
bambino's Avatar
Where’s and when is lunch Originally Posted by flows-with-water
You’re more than welcome Flows. Haven’t seen you Since CGs lunch at the Double Wide. But if Mr Gristle and his “colleagues” refuse to meet in Charleroi, what’s the use? All talk, no walk. We’ll see. Don’t hold your breath,
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-18-2024, 08:07 PM
And we mailed our property taxes today, I don't want one cent of my taxes going to welfare bums or illegals, why you would want uneducated trash to be dumped here on our dime is beyond me.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-18-2024, 08:10 PM
Charleroi has immigrants from over 40 countries Devo. Don't think they have 1k illegal kids tho. Originally Posted by HDGristle
And the town who had 20K Haitians dumped?

I'll betcha 5000 of them were kids.

It ain't the elderly coming over.
HDGristle's Avatar
20k? They had about 2k total immigrants as of 2023 from 44 countries.

You're saying they added 18k since?
HDGristle's Avatar
State Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-Washington) posted on Facebook pushing back against Trump’s comments over the weekend.

“This is a completely different scenario than other states where Biden was flying or bussing in illegals from Haiti or from other countries,” Bartolotta said.

“Many of the Haitians in Charleroi have been here for two or three years already. They escaped horrific events in Haiti, many having to travel/hide in the jungles for months or years.”

Bartolotta then added, “to try to disparage these hard-working people who have escaped atrocities and who are here LEGALLY to WORK , and pay taxes, and raise their children, and be part of the community, etc. breaks my heart.”

“For some of these people saying awful things about these Haitian immigrants, I’d ask them what it might’ve been like for their parents or grandparents or great grandparents who might have come from another country and spoken a different language.”
bambino's Avatar
And the town who had 20K Haitians dumped?

I'll betcha 5000 of them were kids.

It ain't the elderly coming over. Originally Posted by Devo
Isn’t it strange that large amounts of illegals are dumped in small rural towns on hard times? Who controls these towns? Politically? Who has the juice to bend the rules, have access to shelter? Who’s getting paid? Oh, it’s all about inclusion!!!!!! The citizens of these towns are getting sold down the river. By the people they supposedly “elected”. Now their way of life is fucked. They don’t have the means to fight back. That’s why illegal immigrants aren’t dumped in Upper St Clair or Fox Chapel. Mr Gristle doesn’t care about what the hard scrabble people of Charleroi want. He really doesn’t care what the Haitians want. They were dumped there. A galaxy away from THEIR culture and way of life.
bambino's Avatar
Mr Gristle forfeited.
bambino's Avatar Originally Posted by HDGristle
Just because there’s an R in her title means nothing. Most are as corrupt as Democrats.
HDGristle's Avatar
Just because there’s an R in her title means nothing. Originally Posted by bambino
"Senato" would be a weird word, Bam
HDGristle's Avatar

Wouldn't be much need to move the office from Donors to Charleroi if none of those immigrants were work authorized and looking for work.

Right, Chizz?
HDGristle's Avatar
I love the flip flops on never wanting to go there even to meet your dear friend... to meet me there if you dare and schoolyard taunts, fake bluster and wanting to host a board lunch in the place you won't go by yourself.

Made my whole night to foster that change.

Now, let's get down to brass tacks

More and more of the xenophobic narrative exposed for what it is. Bullshit.

We have the Senator calling bullshit on aeveral claims.

On Kamala bussing them (you guys are too much)

On them being illegals (zero proof. Meanwhile we have multiple folks in government disagreeing)

On them all being uneducated trash. (Look, professionals. That's why I recommend against absolutes)

On no one wanting to work. (Creating businesses. Hard working folks helping a guy reopen with enough workers to cover three shifts. Nice)

On driving businesses out (again, creating business. A shuttered one got to reopen).

This is not true. The business owner provides transportation for workers to get to & from his facility. These are not immigrants being bussed in by Kamala.I follow you & repost but you are playing into the hands of people who are jeopardizing the safety of innocent children in our local school. These Haitians are working hard, sending their children to school and opening businesses. They are here legally. They did not cross our border. Many are professionals who escaped horrific conditions in their home country. There was no workforce in Charleroi a few years ago when a business owner desperately needed them. He advertised and looked for workers for a long time. Before shutting down completely, he hired an agency that connected immigrants who were vetted and LEGAL to work in his facility. Instead of closing, he now has three shifts working around the clock. He also renovated multiple dilapidated apartment buildings and put them back on the tax roll for the town. He’s been vilified wrongly. Please, check the facts before posting information the jeopardizes the safety of good, hard-working people. Thank you.

Read her words. They echo the local leaders. They echo actual residents from other articles and coverage. No one thinks we're dealing with a fucking paradise in Charleroi. It hasn't been. It's been declining for decades. (It is just a stone skip across the river from Monessen after all)

Xenophobia. Fear of the foreign. Makes folks do and say some really stupid things.

Today we celebrate the Italians, Polish and Irish in Pittsburgh. All were feared, called strange and told to go back to their countries (more colorful words were used), that their cultures were wrong, that they were troublemakers who drove up crime. That they were lazy moochers.

We say we learn from history. Maybe we don't.

Hmm.. I can't find anyone making mention of how Charleroi was being overrun by immigrants on our own forum for the past few years. Literally nothing but this thread, and hofos about Alicia who was out of Charleroi a while back.

Like I said... this seemingly only turned into an issue to talk about once Trump brought up his nonsense.

Hmm.. I can't find anyone making mention of how Charleroi was being overrun by immigrants on our own forum for the past few years. Literally nothing but this thread, and hofos about Alicia who was out of Charleroi a while back.

Like I said... this seemingly only turned into an issue to talk about once Trump brought up his nonsense. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Proof, once again, that these idiots don't know what to think or say about anything until they get their marching orders from dear leader. Once they've been given their (outright false) talking points, they then all become "experts" in the field. Like countless other topics before this, now they're all "experts" in the plight of Haitian American communities.
chizzy's Avatar

Hmm.. I can't find anyone making mention of how Charleroi was being overrun by immigrants on our own forum for the past few years. Literally nothing but this thread, and hofos about Alicia who was out of Charleroi a while back.

Like I said... this seemingly only turned into an issue to talk about once Trump brought up his nonsense. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
again, it didnt become an issue here until..............again you posted it, not me not any other poster but you.

i have lots of things i find disgusting going on that i could post but

1. i dont have the time like some of you do

2. why? is it going to change your mind? HD's mind? tommy? nope
do any of you admit when you are proven wrong? nope and before you say it, i can pull up a few threads where i admitted being wrong, you see mature adults do that, something most lack on here

so quit babbling with another post stating this wasnt an issue until trump brought it up when it became an issue on here when in fact you did...
HDGristle's Avatar

Something depressing and fun for everyone in there depending on your position.

Only 600-700 Haitians... many who have been in Charleroi for years... interesting