Still not safe, Still not effective....

texassapper's Avatar
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  • 05-28-2024, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by texassapper
Congratulations, you got me on this one. In fact, I figure they could have come up with a larger number of excess deaths if they'd calculated them based on the cardiopulmonary arrest deaths as a % of the population, instead of using a trend line for deaths as a function of the year in Figure 1.

One possibility is that deaths from COVID the disease and long COVID accounted for part of the excess deaths in 2021 through 2023. Admittedly, you don't see many excess cardiopulmonary deaths in 2020 though, before the vaccine.

Their data comes from a county where 98% of the population was vaccinated. It would be very interesting to see similar analyses of data in counties with low vaccination rates. That might indicate whether a large part of the excess deaths are due to the vaccine, or other factors.

It would also be interesting to see the data segmented by age and sex. As you know, the myocardia risk is higher and risk/reward ratio for the vaccine is worse for younger men.

The study if ramped up to the entire USA would indicate about 49,000 people died from cardiopulmonary arrest related to the vaccines in 2021 to 2023. By one estimate, the COVID vaccines saved 3.2 million deaths in the USA. I think that number is high, but regardless the risk/reward ratio for getting the vaccine for older Americans was almost certainly favorable. Figure 3 in your paper might cause you to question that. But can you trust the excess death number for 2023? It's extrapolated. And you only have three data points. I sure don't believe that the parabolic trend line in their Figure 3 will continue.
texassapper's Avatar
long COVID accounted for part of the excess deaths in 2021 through 2023. Admittedly, you don't see many excess cardiopulmonary deaths in 2020 though, before the vaccine. Originally Posted by Tiny
Long Covid doesn't exist for anyone who wasn't vaxxed. It's simply the unacknowledged complications from taking an experimental drug.
texassapper's Avatar
Google AI just estimated that as many as 1.1M Americans may have been killed by the COVID vaccines. So an 8% injury rate... jives with other data as well.
txdot-guy's Avatar
A search for the paper online shows that it appears to be only found on the website. Not peer reviewed at this time. Although I only skimmed the pdf of the paper it appears to be a statistical model of the data provided by a variety of government reports. I await a full review of the practices and procedures used to calculate the results.
adav8s28's Avatar
Google AI just estimated that as many as 1.1M Americans may have been killed by the COVID vaccines. So an 8% injury rate... jives with other data as well. Originally Posted by texassapper
From the link:

When I asked Gemini, Google’s AI LLM, to estimate what percentage of those serious injuries result in death, she estimated, based on data from other medical interventions, that mortality of those seriously injured could range from 0.1% to 5%.

If you estimate the death rate of those killed by the vaccine based on 270 million vaccinations

you get .4%.

1,100,000 / 270,000,000 = .004

If the death rate for SARS_CoV2 is 1% and all 330 million people in the USA got infected and no one got a shot you would have 3.3 million deaths.

For most people the M-RNA vaccine is the safer play.
  • Tiny
  • 05-28-2024, 05:06 PM
Google AI just estimated that as many as 1.1M Americans may have been killed by the COVID vaccines. So an 8% injury rate... jives with other data as well. Originally Posted by texassapper
According to, "the number of deaths directly caused by COVID-19 vaccines in the United States is extremely low." Using old info, Perplexity says only three deaths appear to be linked to blood clots that occurred after receiving the J&J vaccine. And, "For all other reported deaths following vaccination, the CDC found no evidence that the vaccines contributed to the deaths after carefully reviewing medical records, death certificates, and autopsies."

ChatGPT says "As of my last update in January 2022, any deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines in the United States have been very rare."

And finally, the answer that comes closest to your view, which isn't really an answer, ironically is from Bill Gates' Microsoft, specifically Copilot: "As of August 2022, about 6 in 10 adults who died from COVID-19 in the United States were either vaccinated or boosted." Sounds like Bill needs to get back to Microsoft and knock some heads.
  • Tiny
  • 05-28-2024, 05:41 PM
From the link:

When I asked Gemini, Google’s AI LLM, to estimate what percentage of those serious injuries result in death, she estimated, based on data from other medical interventions, that mortality of those seriously injured could range from 0.1% to 5%.

If you estimate the death rate of those killed by the vaccine based on 270 million vaccinations

you get .4%.

1,100,000 / 270,000,000 = .004

If the death rate for SARS_CoV2 is 1% and all 330 million people in the USA got infected and no one got a shot you would have 3.3 million deaths.

For most people the M-RNA vaccine is the safer play. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I don't believe 8% of the 10 million people participating in V-Safe actually required medical care as a result of the vaccine. Furthermore, I don't believe that 7% of the adults polled by Rasmussen actually experienced serious injuries from the vaccine. Thus, I don't believe 21 million people were seriously injured by the vaccine. And I damn well don't believe that 5% of those imaginary 21 million people, or 1.1 million, died from the vaccine.

According to a May 3, 2024 article, "Indeed, more than 13,000 have submitted claims to a government fund that compensates people for Covid vaccine injuries. So far, however, only a dozen people have been compensated, nearly all of them for a heart problem caused by the vaccines."

