wall as a Donald Trump vanity project.

This is a network overflowing with idiots that hires another absolute liar whose brother named a fucking bridge after his father.

Of course, these things are all easily reconciled with the three magic words:


Willie Wanker's Avatar
Smear and deny anything that doesn't fit their narrative. Sad to see it happen to otherwise intelligent people.