Yssup Rider's Avatar
He should apologize for that, and get the law changed to favor native born Americans. Originally Posted by DSK
Like Ex-pats like you, JL?
  • DSK
  • 12-06-2015, 06:10 PM
Like Ex-pats like you, JL? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not JL, I'm not an Ex-pat, and I have never been banned.

You are a tiresome, sodomite promoting, #GruberedMoron.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a tiresome, sodomite promoting, #GruberedMoron. Originally Posted by DSK
With emphasis on the "GRUBEREDMORON"!!

In fact YouRong is the GRUBERED POSTER CHILD
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not JL, I'm not an Ex-pat, and I have never been banned.

You are a tiresome, sodomite promoting, #GruberedMoron. Originally Posted by DSK
And you are a bet welshing, multi handle posting, xenophobic asshole with admitted anger issues who continually calls for the deaths of members of this board.

What is your rank in the "Highland Park" chapter of ISIS?

You must be happy that your patron is back, IBJunior! He's still on my short list for Dipshit of the Century.
  • DSK
  • 12-07-2015, 09:14 AM
And you are a bet welshing, multi handle posting, xenophobic asshole with admitted anger issues who continually calls for the deaths of members of this board.

What is your rank in the "Highland Park" chapter of ISIS?

You must be happy that your patron is back, IBJunior! He's still on my short list for Dipshit of the Century. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am none of the derogatory things you crudely accused me of being. I think your death is the only one I've advocated, and that is your choice - suicide - one that would improve this country and would prove you love America.

If you had any style, you would do a ritualistic suicide with a sword.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
First person to suggest that was JL, JL! He did it a half dozen times before you took his place in the welshing world.


  • DSK
  • 12-07-2015, 06:16 PM
First person to suggest that was JL, JL! He did it a half dozen times before you took his place in the welshing world.


LMAO!!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Jokes on you, asshole - I read his shit - he is kinda funny!!! A bit too partial to Israel for my taste, though.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trump ceiling is 1/4 of the right which is 1/8 of the total vote.
He doesn't stand a chance and he will self destruct.
If it came down to him or Hillary I would have to think real hard

Or....... Costa Rica here I come.
Trump's speech tonight was like a longwinded Homer Simpson's speech. No body in the press corps can vet anyone anymore.

Hillary is still a stupid cunt.
Cruz is a smart lawyer but we aren't carpet bombing anyone into submission.
Bernie is a communist.
Carley is a smarter cunt than Hillary but a bad businesswoman.
Jeb! looks fat and impotent.
Christie looks fat but not impotent.
Ben Carson appears to have fallen off the map.

It's between Rubio and Putin for me.
<coin flip>
For now.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trump's speech tonight was like a longwinded Homer Simpson's speech. No body in the press corps can vet anyone anymore.

Hillary is still a stupid cunt.
Cruz is a smart lawyer but we aren't carpet bombing anyone into submission.
Bernie is a communist.
Carley is a smarter cunt than Hillary but a bad businesswoman.
Jeb! looks fat and impotent.
Christie looks fat but not impotent.
Ben Carson appears to have fallen off the map.

It's between Rubio and Putin for me.
<coin flip>
For now. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Rubio/Putin 2016
lustylad's Avatar
Rubio/Putin 2016 Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Rubio/Fiorina is the winning ticket.... if Carly is #2 on the ticket no one cares about her business record, and she will be a huge and constant pain in the ass for the Hildabeast.

Rubio/Fiorina is the winning ticket.... if Carly is #2 on the ticket no one cares about her business record, and she will be a huge and constant pain in the ass for the Hildabeast.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You heard it here, Lusty Tard has thrown down the gauntlet. Rubio and Fiorina it is.

A loser picking two losers. Big surprise.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Regrets and Exposure...

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What say I?

You're Donald trump with no money. No one cares when you make an ass of yourself over and over and over again like they do trump. He (and you) is just sarah palin except she has a bigger dick than y'all. He is guaranteeing a democrat victory for the whitehouse. Just like sarah palin did.

As far as your question in your cry for help goes let me say this.

I bitch slapped you twice for being trusting of your boy friend and his "information".
Let's just leave it at that.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Rubio/Fiorina is the winning ticket.... if Carly is #2 on the ticket no one cares about her business record, and she will be a huge and constant pain in the ass for the Hildabeast.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I like that ticket too. Fiorina can be like a rodeo clown to Hillary. Age instead of gender would then be the issue and it would be the cat fight of the century and worth paying money to see. Meanwhile Rubio stays above the fray..

Hillary looked really puffy in the eyes and face on her last interview. I think the years of heavy drinking have taken their toll on her..
lustylad's Avatar
You heard it here, Lusty Tard has thrown down the gauntlet. Rubio and Fiorina it is.

A loser picking two losers. Big surprise. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I expressed my preference, not a prediction, but of course a jizzbrain like you doesn't know the difference.

I like that ticket too. Fiorina can be like a rodeo clown to Hillary. Age instead of gender would then be the issue and it would be the cat fight of the century and worth paying money to see. Meanwhile Rubio stays above the fray... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
My thoughts too. Carly has a sharp biting tongue. Rubio is strong on foreign policy and will rip Madame Secretary's record to shreds. They both know how to avoid gaffes. Both have names that end in a vowel - they're not WASPY establishment types. Pairing a Hispanic and a woman will blow up the dimocrat strategy of playing identity politics.... Lots to like!
