Ladies, what are your two biggest client problems?

Good grief. It's our business's. We can charge what we want and you can pay it or move on to the next. If a lady wants to give a "discounted" rate to an ATF or consistent regulars that's between her and said client(s). It's no one else's business. It's different if she has recently posted an ad, then yes everyone she books should get it. Just because a girl runs a special one week does NOT mean you should get that rate from here on out. If a lady has NEVER offered a special that's when it get's frustrating. A little research really does go a long way.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
1. "Ladies, I can only suggest ya raise your rates and give specials when they ask. That way everyone feels like they got bargain p**** and we aren't trying to rip 'em off."

I don't have to twist your words. That statement is pretty clear to any guy that has never negotiated.

2. Somehow, I find that disingenuous even laughable that you are offended. Yes, I have a dirty mouth. All of the debutante providers might want to put me on your "do not see lists" because it ain't going to change.

3. So when a guy sends you a request for a lower rate, it isn't negotiation, it's a gift?

For the record, I have never been out looking for "bargain p****". Originally Posted by EZ.
You are right the statement was very clear. Stop trying to look through jaded muddy lenses. Specials and discounts offered by the ladies are not negotiations....they are gifts!

Once again, i mostly amuse myself, so I can see how that might be. Things change all the time, hon. Don't kid yourself! Changes can be good, bad, or even be viewed as just what they are, a change. Stop standing on one side of the fence, hop on top, and learn to see from different views.

Good for you! Ya sound like a man who understands what he can afford and then goes for just that. That's not the case for a lot of the gents here, in case ya didn't notice. :-)

Slim, I now have a lady crush! Let's do lunch! Lol. '-)
  • EZ.
  • 01-13-2015, 12:33 PM
Good grief. It's our business's. We can charge what we want and you can pay it or move on to the next. If a lady wants to give a "discounted" rate to an ATF or consistent regulars that's between her and said client(s). It's no one else's business. It's different if she has recently posted an ad, then yes everyone she books should get it. Just because a girl runs a special one week does NOT mean you should get that rate from here on out. If a lady has NEVER offered a special that's when it get's frustrating. A little research really does go a long way. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
I believe what we are talking about is a situation where a guy initially contacts a girl with an attempt to negotiate or a guy showing up with less than the posted rate. I'm not interpreting this with having anything to do with advertised specials, regulars or ATFs.

Hell yes, charge what you feel you're worth. In my business, I promise, I don't work for free. I don't give specials. I'm retired and not after additional clients and damn sure don't negotiate. I only do this for tax write offs, get out to the house, see friends and keep active. The money is just lagniappe.
You are right the statement was very clear. Stop trying to look through jaded muddy lenses. Specials and discounts offered by the ladies are not negotiations....they are gifts!

Once again, i mostly amuse myself, so I can see how that might be. Things change all the time, hon. Don't kid yourself! Changes can be good, bad, or even be viewed as just what they are, a change. Stop standing on one side of the fence, hop on top, and learn to see from different views.

Good for you! Ya sound like a man who understands what he can afford and then goes for just that. That's not the case for a lot of the gents here, in case ya didn't notice. :-)

Slim, I now have a lady crush! Let's do lunch! Lol. '-) Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Yes please! I would love to. PM me and we can exchange phone numbers
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Yes please! I would love to. PM me and we can exchange phone numbers Originally Posted by Slim.
LOL.....will do!

(I know you realize all the imaginations that just went berserk imagining how our lunch date would actually go down! Could this be a better job? I can't understand those who wanna make it uncomfortable, can you?)
I've had that happen to me in the business world. It might be worse because I've already done the work and then get shorted. Amazingly, they get upset when I cancel the account. I don't want to hear, "It's just business" when someone screws me over.

I treat all of my clients the same. I don't give discounts to one over the other. I give the same 110% effort to each and demand the same amount. I think that any of my clients would be offended if they found out that I was giving a break to one and not them. Originally Posted by EZ.
I totally agree with you, which is why I stopped allowing certain clients to get away with some things, like continuing to pay the special rate all the time, even when I'm not running a special. I continued to allow them to walk all over me, in fear of losing them, but then I realized I don't need to spend my time with someone who won't respect me completely and takes advantage of my kindness. I used to have a lot of issues when I first started out in the hobby in California, posting alerts left and right. And then I realized...yes, these assholes are pond scum, but I am clearly doing something wrong to attract this sort of attention on a regular basis and I realized what my problem was: I was too nice. I wouldn't let someone know i was bothered by their actions until well after the incident occurred and instead of bringing it up right then and there, I would just whine about it online. It was definitely immature on my part. So now I speak up. And I reject more than I see and that's to avoid having a bad experience. If I am annoyed by someone before I see them in person, then the chemistry is already off and it will not be fun for either of us. There's no need to torment myself, no matter how much I love good ol' Benjamin. I love me much more.

