Sydney i did send you the email and you being disrespectful isnt right......the big girls? Im my own provider and dont run under nobody you girls dont run me or what I have going on in my own time. none of you girls know me or even seen me to know whats going on with me you guys just doing he said she said and dont know the how do you know who has folks like you said to me? I dont understand this site or the people on it.....
They had to know if megustalatina made a statement about the "list" these guys have already been provided a "list" with ME on it and Im not with that situation
Sydney Pure's Avatar
your right you do run YOU and YES I did just recieve one of her famous emails to recruit...

Lizzi I apologize you got drugg into this ...

Yes I asked if you had folks. thats termniology for a daddy a pimp

and Like I told you and people know I will not associtate with that Pimp and YOu know because I only said part of his name when we talked and you already knew

again thanks for the email...

and take care I hope to meet you someday!!
Sydney Pure's Avatar
They had to know if megustalatina made a statement about the "list" these guys have already been provided a "list" with ME on it and Im not with that situation Originally Posted by lizzi295
sweetie that list has been around since your were dreamed of believe me I was there before..........

but now Its down with the Pimps and time for us HOES to stand UP!!!

Sydney Pure's Avatar
And babe I'm being far from disrespectful.....


like I told you MY BFF is russian maybe you need to lighten up..
+1 look at the reason above..

let that speak for itself Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
I hate reruns as well. We saw that with all the post of syd being pimped and he attacked some other girl and the fallout of things to follow including syd saying she was indy and ect ect ect.

I would love to let that speak for itself but.....
It really didnt answer the question. If it has all been posted before and the BS stories that followed, how would this be any different? Not posting a list is a scared way of doing things especially under the idea its already been brought up many times before.

The other suggestion was over looked in this interesting pimp hunt. If the mods are all on board why arent these females removed from the board? Since your 100% on these females why still have them on here?
B.Wayne's Avatar
What confuses me is when you have girl A claim girl B (and girl C,D,..ect) is pimped. Then those accused counter claim that Girl A is pimped because of reason 1, ( reason 2,3, ect).

I'm not saying that is happening here, but in the past threads that has happend. So as a guy with limited knowledge, who do you believe in a she/she/he said situation? I would also agree with new guy. If there is knowledge of pimps and such isn't that a safety issue? Wouldn't that warrent some kind of information to be posted so the chance of running into a dangerous situation is smaller? Or perhaps removing confirmed pimped women? Or if not complete removal, perhaps moved to a sub section labled something appropriate so that if guys choose to knowingly see a pimped girl (for whatever reason) they can.

I mean if people like brittany are saying that she is getting threatening text, calls, ect and generally being harrassed, isn't there something that the board could do? It's just kind of shitty that people post stuff like that and that it's been happening for X amount of time and nothing really gets fixed. It just keeps recycling over and over. Does she or someone else have to come out and say "please help me." before something get's done or taken seriously? And in the long run it ultimately hurts new guys as well as the girls. Hell, I remember when I was new(er) Brit saw me no problem, if I was brand new now, there's no way. And that's primarily because of this problem.

People could argue that what happens in their private life is their business...until their private life treads on someone else be it business or private. But I lost focus. Who is a guy to believe when you have that situation come up? Clearly it isn't just a research issue when you have this girl say, "that girl is pimped" and you have another say, "Nuh uh, That girl is pimped" or something to the nature.

It get's confusing. But I am pretty retarded, so I am easily confused.
B.Wayne, that's a pretty long post for a dead guy. I'm just sayin'.

I guess the best thing to do to figure things out is to look at posting history… I can think of several ladies who've been implicated that confessed through their own postings that they are pimped. Not too smart, but then again, neither is letting some lazy bum collect your profits.

And in answer to your other question – no, there is absolutely nothing the mods can do about harassment that takes place off of this board. The only thing that they can monitor or punish for are things that transpire right here on Eccie, either through posts or private messages.

And even if they know 100% that said girls are pimped, they can't really remove them from the board, either. If they did that, they would have to remove agency girls. Aren't both situations essentially the same thing? I mean, yes… There are integral differences. But the common denominator is having management.
True agencies would fall under the same idea.

