The GOP shows it's stupidity once again.....

Then answer this question. Was JD right when he said the following:

"A higher percentage of republicans voted for civil rights than did democrats."

Just give us a one-word answer - yes or no.

If you think he was wrong under YOUR definition of republicans and democrats then you ARE trying to re-allocate the historical votes.

Time for you to come clean and stop being a fucking weasel. Originally Posted by lustylad
Obviously if you are going strictly on percentage, it's correct. But by looking only at the numbers, you're missing the story. That's my point. I've got a question for you, since in your mind context is useless; why didn't any southern republicans in either house vote yea? If context doesn't matter, answer me that.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I've got a question for you, since in your mind context is useless; why didn't any southern republicans in either house vote yea? If context doesn't matter, answer me that. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
God damn you're a dumb-ass!
What the fuck does it matter?
That's like asking "Why didn't southern dimocraps vote yea?"

The Civil Rights Act passed thanks to Republican votes. That's all that matters.
God damn you're a dumb-ass!
What the fuck does it matter?
That's like asking "Why didn't southern dimocraps vote yea?"

The Civil Rights Act passed thanks to Republican votes. That's all that matters. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That's all that matters because anything else messes up your argument. If passed thanks to Northern Republicans and Democrats.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The first quote is not my words. I'm not apologizing for shit. I don't even know if you guys could pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel. Bush doubled the debt. I don't see you crying about that. But when a black man does it, you lose your shit. It's disingenuous. Go look it up. That can be your word for the day. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Take your race card and shove it up your blindly partisan ass. I was furious at the Bush debt, and the debt increased by his predecessors going back to at least Nixon. I agreed with Obama when he called Bush unpatriotic for increasing the debt. I was hopeful when Obama was elected because he said he would go through the budget with a fine toothed comb and eliminate waste and corruption. Obama said a lot of hopeful things, which had he followed through on ANY of them, he could have been our greatest President ever. He didn't. He is just another lying, corrupt politician who owes his office and soul to the 0.1%ers who own him, like they've owned presidents and politicians for decades. My disgust for this President has nothing to do with his race. It has everything to with his dishonesty, corruption and ineptitude.

Now apologize or STFU.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why do you forget to mention how few southern republicans were in the House and Senate? One single GOP senator in the entire south??? Hell, even LBJ gave credit to the GOP for passing the act. Think you could do the same rather than dragging out that same old lie.

Reality is different, Who integrated southern schools? Eisenhower, a republican. Who stood in the doorway of the school building in Little Rock, AR? Faubus, a democrat. Who said segregation now and segregation forever? Wallace, a democrat. Who founded the KKK? Nathan Bedford Forrest, a democrat. Democrats have a lot to be ashamed of and they have a lot of lies to be further ashamed of. That is if they had any shame at all.

Hold the phones....UC wants to argue real numbers when we're talking about civil rights but then he wants to argue percentages when he is talking about the debt? What a hypocrite and an ass. Face it, Bush increased the debt from 9/11, a economic collapse, and two wars. He increased it by $3.9 billion over eight years. Obama said that was unpatriotic (you going to argue with your messiah?). Obama has increased the debt by about $8 trillion dollars in only six years which means that he is about 150% more unpatriotic than Bush was.
gfejunkie's Avatar
context Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

One single GOP senator in the entire south??? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There's your fuckin' context, idiot!

UC is the perfect example of "you can't fix stupid".

Give it up, dude. You lose.
UC is the perfect example of "you can't fix stupid". Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Why would UC want to fix "stupid," AKA gfejunkie?

Hell, you've always been good for a laugh or two!
gfejunkie's Avatar
You should know.
That's all you're good for.
You should know.
That's all you're good for. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
GFE Pot, meet GFE Kettle!
  • DSK
  • 02-22-2015, 06:41 AM
Take your race card and shove it up your blindly partisan ass. I was furious at the Bush debt, and the debt increased by his predecessors going back to at least Nixon. I agreed with Obama when he called Bush unpatriotic for increasing the debt. I was hopeful when Obama was elected because he said he would go through the budget with a fine toothed comb and eliminate waste and corruption. Obama said a lot of hopeful things, which had he followed through on ANY of them, he could have been our greatest President ever. He didn't. He is just another lying, corrupt politician who owes his office and soul to the 0.1%ers who own him, like they've owned presidents and politicians for decades. My disgust for this President has nothing to do with his race. It has everything to with his dishonesty, corruption and ineptitude.

Now apologize or STFU. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree with you. I too was hopeful that President Obama would live up to his promises. I believe the song says, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
gfejunkie's Avatar
GFE Pot, meet GFE Kettle! Originally Posted by bigtex


A mere shell of what he once was.
Reduced to a flamed out laughing stock.

Good bye .
Good bye . Originally Posted by gfejunkie
By the way, when are you going to put me on your somewhat elite ignore list?

I'm starting to feel left out!

Adios MoFo!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BT, Gfe(forbidden topic) is a fist shaker. You see old guys like him guarding their lawns from kids and dogs with BB guns and screaming at drivers doing the speed limit who pass him on the road.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
here you go, SLOBBRIN! you might even understand this one!