PROVIDER?? Do you currently have a REAL JOB or are in COLLEGE

harkontume's Avatar
[QUOTE=klovve;1055309808]I'm here for the sex.

Education, check.
"Job", check.

harkontume's Avatar
I have have been in Business for over 30 years.
Worked for others and owned my own.
Succeeded, failed , succeed, and so on.
I have never understood what a General Business Degree got you , or taught you.
The best thing to have in business is an IDEA.
Then you have to be uneducated enough to believe it can be implemented.
I got a "BA" way back when because I enjoyed Liberal Arts. Girls were hotter, and hornier and much more abundant. Classes where interesting - history- anthropology- Poly Sci- Philosophy - Acting - Psych
Did I mention the girls.
Pitfall's Avatar
#1 - Get a 2nd language and study overseas - for a summer at least, a year if possible Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook
Not sure what you mean by "get" a second language, but studying a foreign language is an outstanding way to develop logic and understanding of your own language. It's also a great way to understand other people and the nature of communication. I've studied 3 foreign languages, all very different, and every time I came away with a great new appreciation for how "they" think. I've retained almost nothing of what I learned in terms of the actual languages due to lack of use, but what I learned about language as a concept has stuck with me and enriched my life.

I'm not so sure that having a second language is real useful as an American, unless it's for a specific purpose, like doing business in China. The process of learning one, however, is very useful for anyone.

I think studying abroad should be strongly encouraged, if not required. There are few better ways to help develop a well-rounded person than to drop them into a foreign land as a youth. The semester I spent abroad taught me a lot about people and myself, and it improved my confidence in my ability to solve any problem. You've got to learn to be resourceful when you need to rent an apartment and buy food when you can't even read the street signs.

#2 - If you study Liberal or Fine Arts, get a minor in Science, Math or Business. If you get a degree in Science, Math or Business get a minor in Liberal or Fine Arts.
It's a nice idea, but I'm not sure it's practical in most cases. At least not if your major is Science or Math or Engineering. I don't think the engineering school I went to even offered a liberal arts minor. And even if they did, the extra classes would have been too much to justify. At the school where I went, it was fairly rare to finish a BS in only 4 years. None of my friends did. The smartest of us finished in 4-1/2.

I can't speak to the practicality of a humanities major with a STEMS minor. I do know a young man who majored in English and took a few programming courses, and now he's a programmer. So obviously that worked out for him.

#3 - It doesn't really matter what you get it in, just get it in four or five years if you possibly can. You can always get a 2nd degree or Masters/Ph.D. to build upon it if you want.
I agree with the idea, but the practicality of a second Bachelors or graduate isn't very high unless you've somehow got the money for it. College costs a LOT now. Considerably more than it did even 10 years ago. I'll be paying off my student debt for another 20 years (I finished school 10 years ago and refinanced for 30), because I borrowed heavily, and my student loans are paltry compared to what you have to borrow to go to school today.
I have my business degree and since I went to a expensive redonkulous school I am like 50,000 in debt and can not return unless I pay the shit off or at least start lol they call like every friggin day Errrr)
I would like to go again and get another degree in Criminal Justice but until I figure something out I am stuck with just business.

Had a real job and when I worked my but off as a manager and my two week check was as much or if not less then what I can make in a day that was a real turn off.

I do agree though that I cant do this forever, and there is no retirement plan, unless they give alll us girls one lol (I can wish) sooner or later I am going to need to find something in my field, but I want to find something in the range of helping kids or owning own business (legally).
I have plans to.go to a for auto mechanics and get a degree in business after I have this baby. I have always had a dream of owning my own female Run female owned mechanic shop Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
That is awesome!

Ps- Congrats on the new baby let us know what sex it is when you find out
I'm still in school, and this business helps me have a little more breathing room financially.
I'm still in school, and this business helps me have a little more breathing room financially. Originally Posted by Cutestudent
I couldn't agree more!
I would love to not HAVE to do this, but I really sincerely enjoy the resulting smiles and sighs.
I would love to not HAVE to do this, but I really sincerely enjoy the resulting smiles and sighs. Originally Posted by Lady Elizabeth
Hope you enjoyed your stay in ATX
I honestly think it's wonderful that we as women have the opportunity to fund our educations and futures in a way that empowers us, be it stripping, massage or hobby. The best thing for anyone is to take money earned and first invest in schooling, save and the invest in good property. I've done this and am happy that I can dedicate my time to my studies while providing massage and being a landlord.

For those who argue that college guarantee a career, well, it doesn't. I've accepted that fact though and in all honesty am in it for the pursuit of knowledge and to further conduct my field studies (bio major, microbio minor). Texas has been a great place for me to learn and grow further. I've found everything I want here and doing massage has truly helped
GenesisNicole's Avatar
<~Highly Educated. Born and went to school Abroad. Currently own my own business (Bakery) and starting in another field, which those that know me are aware.

<3 A strong, motivated, independent woman


~Genesis Nicole~
<~Highly Educated. Born and went to school Abroad. Currently own my own business (Bakery) and starting in another field, which those that know me are aware.

<3 A strong, motivated, independent woman


~Genesis Nicole~
Originally Posted by GenesisNicole

She said bakery YUMMM!
She said bakery YUMMM! Originally Posted by Annika
No kidding! I didn't know about this bakery! I love to bake...GN and I just keep finding more things we have in common!
No kidding! I didn't know about this bakery! I love to bake...GN and I just keep finding more things we have in common! Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Who doesn't love an EDUCATED BAKER hell yes
Job + School + Providing.
Make my own hours at vanilla job
go to school 6 credit hrs a month in the summer and 18 credit hrs during regular semesters
And well, take a couple of clients a week.