Not only did allowing clients to disrespect me hurt my business, it hurt my self esteem as well. I began feeling like a toy...a worthless toy that was here just for a quick load blow and that's all I was good for. It was not pretty. I began thinking it was this hobby, but it wasn't. It was me being too lenient and allowing people to mistreat me time and time again without saying a word.

Sorry for the ramble. One thing I love about the hobby here in Dallas is the fact that these ladies are much more beautiful on the inside and out than in California. They are all so sweet and caring and willing to help out in any way possible. And honestly, whoever takes advantage of that has no soul.
LOL.....will do!

(I know you realize all the imaginations that just went berserk imagining how our lunch date would actually go down! Could this be a better job? I can't understand those who wanna make it uncomfortable, can you?) Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
HAHA! I bet they are imagining oil wrestling right now
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
HAHA! I bet they are imagining oil wrestling right now Originally Posted by Slim.
Well, I do tell clients I am the lube Queen! Not that I need lube, cause that's not a problem if a fella knows what he's doin'. Rather because slippin' n slidin' feels great! Especially, when I use my hands to give the kinda "massage" gents always seem to like. Have ya experienced a full body massage using great smelling massage oils? I enjoy one called Intimo, and the scent is called Sensuality! It's just as great to give one of those massages as it is to receive. It smells awesome!
  • EZ.
  • 01-13-2015, 01:31 PM
You are right the statement was very clear. Stop trying to look through jaded muddy lenses. Specials and discounts offered by the ladies are not negotiations....they are gifts!

Once again, i mostly amuse myself, so I can see how that might be. Things change all the time, hon. Don't kid yourself! Changes can be good, bad, or even be viewed as just what they are, a change. Stop standing on one side of the fence, hop on top, and learn to see from different views.

Good for you! Ya sound like a man who understands what he can afford and then goes for just that. That's not the case for a lot of the gents here, in case ya didn't notice. :-)

Slim, I now have a lady crush! Let's do lunch! Lol. '-) Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
I believe you might have a reading comprehension issue. Here is atf searcher's post (to which your responded):

I find it interesting that one the biggest problems is hagglers. Ladies I've got news for you the reason guys haggle is because you keep giving them discounts.

I never use to haggle because I thought it was disrespectful, classless, and that the provider would not be motivated to give me her best effort. That was before I found out that dam near every guy that contacts a provider negotiates a lower rate. Negotiating is so common now that most guys feel like a shmuck if they pay a providers posted rate.

I wouldn't mind paying a providers posted rate if I knew that it was a fair rate but , why would I pay it when I know every other guy is getting a discount.
Now when I contact a provider I start out by haggling just like every other guy.
This is not my choice at all it is just the way you providers are doing business.

Nowhere did he say anything about specials. He is talking about negotiating on the first contact. Is this the change you are advocating? Is this the fence that you want me to jump on? It would definitely be a change, for me, seeing that I have never tried to negotiate and usually leave a tip.

"Ya sound like a man who understands what he can afford and then goes for just that" "Afford?", I don't operate in the bargain basement. I go for women that I'm attracted to.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I believe you might have a reading comprehension issue. Here is atf searcher's post (to which your responded):

I find it interesting that one the biggest problems is hagglers. Ladies I've got news for you the reason guys haggle is because you keep giving them discounts.

I never use to haggle because I thought it was disrespectful, classless, and that the provider would not be motivated to give me her best effort. That was before I found out that dam near every guy that contacts a provider negotiates a lower rate. Negotiating is so common now that most guys feel like a shmuck if they pay a providers posted rate.

I wouldn't mind paying a providers posted rate if I knew that it was a fair rate but , why would I pay it when I know every other guy is getting a discount.
Now when I contact a provider I start out by haggling just like every other guy.
This is not my choice at all it is just the way you providers are doing business.

Nowhere did he say anything about specials. He is talking about negotiating on the first contact. Is this the change you are advocating? Is this the fence that you want me to jump on? It would definitely be a change, for me, seeing that I have never tried to negotiate and usually leave a tip.

"Ya sound like a man who understands what he can afford and then goes for just that" "Afford?", I don't operate in the bargain basement. I go for women that I'm attracted to. Originally Posted by EZ.

But keep trying to pick my words apart if ya like. I admit I ain't perfect and I do love to learn, so school me, hon!

Edit: said the Debutante to the tongue twisted frog! LOL. (Couldn't resist, I needed to laugh)

Edit2: i had no intent to indicate you operated from the bargain basement. Defensive much? I'm sorry you failed to comprehend as it was meant. My bad, yet again!
  • EZ.
  • 01-13-2015, 02:14 PM
I totally agree with you, which is why I stopped allowing certain clients to get away with some things, like continuing to pay the special rate all the time, even when I'm not running a special. I continued to allow them to walk all over me, in fear of losing them, but then I realized I don't need to spend my time with someone who won't respect me completely and takes advantage of my kindness. I used to have a lot of issues when I first started out in the hobby in California, posting alerts left and right. And then I realized...yes, these assholes are pond scum, but I am clearly doing something wrong to attract this sort of attention on a regular basis and I realized what my problem was: I was too nice. I wouldn't let someone know i was bothered by their actions until well after the incident occurred and instead of bringing it up right then and there, I would just whine about it online. It was definitely immature on my part. So now I speak up. And I reject more than I see and that's to avoid having a bad experience. If I am annoyed by someone before I see them in person, then the chemistry is already off and it will not be fun for either of us. There's no need to torment myself, no matter how much I love good ol' Benjamin. I love me much more.

