Osama Bin Laden I'd dead!!!

Randy4Candy's Avatar
The groundwork for this surveillance started under the Bush administration. The information was gathered at Guantonimo from that ugly, hairy fat bastard that got waterboarded. Fact is that the UFB didn't give up the "nickname" of the courier until months after the waterboarding and even then, only gave the "nickname." Interesting fact though, is that it was Pakis working for the CIA acting on info from the CIA who were the ones on the ground who were finally were able to piece together the detailed info on the courier and follow him to the house.The CIA never lost focus of the search. Well, there's focus and then there's FOCUS i.e. "this is your #1 priority."They just had to wait for them to make a mistake. As far as I know, no one has said that Obama waved some magic wand and suddenly all of this information appeared. Those are the facts. Check it out.Checked and added additional ones. Obama made the correct call. I think anyone of us here would have done the same.YAY! We agree. Well, except for the ones who would have opted for 32 "smart" bombs...LOL

The middle east is moving to democracy. It started in Iraq. That's kinda like stretching spandex over Kirstie Alley's ass.Keep in mind Saddam Hussein murdered 600,000 to one million of his own people, and the world did diddley squat. Now they are all about reform. I guess the UN sanctions were just for shits-n-giggles - the sanctions weren't all about WMDs I think people should look at the big picture and a few years down the road.Yep, but (as is usually the case) it is economics that really gets the ball rolling vis-a-vis a bunch of un- and under-employed young, educated and technically savvy kiddos, not Haliburton-driven "nation building" which has so far done the trick.

Now we need an exit strategy that preserves the move toward democracy yet doesn't continue to wreck our economy.It's called wave goodbye and don't let the door hit us in the ass - Afganistan can't get out of its own way and just loves it back in the 10th century. And Khaddafi, well even the head Turk has told him to hit the door.

Never lose focus though that it's all about OIL.And the sooner we get off of that tit, the sooner we can build a wall around that place and let 'em fight it out among themselves. Hmmm, but then what would Haliburton do? Just loves me some CNG. BTW, I also put the subsidized corn farmers in the same group. Originally Posted by cookie man
I'm not sure what you were driving at, but I suppose it's a reaction to the Dems and the "liberal media" (remember "embedded journalists"?) in '01 rolling over for Bush and giving him the benefit of the doubt. Guess the righty-tighties don't want to make the same mistake - the sacrifices they have to make for idealogical purity. Probably makes a lot of dead "Ministers of Information" smile from the pale.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I give Bush no credit whatsoever. He took his eye off the ball and used the circumstances of 9/11 to justify going after oil in Iraq. The inspectors said there weren't any WMDs in Iraq, the UN said don't do it, but the little fucker's oil backers and Cheney's military contractors said 'go' so they did.

When Obama took office, he gave the CIA a clear directive – capture or kill Bin Laden. Period. Look what happened. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
You are correct- Bush had 7 years to catch him- here's proof that Bush gave up on Osama Bin Laden right from the horse's mouth : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o
Bush admits he's not worried and that he doesn't know where he is
wellendowed1911's Avatar
take a break? so what's the logic in that other than having a lame ass comeback? go ahead and cast your vote in Texas where it is meaningless since Texas will vote for any Republican candidate over Obama. Like I mentioned I do not care really if you want to give all the credit in the world to Obama, that is your right. But you slamming someone because they disagree or do not like that someone differs from your opinion makes you look really stupid. Originally Posted by TexRich
So by your logic- a Republican that lives in NY or California shouldn't even show up since both those states vote overwhelmingly Liberal???? I could care less how Texas votes in general and for the record I am Independent so stick that in your pipe.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I give Bush no credit whatsoever. He took his eye off the ball and used the circumstances of 9/11 to justify going after oil in Iraq. The inspectors said there weren't any WMDs in Iraq, the UN said don't do it, but the little fucker's oil backers and Cheney's military contractors said 'go' so they did.

When Obama took office, he gave the CIA a clear directive – capture or kill Bin Laden. Period. Look what happened. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
you are the most misinformed person on this board!

why did your willie not take him out when he had a chance?
LGALTW's Avatar
Friend told me this joke about a new drink, "The Bin Laden"...

