
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
@Buonas By what your saying it sounds like the place to be. I'm assuming you are unhappy here being from Switzerland. I will ask you if Switzerland is such a great place, why are you here instead of there?

As far as liberal gun laws in the US: The liberals here would be happy if all guns were out of the hands of law abiding citizens, notwithstanding the criminals who will not follow the laws to give up a firearm.

In switzerland, it is my understanding, that after serving the Swiss military the service members are offered their firearm. If they accept the firearm, it is shipped to the factory to be modified from a full-auto to semi-auto firearm, then shipped back to the former service member. The reason crime rates are lower in Switzerland compared the the US is that the majority of households have a "military style" firearm at the ready. Here in the US there are stupid laws that restrict useage and in someplaces restrict self defense to the point it's not even worth having a firearm. Mutually Assured Destruction comes to mind. Criminals don't want to die either.
@Buonas By what your saying it sounds like the place to be. I'm assuming you are unhappy here being from Switzerland. I will ask you if Switzerland is such a great place, why are you here instead of there? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Why do you assume that? All I pointed out is, that the quotes regarding the chance of survival of a democracy allegedly is nil compared to one of a republic. And I pointed to a living example.
One might as well argue that an empire lasts longer than a republic and therefore is a superior form of government.
one example would be the roman empire with a living span of around 1000 years (44 BC - 476 AD, Western Roman Empire and 1453 AD , Byzantine Empire). (google pax romana). Sure the roman empire was a far happier place and you suggest I should move there. Time Travel included. Unfortunately Eternity Inc. does not want my credit card. But then we get into the intricacies of logic regarding travel to the past and the shift in time line that causes.

As far as liberal gun laws in the US: The liberals here would be happy if all guns were out of the hands of law abiding citizens, notwithstanding the criminals who will not follow the laws to give up a firearm.

In switzerland, it is my understanding, that after serving the Swiss military the service members are offered their firearm. If they accept the firearm, it is shipped to the factory to be modified from a full-auto to semi-auto firearm, then shipped back to the former service member. The reason crime rates are lower in Switzerland compared the the US is that the majority of households have a "military style" firearm at the ready. Here in the US there are stupid laws that restrict useage and in someplaces restrict self defense to the point it's not even worth having a firearm. Mutually Assured Destruction comes to mind. Criminals don't want to die either. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
it is not a choice offered, you are mandated to keep your service weapon at home. no conversions or modifications. Amunition is in a sealed package, also at home. you are ordered to have these things inspected annually and you get into serious trouble if you use it for non-military purposes. you also are ordered for shooting training annually besides the recurring duty (3 weeks annually and at a later age biannually).
afik self-defense, that has been ruled as such in a court is an exception. but, to make my point, you can't go gun wielding around in the streets, these laws are no carte blanche.
i think one big factor is, that military service is mandatory for men (voluntary for women) and thus in a conventional family, at least one is trained and educated in the use. just giving some one a gun without that does not really improve the capability to defend, on the contrary.
most weapons owners apart from military are members of a gun club and receive proper training as part of the club activities from certified trainers.

i would, instead of just outlawing gun ownership aim at a solution that requires people to receive proper training. besides, outlawing just makes it worse because of the instant black market that would create.

some homes here are so far away from sheriff's stations, that owning a weapon is almost a prerequisite to living there - i assume that is where the article in the Constitution really comes from.

so instead of making 'lifestyle' laws that allow it in outbacksville tx and disallow it in affluentatower-upon-hudson, apt 999 z, i find it fairer to make the condition of training. after all, for driving i need to learn how to use the machinery, too, no? no one asks if i live on the moon or mars or came here from mons veneris. all they ask is that i prove i can use it properly.

of course the tower dwellers will argue that the constant traffic jam makes the police station's effort to reach you impossible.
jdean208's Avatar
Everything is better in Texas!!

http://www.slate.com/id/2250999 Originally Posted by Rudyard K
After the Civil war, when the Georgia and other southern landowners reaped the whirlwind they had sown, so many of them left for Texas that the property records there are riddled with the initials GTT (gone to Texas). They were drawn to a spirit of independence and self determination that manifested itself in land speculation, cattle wealth, oil booms, tech explosions and now biotech and all things green. It is that spirit that is the commonality, not polical leanings. In my experience, politics in Texas is subordinate to "advancing", in whatever way the individual deems appropriate.

PJ, please check the spelling for me. I know you find that important.

JDean (AKA Jett Rink)
PJ, please check the spelling for me. I know you find that important. Originally Posted by jdean208
Spelling???? What do I look like a dictionary? I'm probably one of the more spelling challenged posters here. I rely on the spell check built into my browser.
jdean208's Avatar
Spelling???? What do I look like a dictionary? I'm probably one of the more spelling challenged posters here. I rely on the spell check built into my browser. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Yes, you look like a dictionary. Your comments on the gramtical errors in other's posts led me to believe that this is important to you. Perhaps I am wrong, and you are just being snarky.

Yes, you look like a dictionary. Your comments on the gramtical errors in other's posts led me to believe that this is important to you. Perhaps I am wrong, and you are just being snarky.

JD Originally Posted by jdean208
Well it used to say 'Resident Smart Ass" under my avatar. Maybe that will give you a clue.
Well it used to say 'Resident Smart Ass" under my avatar. Maybe that will give you a clue. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Why doesn't it say that now?
Why doesn't it say that now? Originally Posted by Ansley
I don't know why it disappeared, but it is back now.
I don't know why it disappeared, but it is back now. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Whew! I know I'll sleep better tonight.
Whew! I know I'll sleep better tonight. Originally Posted by Ansley
Well if you really want to sleep better...
Willen's Avatar
Once upon a time, this thread was about Texas.

(Said as an 'homage' to PJ, who's brought us back to earth/topic in more than a few other threads.)
Once upon a time, this thread was about Texas. Originally Posted by Willen
Like most of the threads in these Forums, everything is a fairy tale. "Once upon a time" is appropriate.