Mike Pence states the obvious, Trump is wrong

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The World Economic Forum
Group member >PAVEL DUROV founded TELEGRAM. The World Economic Forum is works hand in hand with W.H.O. And Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, and the U.N. and their connection to The Deep State Big pharma industries ( vaccines) Big Tech Facebook Google YouTube ECT ECT ECT...

TELEGRAM is a deep state DARPA project that does Surveillance and Monitoring disguised as a "Free Speech" platform.

It's best Patriots that you start to find other avenues of connecting and looking for other platforms to move information....

>TELEGRAM WILL FALL< Originally Posted by bambino

I'm sure this comes from a reliable source, like most all of your links/posts/chain yanking. But it's more than enough to get the Qberts hopping!

Don't hurt yourself!

VitaMan's Avatar

President Trump ASKED Pelosi for the National Guard troops
to secure the area for crowd and traffic control.

If she would have done this - 6th Jan would not
have gone the manner that it did.

Do YOU not read, Vita? .... Surely though YOU
were intelligent enough to look at ALL the coverage.
Even what FOX and Breitbart report.

It's A FACT that President Trump asked for the troops.
We've had this discussion in the forum before.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again


Trump never signed anything
Vitaman that is the weakest counter argument I have read. "He did not.sign anything in no way.means he did not offer." It is a well established fact that he offered as Pelosi does not deny that. He did offer and she did refuse. That is fact deal with it. Does that mean Pelosi is responsible? No Does it mean Trump is responsible again No.

Start speaking truth, as that was twisted and illogical counter point.

Trump, the worse President ever?! How blind are you? You mean to tell me Biden is better?? Are you on a computer at the insane asylum? Does the tech let you have computer time if you eat your vegetables? I cannot make sense out of those two posts.

Having reasonably priced energy, being an exporter an exporter of energy, having inflation under control, having our borders secure, our enemies too fearful to sneeze all is the worst! So, Biden fuck up, after fuck up, after fuck up puts you in a better place today? Paying high.prices with devalued savings is a better thing for you. Having 100,000s of immigrants come into our nation without checks for health or criminal propensity is better for you. Having our allies threatened by Russia, China and North Korea is a better world for you?

I am good man, so tell you what I will do for you. I will come to your house with some men I hire from a local Lowes parking lot. Have them each kick you in balls, take your money, and spit Covid infected saliva all over you while calling you names. Then you should be in Paradise! I am joking of course, but how much worse does have to get for you? Not a persob I know that voted for Biden says Trump was worse, they all say the world, the nation and themselves are much worse off today than they were about 1 year ago.

But my friends and family tends not to like a person based upon an R or a D next to their name. I suspect that is all you look at, if so makes you mindless and easily influenced by others. In fact I can have a D next.to.my name so everything I just said is golden and factual and the way everything is all based upon a D. Get woke man, think for yourself, you are intelligent I have seen some good points from you and then these two posts, wtf?!




As usual Salty and the Trumpys repeat lies told by Trump as if they are facts. Surely y’all know Trump just makes shit up regularly. He’s not at all a half decent source.
VitaMan's Avatar
Time to once again fact check what members falsely state on this forum:

No record of the request

A government memo about the events leading up to Jan. 6, statements from Pelosi’s office and the Pentagon and testimony from the former House sergeant-at-arms show Trump did not request 10,000 troops ahead of the rally.

Drew Hammill, Pelosi's spokesperson, told USA TODAY that Pelosi’s office was not consulted or contacted regarding any request for the National Guard ahead of Jan. 6, and he noted the speaker of the House does not have the power to reject that type of request.

Claims that Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security on Jan. 6 have been previously debunked by USA TODAY. The Capitol Police are overseen by the Capitol Police Board and committees from the Senate and House of Representatives.
VitaMan's Avatar
The claim: Nancy Pelosi rejected Donald Trump's request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be deployed before Jan. 6

As a House committee continues its investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and former President Donald Trump goes on a speaking tour, debunked narratives about the deadly insurrection are resurfacing on social media.

Reports show military and law enforcement officials were unprepared and slow to respond to the riot. Trump has repeatedly attempted to blame that on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., claiming she rejected his request to deploy 10,000 National Guard troops to the Capitol ahead of his “Stop the Steal” rally.

Trump’s claim is one of many efforts by Republicans and supporters of the former president to shift blame and downplay the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol that resulted in four deaths and led to more than 600 arrests.

“Trump Says Pelosi Turned Down His Request For 10,000 National Guard Troops For Jan. 6 Rally…!!!” reads the caption of a Dec. 13 Facebook video that accumulated more than 4,000 views within a couple days.

The video included in the post shows Trump speaking to a crowd on Dec. 11 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where he claimed he recommended 10,000 National Guard troops be deployed because he knew the crowd size was going to be "enormous."

