What do you know about the new Speaker of the House?

lustylad's Avatar
Why do liberals hate Christians and family men? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You got it wrong.

They hate the 3 F's - Faith, Family, Freedom.

(As shown, once again, by their snarky and contemptuous critiques of the new House Speaker.)

If anyone can explain why, it's you!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You got it wrong.

They hate the 3 F's - Faith, Family, Freedom.

(As shown, once again, by their snarky and contemptuous critiques of the new House Speaker.)

If anyone can explain why, it's you! Originally Posted by lustylad
I felt dirty when I gave him a "like"

thanks as I gave you one also Sir
Ultra MAGA, anti-abortion activist, and all around religious fanatic.

Johnson should be on trial, not the dais.

Not-Fun Facts About Speaker Mike Johnson
By Margaret Hartmann, senior editor for Intelligencer who has worked at New York since 2012

After an embarrassing 22-day stalemate, House Republicans finally found a guy they can all at least tolerate as Speaker: Mike Johnson. If you’d never heard of the Louisiana representative before this week, you’re not alone. Multiple Senate Republicans said they had no idea who he was: John Cornyn described him as “pretty anonymous,” and Susan Collins admitted she needed to Google him. Hours before his election on Wednesday, learning more about Johnson required some serious digging. At the time, Googling “Mike Johnson” brought up hits for a Bachelorette contestant, a retired NHL star, and the owner of a North Carolina Toyota dealership before the congressman appeared in the search, as the Washington Post reported.

Since then, journalists have been scrambling to learn more about who Speaker Johnson is and where he stands on key issues. The conclusion: Despite his Ned Flanders persona, he’s a pretty troubling dude! Unless, of course, you think the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, would love to see abortion outlawed nationwide, and don’t think same-sex marriage should be legal.

Here are some not very fun facts we’ve learned about the guy Republicans barely know, but decided to make leader of the House and second in line to the presidency.

Click link to read all bout this all star whack job.

http://https://nymag.com/intelligenc...fun-facts.html Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There has been whack Jobs as speaker before. Why is Mike Johnson any different.
Precious_b's Avatar
Why do liberals hate Christians and family men? ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You got it wrong.

They hate the 3 F's - Faith, Family, Freedom.

(As shown, once again, by their snarky and contemptuous critiques of the new House Speaker.)

If anyone can explain why, it's you! Originally Posted by lustylad
Libbys hate Faith? They are an ever loving Polytheistic when it comes to Faith. Which rightie got sworn in by a Koran or any other religious book?

Libbys hate Family?! I keep hearing about conservatives putting out laws against LGBTQ when it comes to recognizing their loved ones. That ain't a loving thing to do.
Libbys hate Freedom?!?!?! See all above. Tell us which party is more receptive.
... The New House Speaker is a Trump supporter. He told us so.
What's NOT to like?!

### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 11-17-2023, 01:20 PM
I like the CR passed by Mike. Good job. Keeps the govt open and with all the bullshit the folks on the right wanted. McCarthy passed the same thing so, well, there is that. I suspect they’ll pass more CRs in Jan and Feb. I’d be shocked if this congress ever gets around to passing an actual budget in regular order though.

The beauty of having republicans in charge, they can’t govern so well just stick with the status quo.

Good job Mike.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I felt dirty when I gave him a "like"

thanks as I gave you one also Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I like the CR passed by Mike. Good job. Keeps the govt open and with all the bullshit the folks on the right wanted. McCarthy passed the same thing so, well, there is that. I suspect they’ll pass more CRs in Jan and Feb. I’d be shocked if this congress ever gets around to passing an actual budget in regular order though.

The beauty of having republicans in charge, they can’t govern so well just stick with the status quo.

Good job Mike. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Plus - Mike is a mate.

It's as-if we're all on the same page there:

... I like Mike.

... Mike likes Trump.

.... YOU like Mike.

... I like Trump.

... Trump likes Mike.

.... So the onley logical conclusion to glean is that
YOU should like Trump also! ...

#### Salty
Defending the indefensible. Of all the people who swallowed their concerns about a trump presidency, the only reason I've heard is from Ted Cruz. He said was that he had a responsibility to the wishes of his constituents. The other repubs fell in line because they didn't want to lose their power. Most said they changed their minds after getting to know him. Which is bullshit because the longer he was in office, the worse he got.
In the following link (it's a long one so I didn't include the whole thing) the comments by Johnson, as well as others, are not the type that go away as you get to know someone. There's no mistaking the traits that cause the comments by all these people.
Speaker Mike Johnson bluntly asserted that Mr. Trump was unfit to serve and could be a danger as president.

“The thing about Donald Trump is that he lacks the character and the moral center we desperately need again in the White House,” Mr. Johnson wrote in a lengthy post on Facebook on Aug. 7, 2015, before he was elected to Congress and a day after the first Republican primary debate of the campaign cycle.

Challenged in the comments by someone defending Mr. Trump, Mr. Johnson responded: “I am afraid he would break more things than he fixes. He is a hot head by nature, and that is a dangerous trait to have in a Commander in Chief.”

In 2015, Mr. Johnson, who would announce his first run for Congress the next year, wrote that he was horrified as he watched Mr. Trump’s debate performance with his wife and children.

What bothered me most was watching the face of my exceptional 10 yr old son, Jack, at one point when he looked over at me with a sort of confused disappointment, as the leader of all polls boasted about calling a woman a ‘fat pig.

In one of the most famous exchanges from that debate, Megyn Kelly, a moderator and then a Fox News host, asked Mr. Trump about his history of referring to women as “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”

“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Mr. Trump responded. He added that the country’s problem was political correctness, something he didn’t have time for.