I guess I will make the sacrifice and be the new management for all ladies.

My pledge:
I promise to take any profits you wish to share and in return will do absolutely nothing for you. Will allow substitute of shared profits for good food as well.(I'm not picky either)

I'd prefer not to be bothered unless necessary. I do not plan on contacting other potential employees or clients for any reason. I will take vacations regularly. If needed in that time you will contact my secretary.(see below) While not on vacation I would prefer to stick with the do not bother unless necessary theme, unless it is reference to the food or profit sharing arrangement.

I will need one lady to also act as a secretary. Mainly, dress sexy, and handle any would be calls from the other employees or customers while doing your normal work load. That should cover most everything, oh and your welcome. It is the least I can do.
Perhaps reviews providers in the aforementioned stable should be posted or moved to the agency review section. They are surely not appropriate for the indy section.
Sydney Pure's Avatar
You think the list should be public????

Ha!!! It Is... now his petty threats don't stop me just like him and MandI text me yesterday they are 7 deep and loving there life...

On another hand he has scared providers from traveling to Shreveport and I hate being in Lil Rock cause I feel like he's lurking everywhere. Fortunately I still bang in the rock.


YEA u wanna play with those pretty ladies dooo but you might get a threat too.. mods included trust me on that one.

I get threats constantly from him until he wants a favor. Then he's all nice or until he wants to trick off yea he spends his girls Hard earned money to get other girls on there backs.

How u think I met him.??

Just a lil vent.

And all the exposed list would do is give the chance for every little hoodrat to say NO I'M NOT WITH HIM I'M INDEPENDENT.

When if he knew better a hoe is never supposed to deny her daddy..

I wasn't always the smartest cookie..

But I want em out of here I know 2 are on tour one lives up north somewhere.

Everyone Mods included want it back to the old days we'll these Pimp infested ladies and their uncircumcised stanking Pimp wasn't around here then so if we as a community pull together quit seeing the Ladies and making their house pAyments they will have to leave I mean I know that waterfront condo can't be cheap.

Maybe I could rent it since I'm homeless in Houston!!

By the way if anyone has the whereabouts of dreams I'd like to know.
pumbay's Avatar
I spend my days anxiously awaiting for the next Arkansas board drama blowup to happen. Arkansas board drama sustains me. Without a list and back and forth between providers this post has been a lot of empty calories. That being said I have three (3) points.


Sorry I'm really mad at this Point at what he doesn't understand is I'm the whitest sweetest Young lady you might meet But I know plenty of Ghetto MOFOS waitng to take this PIMP down all I need to do is snap MY fingers!!! Originally Posted by Sydney Pure
Generally the worst case scenario for me in the hobby is be in position where I have any interaction with "plenty of Ghetto MOFOS". I would put this concern above my money going to a behind the scenes pimp.

2. At lunch today I am going to get a hobby phone with a Shreveport area code as this apparently will improve my chance of having my phone answered if I call an Arkansas provider.

3. Everything I have heard about the pimp/s that he/they is/are African American. I personally am not very fearful of ethnic African American Community Organizations. I would feel safe as the intended target and since my house is surrounded by forest on all but one side and neither me or my neighbors have any small children that would be playing in the yard that would be hit. The ol' lady eeeeehhhhhhhhhh life has risk. However, if any of providers are affiliated with Latino Community Organizations I would like to be on the express list of notification.
This man is crazy. Truly crazy.. Take me off that list!! He's a stalker.. And will claim every girl he can. Shit he told me that lizzi got with him. I text him today asking him to please keep my name out of his mouth bc I've never given him a penny. Matter of fact he's posted for me on bp before. I feel bad for the girls who do give him all their money.. He spends it on girls who isn't his. Lol. Anyways. I cleared my name. Any of you ladies wana have drinks one day?
I may be confused, but this guy, this pimp that we are all supposed to be wary of and avoid him and his girls, you still answer his calls and see him when he wants to spend his money on you? You still see him as a client?

Forgive me if I misunderstood, it's just all starting to get confusing.

No offense intended.
TestSpin's Avatar
Rez, I think this separate thread answers your question: