Another Hillary Accomplishment to write home about...

I'm seeing fractures in the democratic front. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And does anybody think for one moment that VP Joe Biden is going to just lay over and play dead, letting Hillary have what historically should be his.

He has been on his knees sucking President Obama's dick for over 6 years, being the loyal Lacky.

The negative ads that will be coming out about Hillary will not be a product of the Republican Party, they will be from the Biden camp. And by accounts, Dr Jill Biden, the VP's wife, can not stand Hillary.

Now, where did they put that blue dress..........
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I want someone that will protect my investments, we can debate ideology all day long and we would probably agree on most issues as I am somewhat of a libertarian, but at the end of the day I am going to financially support the candidate that I have the most to gain, financially. I figured out a long time ago if you have enough money, you can buy your way out of and dem or repub led law. Originally Posted by nwarounder
If you think Hillary (or Jeb) gives a damn about your investments, you've got some re-thinking to do.
If you think Hillary (or Jeb) gives a damn about your investments, you've got some re-thinking to do. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Definitely not Jeb. As I said before, I'm pushing for a dem because their agenda lines up with my investments not because I think they care. I have never seen a politician that I thought cared for anything more than money.
Sooooo? I'm seeing a completely broken dam in the Republicant front. Originally Posted by bigtex
How? This is about the lack of accomplishments your hand selected 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate possesses.

The "completely broken damn in the Republicant front" is going to maintain the House and has a very real chance of winning back the Senate. At worst, they are going to win seats.

Again Bigkotex has "lost focus."

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Definitely not Jeb. As I said before, I'm pushing for a dem because their agenda lines up with my investments not because I think they care. I have never seen a politician that I thought cared for anything more than money. Originally Posted by nwarounder
You don't seem to care for much else, either...