Mr. Johnson was horrified.

Can you imagine the noble, selfless characters of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln or Reagan carrying on like Trump did last night?” wrote Mr. Johnson, an evangelical Christian. He noted that voters needed to demand a “much higher level of virtue and decency” than what he had just witnessed.

In 2015, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina called Mr. Trump a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot,” as well as a “kook,” “crazy” and a man who was “unfit for office.” He went on to serve as Mr. Trump’s most loyal defender in the Senate.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, the second-to-last man left standing in the 2016 Republican primary race, called Mr. Trump a “pathological liar” who was “utterly amoral,” a “serial philanderer” and a “narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen.” Mr. Cruz has explained his decision to become a loyal defender of Mr. Trump as something that was a “responsibility” to his constituents.

Mick Mulvaney, the former Republican congressman who went on to serve as the president’s acting chief of staff, in 2016 called his future boss a “terrible human being” who had made “disgusting and indefensible” comments about women.

Unlike the other lawmakers who fell in line, however, Mr. Johnson has pitched himself as someone of deep religious convictions, whose worldview is driven by his faith."


Many people in the United States felt the same way and used the same comments to describe trump. The difference was/is that regular people didn't have to suck up to keep their power. Trump has proven to be one of the most dishonest elected officials in the history of the U.S.
He is lazy and a danger to democracy. He has never tried to lead the whole country. It was never about anybody but the base. People who have trouble competing using a level field using the truth.
They claim fraud without evidence. The funny thing is that they admit dems are smarter than they are and believe out of the thousands of people required to pull the off their imagined steal, no one has come forward to reveal the master plan. It's easier to believe the impossible than it is to accept the fact trump has been rejected by the majority of the American voters. The idea the repubs still support trump after all the sleazy shit he has done doesn't even surprise me after seeing them in action.

Does the book "Dead Zone" come to mind as a solution?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great post. You know what the response will be?

"NYT is fake news..."

Of course. No need to even show any evidence to disprove the story.
WaPo, NYT, it doesn't matter. If you didn't watch TV to get your news and weren't told what it means, it can't be right.

Great post. You know what the response will be?

"NYT is fake news..."

LOLLING! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Of course. No need to even show any evidence to disprove the story.
WaPo, NYT, it doesn't matter. If you didn't watch TV to get your news and weren't told what it means, it can't be right. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

if you say so
... Blimey! ... Comments about Republicans badmouthing Trump
some EIGHT (8) years ago! ... That'll show 'em!

... I (ME - SALTY) was badmouthing Trump when he did-away with
the OBama era rule of taking in the illegals that Australia
didn't want... Remember that? ... I also badmouthed Trump when He
fired a few o' the pretty-birds on His "Apprentice" telly show.

... Me point is that the comments of Speaker Johnson and Ted Cruz
and the others were from YEARS AGO...

... Views and opinions can change. ... And obviously have.

#### Salty
trump hasn't changed other than getting worse. He is a world class piece of shit.

Let me reiterate. These are Mr. Johnson's own words. And obviously some of his core beliefs. I agree with what he said then. I still agree with it now.

“The thing about Donald Trump is that he lacks the character and the moral center we desperately need again in the White House,” Mr. Johnson wrote in a lengthy post on Facebook on Aug. 7, 2015, before he was elected to Congress and a day after the first Republican primary debate of the campaign cycle.

Challenged in the comments by someone defending Mr. Trump, Mr. Johnson responded: “I am afraid he would break more things than he fixes. He is a hot head by nature, and that is a dangerous trait to have in a Commander in Chief.”

In 2015, Mr. Johnson, who would announce his first run for Congress the next year, wrote that he was horrified as he watched Mr. Trump’s debate performance with his wife and children.

What bothered me most was watching the face of my exceptional 10 yr old son, Jack, at one point when he looked over at me with a sort of confused disappointment, as the leader of all polls boasted about calling a woman a ‘fat pig.’”

In one of the most famous exchanges from that debate, Megyn Kelly, a moderator and then a Fox News host, asked Mr. Trump about his history of referring to women as “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”

“Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Mr. Trump responded. He added that the country’s problem was political correctness, something he didn’t have time for.

Mr. Johnson was horrified.

Can you imagine the noble, selfless characters of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln or Reagan carrying on like Trump did last night?” wrote Mr. Johnson, an evangelical Christian. He noted that voters needed to demand a “much higher level of virtue and decency” than what he had just witnessed.

Mr. Johnson's reasons for flipping his position and lying through his teeth are obvious. Because I understand his reasons doesn't mean they are any less sleazy. Liz Cheney had the balls to keep her integrity while giving up her office. Even Cruz admitted he was accepting trump for his constituents, not because he thought trump was right.

Now repubs have conceded they have nobody who can bring trump's positive attributes while leaving a long list of negative traits behind.

And I have to know what you think trump has done in the last 8 years that could reverse that first impression.

You and Johnson have accepted trump's last 8 years of behavior and actions as an improvement.
Johnson to stay in power/office. What's your excuse?

... Blimey! ... Comments about Republicans badmouthing Trump
some EIGHT (8) years ago! ... That'll show 'em!

... I (ME - SALTY) was badmouthing Trump when he did-away with
the OBama era rule of taking in the illegals that Australia
didn't want... Remember that? ... I also badmouthed Trump when He
fired a few o' the pretty-birds on His "Apprentice" telly show.

... Me point is that the comments of Speaker Johnson and Ted Cruz
and the others were from YEARS AGO... So what? I'm waiting on your answer to what trump has done to change that opinion.
Plus I'm not touching on the shit he has done in the years since 2015.

... Views and opinions can change. ... And obviously have.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again