“I recommended 10 but I said do whatever they want, they’re running the Capitol, they know what they’re doing,” Trump says in the video. “And the Capitol police knew about it, she (Pelosi) knew about it, and they turned it down because they said it didn’t look good.”

But Trump’s claim was debunked by fact-checkers in March, after he first made the statement during a Fox News appearance, and it’s still not true. There is no evidence Trump made any formal request about deploying 10,000 National Guard troops before the rally.
VitaMan's Avatar
A recent fact check by The Associated Press found that an assertion being made by members of the House Republican Conference that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was responsible for the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol due to security reasons is not true.

"As Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard," the AP reported in its fact check. "Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard."

As a House panel investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection questioned four members of law enforcement who responded to the attack on Tuesday, several members of the House GOP during media interviews attempted to pin the violence that broke out on Pelosi, saying the Capitol Complex was not properly secured.

"On Jan. 6 these brave officers were put into a vulnerable and impossible position because the leadership at the top failed," said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), whose appointment by McCarthy to the special committee was rejected by Pelosi, said Republicans are looking to launch their own investigation into the police response in the days leading up to and during the attack.

Pelosi did not want Jordan on the committee because she knew he would question her response to the attack, the Republican from Ohio said.

"Why don't they want to answer the fundamental question, which is why wasn't there a better security posture on that day?" Jordan said.

Rep. Jim Banks (Ind.), another Republican whom Pelosi rejected from the panel, suggested over the weekend Pelosi was responsible for the "breakdown of security" at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

"Due to the rules of the United States Capitol, the power structure of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol Police than anyone else in the United States Capitol," Banks said.

Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Pelosi, told the AP, "On January 6th, the Speaker, a target of an assassination attempt that day, was no more in charge of Capitol security than Mitch McConnell was. This is a clear attempt to whitewash what happened on January 6th and divert blame."

Hammill said after the insurrection that Pelosi was never informed of a request from the House sergeant at arms not to call the guard before the attack, as her GOP critics have claimed.

"Republicans have falsely laid the blame on Pelosi without mentioning that GOP Leader McConnell had similar authority over the security officials that day," the AP wrote in its fact check. "But there is no evidence that either was involved in any effort to block the National Guard before or during the insurrection."
  • Tiny
  • 02-06-2022, 01:21 PM




As usual Salty and the Trumpys repeat lies told by Trump as if they are facts. Surely y’all know Trump just makes shit up regularly. He’s not at all a half decent source. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Thanks for the links. I read them. It sounds like Trump believed having the National Guard on hand would be a good idea, and he conveyed that to the acting Defense Secretary on January 3 and/or January 5. And Trump said "you're going to need 10,000 [National Guardsmen]."

Apparently that either didn't go farther than the Department of Defense, or it was discussed with local authorities and the Capitol Police who didn't see the need to have the guardsmen on hand.

Blaming it on Nancy Pelosi though is disingenuous on the part of the MSM at Fox and other media outlets. It's kind of like blaming Fauci, who's responsible for a $5 billion a year budget, for $700,000 that went to the Wuhan lab. Neither Fauci nor Pelosi controls everything that goes on related to grants by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases or security of the House respectively.
VitaMan's Avatar
After Trump canceled his pre announced press conference for January 6 (because he couldn't think of anything to say), his handlers came up with the idea for Trump to issue a statement within the next day or two, talking about the January 6 events as a "Pelosi led security failure."

This is one of the many reasons Trump is disgusting.
My point are once again not addressed, please explain why, with facts Biden is not the worst President ever, why America is better today than we were under Trump.

I never stated Pelosi rejected the troops, furthermore, I have previously stated I believe all politicians lie, to include Trump and include Pelosi. But to any reasonable human being, 2 high up LE with Capitol Police testify under oath that they discuss a the offer of troops, if.memory serves me right 10,000 to be exact, we're discussed prior to January 6th. It was decided the troops were not needed. This is evidence of an offer, even though not written, but typically when you have more than one testifying to an event and the stories match it is credible.

So, continue to listen to only people with certain letters beside their names or start to think for yourself. If an article states their is no evidence of an offer, I refer them to the aforementioned testimony under oath by personal working under Pelosi's watch

Furthermore, I am not a man loyal to any one person, my loyalties lie with my country, The Unites States of America.

Believe whatever you decide. But remember both Pelosi and Trump told their children at one time that Santa Claus is real. Now I ask how can a person with D and another with an R ever say the same thing and it be false?
  • Tiny
  • 02-06-2022, 01:57 PM
My point are once again not addressed, please explain why, with facts Biden is not the worst President ever, why America is better today than we were under Trump. Originally Posted by Computerwise
Biden's not close to being the worst President ever, thanks in part to Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema blocking a good part of his agenda. If Trump and his supporters like Lin Wood hadn't torpedoed the Republican candidates in the Georgia runoffs, Biden might have had a halfway decent first year. With Republican control of the Senate, he couldn't have passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which helped to stoke the fires of inflation and ran our national debt up higher.

I agree, we were better off in 2019, before COVID, than we are in 2022. A higher % of the population had jobs, inflation was under control, and the national debt was lower.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Thanks for the links. I read them. It sounds like Trump believed having the National Guard on hand would be a good idea, and he conveyed that to the acting Defense Secretary on January 3 and/or January 5. And Trump said "you're going to need 10,000 [National Guardsmen]."

Apparently that either didn't go farther than the Department of Defense, or it was discussed with local authorities and the Capitol Police who didn't see the need to have the guardsmen on hand.

Blaming it on Nancy Pelosi though is disingenuous on the part of the MSM at Fox and other media outlets. It's kind of like blaming Fauci, who's responsible for a $5 billion a year budget, for $700,000 that went to the Wuhan lab. Neither Fauci nor Pelosi controls everything that goes on related to grants by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases or security of the House respectively. Originally Posted by Tiny

Interesting. So you don't believe that the guy who dolls out money shouldn't be held responsible for where the money went?

Now if Fauci had stepped up and said "sorry, my fault that I didn't keep better track of where the money was going", that would be one thing but if I remember correctly, he continued to deny that any such funds had gone to the Wuhan lab and continues to deny that any gain of function research had taken place when we know it did. He merely tried to "re-define" gain of function to make it sound like what happened, didn't happen. He is a fraud, plain and simple and should be held accountable.
I respect your opinion, but I still believe he is the worst. Even your counter point states that if not for Manchin and Sinema things would be worse, or if not for Reps.fucking up the election in Georgia he might have been decent. Under that I line of logic, it would mean Bidens dumb ass ideas and ways of running the federal would work only if others knock it down. First that.is speculation, I deal with the present what is, what is , is a huge fiasco which could have been larger if not for free thinking Manchin and Sinema. To me that means Bidens ideas suchk in the first place. Put some good policies out there. I have listed previously some of bigger fuck ups. Things would be better if Biden did nothing, stop putting plans forward because they all suck. Spending 8 trillion we don't have was toward the beginning. So, now we are thankful it was only 1.9 trillion? Or like when he said he released reserves of oil and gas prices went down a nickel we should thank him after he drove it up $1.50, so at $1.45 higher we are supposed to say thank you, fuck that.

Here is one, Biden sent troops to Eastern European allies sending a message to Putin. I like this policy because he started off fhckkng that up too. Stating "minor incursion" and not making bold moves. I believe his latest.posturing of troops is a good way to prevent war. Finally something Biden did was good. I give credit where I see it no matter which letter follows his name. After over a year in office fucking everything up from economy, to foreign affairs, to open borders, to crime waves, I think his last move told Putin to cut it out. Still worst President but he can change, lets fucking hope so.

Biden stops fucking up, I will be grateful. The troops was small but enough of a statent to tell Putin we will not abandon our allies again. Afghanistan was a fuck up, and hopefully we will not do that again.
  • Tiny
  • 02-06-2022, 04:20 PM
Spending 8 trillion we don't have was toward the beginning. So, now we are thankful it was only 1.9 trillion? Or like when he said he released reserves of oil and gas prices went down a nickel we should thank him after he drove it up $1.50, so at $1.45 higher we are supposed to say thank you, fuck that. Originally Posted by Computerwise
You know, he might have gone higher than 8 trillion if not for Manchin, Sinema and a few other moderate Democratic Senators and Congressmen. Sanders was proposing a $6.5 to $7 trillion Build Back Better plan. Biden wanted a $2 trillion infrastructure bill. And the American Rescue Plan will cost $1.9 trillion. Add it all up and you're over $10 trillion, if Biden hadn't seen fit to scale back Bernie's ambitions.

Remember the Build Back Better Better bill that was going to come out of the House before Manchin and Sinema put their foot down would have cost $3.5 trillion. Use that lower number and you're at a minimum of $7.4 trillion in new spending that Biden wanted, awfully close to your $8 trillion.

How much is $7.4 trillion? That's 37% of GDP!!! Incredible.

Now the Republican Senate, a Democratic House and President Trump weren't exactly penny pinchers in 2020. They definitely overspent, but the economy was on the ropes so they had a better excuse.

And yeah, the release of strategic reserves hasn't done a whole lot for oil prices has it. I thought that oil was something we were supposed to keep in reserve, for emergencies, like for example if Russia invades the Ukraine and Russian oil exports are shut off. No doubt politics played a part in Biden's decision to release the oil.