Not only did allowing clients to disrespect me hurt my business, it hurt my self esteem as well. I began feeling like a toy...a worthless toy that was here just for a quick load blow and that's all I was good for. It was not pretty. I began thinking it was this hobby, but it wasn't. It was me being too lenient and allowing people to mistreat me time and time again without saying a word.

Sorry for the ramble. One thing I love about the hobby here in Dallas is the fact that these ladies are much more beautiful on the inside and out than in California. They are all so sweet and caring and willing to help out in any way possible. And honestly, whoever takes advantage of that has no soul. Originally Posted by Slim.
Never allow anyone to disrespect or mistreat you. Of course, it will effect your self image. It is how you react to the bully in the school yard. You have to defend yourself. You don't have a friend without mutual respect.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Never allow anyone to disrespect or mistreat you. Of course, it will effect your self image. It is how you react to the bully in the school yard. You have to defend yourself. You don't have a friend without mutual respect. Originally Posted by EZ.
Sage advice that I believe in. But, you scoffed at me me for pointing out I don't like cursing and even laughed as if to ridicule such a notion, and then acted as if I was trying to come off as a Prima Donna/Debutante. Not so, I have other reasons, and had ya bothered to ask, I woulda been happy to share, but ya didn't.

Then you proceeded to tell me I have a reading comprehension problem, when I don't believe that to be the case, but you're entitled to your opinion. Not to mention the fact, you totally took a remark I made and twisted it outta all kinda proportion. Who really has the comprehension problem, hon?

Just know, I have true compassion for those who know not what they do or say.

And btw, your words had zero effect on my self image. I think I done good, at the very least, in defending myself, and hopefully provided a laugh for others and maybe even you. What do you think?
Damn, I figured tire kickers and hagglers, but Dick Sweat, man that's the name for a new pulp detective!

I live by a few simple rules as regards the ladies:

Everyone is born with one asshole, and that's enough. Which means try not audition to be your provider's number 2. Asshole, that is.

We all have just so much time, so don't waste yours or anybody else's.

If you look at the world through shit colored glasses, what do you expect to see?

Cinderella doesn't work here.

From my dear friend PrettyFuckingMarvelous, wash yer ass and buff yer nails!

Don't whine. To your hooker or about your hooker.

All of the above shit goes for providers as well. This hobby is about professionally applied intimacy. If you can't grasp that concept, go buy some model trains.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Damn, I figured tire kickers and hagglers, but Dick Sweat, man that's the name for a new pulp detective!

I live by a few simple rules as regards the ladies:

My dad said everyone was born with one asshole, and that was enough. Which I took to mean that I wasn't supposed to audition to be a second. Asshole, that is.

He also said we all have just so much time, so don't waste yours or anybody else's.

If you look at the world through shit colored glasses, what do you expect to see?

Cinderella doesn't work here.

From my dear friend PrettyFuckingMarvelous, wash yer ass and buff yer nails!

Don't whine. To your hooker or about your hooker. Originally Posted by phildo
My second crush in 24 hours! It's officially a record. Something about folks who use common sense, take good advice, and make it their own, just gets me all dreamy eyed and excited! What can I say.....I'm easy that way!

Except for wordy durd which has no value to me, but no one is perfect! I get that! '-)
  • EZ.
  • 01-13-2015, 03:40 PM
Sage advice that I believe in. But, you scoffed at me me for pointing out I don't like cursing and even laughed as if to ridicule such a notion, and then acted as if I was trying to come off as a Prima Donna/Debutante. Not so, I have other reasons, and had ya bothered to ask, I woulda been happy to share, but ya didn't.

Then you proceeded to tell me I have a reading comprehension problem, when I don't believe that to be the case, but you're entitled to your opinion. Not to mention the fact, you totally took a remark I made and twisted it outta all kinda proportion. Who really has the comprehension problem, hon?

Just know, I have true compassion for those who know not what they do or say.

And btw, your words had zero effect on my self image. I think I done good, at the very least, in defending myself, and hopefully provided a laugh for others and maybe even you. What do you think? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Debate is not hate speech. The fact that I don't agree, with you, doesn't imply disrespect. It simply means we don't agree. If I thought what you were saying was nonsense, I would have accepted that, without challenge.

Zero effect on your self image? Wow, you must think I'm a mean person. Now, that really takes me by surprise.

I'm sorry that you took my "debutante" comment, personally. I guess I failed at my attempt at humor.

"said the Debutante to the tongue twisted frog! LOL" Now that was funny.