Impeach Kavanaugh!

pussycat's Avatar
Rodney King comes to mind. He was a big 'un too. They tasered him 4 times and he kept coming. The took the batons to him and he kept coming. Took four men with batons to subdue him. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yes they batoned him real good when he was on the ground.

If you believe that he was being beaten while lying on the ground like that because he was a threat to the officers then I have a bridge in London I'd like to sell you.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I do not believe the Grand Jury was a joke or rigged. However, I thought the prosecutor dropped the ball by not charging the witnesses that lied. Things like the "hands up" nonsense, he was walking away, gentle giant, he was surrendering - all proven to be lies by actual eye witnesses that were actually present and saw, i.e. witnessed, the ordeal. Many of the liars were not even present. But I get why the prosecutor didn't want o go after them, I just disagree with the decision to let them skate.

Grand Jury? Is that a joke. The Grand Jury was stacked to obtain a No Bill, as is the case in most such cases, including all those in Austin in which cops shoot unarmed men. Call me old fashioned but I still believe in the code of the West that there is nothing more dishonorable than to shoot an unarmed man. Originally Posted by pussycat