Two shots and splash of water

all this does make it more likely for us to be attacked in the future
TexRich's Avatar
I am Independent so stick that in your pipe. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

typical liberal, wont admit he is a left winger.
TexasFlip's Avatar
Great sig texrich...
wellendowed1911's Avatar
typical liberal, wont admit he is a left winger. Originally Posted by TexRich
Typical Republican- closet racist who is mad as F*ck that a black man is in office- so if you want to generalize I can stoop to your ignorant level as well.
If you are so naive that you base your whole life on one party or another than you got some serious issues. I am liberal on some issues and conservative on other issues- both parties answer to a higher authority whether it's Unions, Banks, or Big Oil both parties are controlled by someone. However, TexRich if you think one party has the answer to all the problems than keep sipping the Kool Aide. I have voted for candidates across various different political parties. If again you are so ignorant and naive that if you think Mccain had won that the economy would be booming with an unemployment rate below 4 percent and that perhaps McCain would have captured Osama in 1 year and that Mccain would have gas prices at record lows than as I stated keep sipping the Kool Aid.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
typical liberal, wont admit he is a left winger. Originally Posted by TexRich
One last thing TexRich the guy I voted for is in office- he won- the guy you voted for lost- so don't think your little insults is going to affect me because hey you can keep whining and crying all you want until next election day because I am glad the person I cast my vote for won the election.
So the best thing for you to do instead of going tit for tat is to bookmark this page and come talk to me the day after election day in 2012 because barring some unseen economic breakdown that "Black guy" in office you know the one that you perhaps still think is a muslim and up until last week believed was born in Kenya- well he will be still sitting in that Big White House on Pennsylvania Avenue the day after election day 2012 laughing at you haters. So all this anti- Obama talk and rhetoric it's useless now because he's in office buddy- it's almost as useless as you telling a San Francisco Giants fan that their team sucks even though they beat the Rangers in the World Series- you get the picture???? So save all your smart ass comments to election day 2012 because right now I laugh at them because the man I voted for is in office and the man you voted for is somewhere in AZ and his VP who has the the IQ of a log is one of the leading GOP candidates and one of the major faces of the Republican Party that should really tell you how 2012 is looking for the GOP!
LazurusLong's Avatar
You are correct- Bush had 7 years to catch him- here's proof that Bush gave up on Osama Bin Laden right from the horse's mouth : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o
Bush admits he's not worried and that he doesn't know where he is Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

You're a pretty smart guy so I'm confused why you would think that a public statement somehow is truthful.

IF Bush or any other president, had said, yes, we have gotten intel that tells us Osama is just inside the border of Pakistan and we are making plans to take him out, HE WOULD HIDE SOMEPLACE ELSE!

Of course you want the propaganda machine and speeches to make it look like we as a nation are making no great effort to find him so that he relaxes his guard.

As for yours and others comments that we went into Iraq for the oil you need to take off the algore colored glasses and look at your own facts andthose facts are:

WE never had to find WMD. Saddam had to prove as part of the cease fire that everything had been destroyed and the UN inspectors had spent 10 years being led on wild goose chases and shell games while Saddam moved and hid components. He was required by the cease fire to PROVE everything he agreed to and numerous resolutions were made against him because he kept snubbing his nose as the UN.

YES, Saddam was harboring terrorists and training camps I do notice how that is never mentioned in the press as one more nail in the coffin as to why the US decided to end the game and remove Saddam from office.

Back to OBL.
Nice article on how OBL, since the US began to go after terrorism, had pretty much become a fading horse in a long race:

Keep in mind that the CIA knew where OBL was way back in August 2010 from all reports yet Obama took until May, 9 months to give the go ahead and take him out?

If the press and other liberals had ever found out that Bush had known where OBL was sitting for 9 months and done nothing, they'd be hell to pay.

Yes, Bush fucked up around Tora Bora by not sending in US troops to get OBL and OBL escaped. Good thing Obama was able to learn from other presidential failures on capturing enemies and he made sure there were backup aircraft and men because when that Blackhawk went down, it had every chance of being a cluster fuck but unlike when Clinton refused to allow COBRA and other support helicopters in Somalia when we went after terrorists there, Obama knew better and I'm better he did not worry about the cost but just the damn result.

Speaking of Clinton, where's he been with all this? Is he afraid to poke his head up and get asked questions such as wouldn't it have been better to have taken him in custody when he was offered up under YOUR watch Mr President?....

Here's another article about how this action vindicates Bush. While not doing so well for Obama.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
you are the most misinformed person on this board!

why did your willie not take him out when he had a chance? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Now, there's your typical OAMC non-sequitur. Uh, Ag-boy, each of those statements has nothing to do with the other.

For the record, I'd say your #1 reflects your penchant for alternative economy herbs but, and keeping your reply from being an entire "Sch-waaaaangggg and a Miss," #2 does make a point. Just goes to show you that the ol' "Bling Hog" theory is alive and well - just keep tossing your sheee-yiit at the wall - something will eventually stick. You coulda made like an adult and given an answer like LL, but Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o...