If there were really 21 million people seriously injured from the COVID vaccine, you'd think that more than 13,000 would have filed claims. When a hailstorm goes through my neighborhood, there are 1.2 insurance claims for every roof damaged by the hail.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Originally Posted by texassapper
You should really do some research on those people whose studies you cite. Peter A. McCullough has a history of false information on Covid. I'm sure that once this recent claim is investigated it will be proven false, just like all the other claims you have cited.

"US cardiologist makes false claims about Covid-19 vaccination"

"US cardiologist makes sweeping false claims about effects of Covid-19 vaccinations"

"Article By Misinformation Spreaders Misleads About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines"
texassapper's Avatar
"US cardiologist makes false claims about Covid-19 vaccination" Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LOL. yeah here's the fact check:

from 2021: Video of a cardiologist claiming that there is no reason for healthy people under the age of 50 or those who have recovered from Covid-19 to be vaccinated against the virus has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on social media. But medical experts say younger people should be inoculated because they can still be affected by the virus, and that the shots also benefit those who have already had the disease.

Don't use your brain, listen to them. People that don't get significant illness from COVID should take an experimental jab that neither prevents one from getting COVID or transmitting it. Also - You should get the shot even if you have already developed natural immunity to COVID... LOL... just stupid... so stupid.

The other links are just more of the same garbage. Your "experts" have lost all credibility by lying, hiding data, deleting data, deleting emails...

As I've said all along, the truth will slowly emerge... you took experimental jabs for what amounted to the flu for most people and that's essentially rolling the dice on whether it will harm you.

Smart move... you keep believing what the "experts" tell you and don't think for yourself. What's the worst that could happen?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
LOL. yeah here's the fact check:

from 2021: Video of a cardiologist claiming that there is no reason for healthy people under the age of 50 or those who have recovered from Covid-19 to be vaccinated against the virus has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on social media. But medical experts say younger people should be inoculated because they can still be affected by the virus, and that the shots also benefit those who have already had the disease.

Don't use your brain, listen to them. People that don't get significant illness from COVID should take an experimental jab that neither prevents one from getting COVID or transmitting it. Also - You should get the shot even if you have already developed natural immunity to COVID... LOL... just stupid... so stupid.

The other links are just more of the same garbage. Your "experts" have lost all credibility by lying, hiding data, deleting data, deleting emails...

As I've said all along, the truth will slowly emerge... you took experimental jabs for what amounted to the flu for most people and that's essentially rolling the dice on whether it will harm you.

Smart move... you keep believing what the "experts" tell you and don't think for yourself. What's the worst that could happen? Originally Posted by texassapper
The statement you cited does not mention "significant illness". I get a yearly flu vaccine because I don't want to catch the flu at all. I get the Covid vaccine just about yearly because I don't want to catch severe Covid, even if the vaccine does not prevent me from catching Covid at all. I have had Covid twice with VERY minor symptoms. Had I not had the shots, who knows?

And natural immunity wears off very quickly in most people. Stupid to believe otherwise.

And you can't compare the dangers of Covid vs. the dangers of the flu.

"Key takeaways:

COVID-19 and the flu are both viral infections spread through respiratory droplets.

COVID-19 is more deadly than the flu.

Vaccinations — which help prevent severe illness, complications, and death — are available for both."

Again, the only proof I need that the vaccine works is to compare deaths of vaccinated people vs. unvaccinated people. Stupid to believe otheriwse. Get your head out of the sand.

Thus far you have presented nothing to refute my statements that the Covid vaccines are safe and effective. One of your statements is correct -- I do listen to those that I consider to be experts in a given subject over those that offer opinions that are consistently refuted.
txdot-guy's Avatar
As I've said all along, the truth will slowly emerge... you took experimental jabs for what amounted to the flu for most people and that's essentially rolling the dice on whether it will harm you.

Smart move... you keep believing what the "experts" tell you and don't think for yourself. What's the worst that could happen? Originally Posted by texassapper
Most people are thinking for themselves and their families when they took these vaccines. Experts are considered “experts” for good reasons. When the vast majority of experts tell us that vaccines are safe and effective and that they will help prevent the spread of diseases then we do as they say and take them.

The worst that could happen is that we will have to continue to be bombarded with the same kind of misinformation that you are constantly spreading.
texassapper's Avatar
When the vast majority of PAID experts tell us that vaccines are safe and effective and that they will help prevent the spread of diseases then we do as they say and take them. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
txdot-guy's Avatar
When the vast majority of PAID experts tell us that vaccines are safe and effective and that they will help prevent the spread of diseases then we do as they say and take them. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
FIFY Originally Posted by texassapper
Who exactly is the people paying all of the millions of bio chemistry experts and doctors around the globe? Do you really believe that all of these scientists are either on the take or are being duped in some way that they are shilling for a vaccine that is designed to either do nothing or worse to modify or kill the recipients?

This is as illogical as the idea that voting machines were being manipulated during the 2020 election.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why is this argument still going on?

More of the unvaccinated whining about the vaccine. They don't have the education or knowledge to understand a medical research paper let alone debate one. I'll bet some folks still go do bed with a copy of the Wakefield report in their nightclothes for safety.

What do they want? Do they want reparations?

Time to teach that pony a new trick boys.