Boomer Sooner, baby!!!
TexRich's Avatar
One last thing TexRich the guy I voted for is in office- he won- the guy you voted for lost- so don't think your little insults is going to affect me because hey you can keep whining and crying all you want until next election day because I am glad the person I cast my vote for won the election.
So the best thing for you to do instead of going tit for tat is to bookmark this page and come talk to me the day after election day in 2012 because barring some unseen economic breakdown that "Black guy" in office you know the one that you perhaps still think is a muslim and up until last week believed was born in Kenya- well he will be still sitting in that Big White House on Pennsylvania Avenue the day after election day 2012 laughing at you haters. So all this anti- Obama talk and rhetoric it's useless now because he's in office buddy- it's almost as useless as you telling a San Francisco Giants fan that their team sucks even though they beat the Rangers in the World Series- you get the picture???? So save all your smart ass comments to election day 2012 because right now I laugh at them because the man I voted for is in office and the man you voted for is somewhere in AZ and his VP who has the the IQ of a log is one of the leading GOP candidates and one of the major faces of the Republican Party that should really tell you how 2012 is looking for the GOP! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

you have such quite an imagination and thought process. you mention things as though you know my inner thoughts and have made it clear you can predict what I am going to mention next. for someone who is very comfortable with his vote and what you believe in, you go in great lengths in trying to explain yourself and the way I think. you have gone from an AIDs cure from the Obama administration, birther conspiracy and his religious affiliation, to the San Francisco Giants winning the world series. dude you are all over the place! LOL.

Its like you are trying to be preemptive about things I could really care less about. all because I have an opinion. last time I checked I was allowed to, even though it may differ from yours. The reason I mentioned you can go polish Obama's knob is because you will defend him blindly and attack anyone who will not bow down to him, obviously like you have and seemed to have done on many occasions. I thought you did not have time for people like me? for someone who does not have time for me, you sure have put in a lot of time thinking about things I really do not care about or fault Obama for.
LazurusLong's Avatar
BTW, to those Obama lap dogs.

Funny how when Obama was running for office, he did just what Clinton wanted to do and that was to bring non citizen terrorists to court in the US and accord them all the rights of US the citizens.

Obama promised to close GITMO. - NOT DONE.
Promised open government. - NOT DONE, NOT EVEN CLOSE
Promised to bring terrorists to NYC to put on trial. NOT DONE and reversed 100% once they figured out this was one of the stupidest campaign slogans ever thought of.
Promised to kill the Patriot Act because it "violated" terrorists rights". Hmm, that same Patriot Bill is what allowed the CIA and NSA to eavesdrop on calls and narrow down where bin Laden was.

Obama has done nothing to reduce terrorism and whoever claimed that his administration has captured more than Bush must think that the intel and work being done under Bush just ended and Obama created a whole new structure when he took office.

Bullshit. Obama takes credit for policies in place by Buch yet wants to blame Bush for everything else.

One and Done is the motto of the current Administration.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
BTW, to those Obama lap dogs.Woof! Woof!

Funny how when Obama was running for office, he did just what Clinton wanted to do and that was to bring non citizen terrorists to court in the US and accord them all the rights of US the citizens.Love to see the text/video on that one - happen to have it?

Obama promised to close GITMO. - NOT DONE.
Promised open government. - NOT DONE, NOT EVEN CLOSE
Promised to bring terrorists to NYC to put on trial. NOT DONE and reversed 100% once they figured out this was one of the stupidest campaign slogans ever thought of.Daynngggg, he's the first politician to break a campaign promise, shame on him. How're the Cultural Warriors coming on doing what every Re-Pube has promised in the last 20 years? Ya know, end abortion, ship the illegals back to wherever - little odds'n'ends like that...
Promised to kill the Patriot Act because it "violated" terrorists rights". Hmm, that same Patriot Bill is what allowed the CIA and NSA to eavesdrop on calls and narrow down where bin Laden was.You might check what parts of the original law are currently in effect.

Obama has done nothing to reduce terrorism and whoever claimed that his administration has captured more than Bush must think that the intel and work being done under Bush just ended and Obama created a whole new structure when he took office. Another opinion with nothing behind it other than saying it makes you feel better.

Bullshit. Be kinder to yourself, LL Obama takes credit for policies in place by Buch yet wants to blame Bush for everything else.Guess you missed the running up of the first $1T of the current deficit, eh? Oh, did you not take your tax cut, either???

One and Done is the motto of the current Administration.Would you like a Hav-A-Nap to clean up your wet dream??? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Ahhhh, "The Hits Just Keep on Coming!"