Providers, is it important or necessary for you to like your clients?

Well hell just froze over, pigs must be flying.. i can't believe it..

but that was my point.. most people in their daily JOB have people they don't care for.. they still work with, do business with that person or people because its what they signed up to do and it pays their bills.. doesn't mean i am pathetic or miserable..its still sex.. i just don't like something about them

but as was said..and I forgot about.. usually it doesn't matter if i dislike the guy.. the ones that I can't stand, don't come back cuz they can't stand me either.. so no worries.. good point there..

The scariest part of this thread is that for the first time in history, I actually agree with Deanna.

This is actually not a subject that applies to "all." So there is not a blanket answer. There is no right or wrong answer. Each lady can, and does, do her own thing. You have some ladies who will see a guy regardless because she needs the money. You have others who say no way in hell, I don't need it that bad.

I can only speak for myself. I don't always like every guy I see. But this is my current job. How many of you like your jobs every day? You probably don't, yet you get up every day and go to work. Why? Because you have a family to take care of and bills to pay.

Liking them, however, does help. It makes for a better session. The mileage is greater if they are good to me. These are the ones who come before anybody else.

There are many times I have seen guys I don't particularly care for. Why? Because I have a family to take care of and bills to pay. I'm not a 20 year old 100 pound blonde who has 3 calls coming in for every one I turn away. I'm not lucky enough to pick and choose like some can.

Does that make my job harder? Why yes, it does. But you know what? You are paying me for a good illusion and that's what you are going to get.

Now having said that, there are times where I come across guys that I just absolutely cannot stand for one reason or another. But you know what? If I dislike him that much, it affects that same illusion. I'm sure he picks up on that and at the end, doesn't too much care for me either. So no worries he is going to call me again and put me in the position of having to make that decision of whether or not to see him. So it's a moot point. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Precision45's Avatar
This all seems much to do about nothing. Fact of the matter is that you don't know if you'll like each other until you meet face to face and start to talk. I've been with many gals who I just love to death and return repeatedly, and there are others who I wish I had dove through the walls to get away from.

I come into each visit with an open mind and no false illusions of real passion or love. At the end of the day, the gals count their money and I hopefully have a great experience to remember.

Everyone wants to be liked, hell yeah. However, this is not the place to be looking for validation that you are a likeable person. I don't know....I'm just rambling.
I think the key here is that all providers responding to this thread speak for themselves rather than generalizing or acting as Provider Spokeswoman.

This is a very personal question and I answered honestly as did most of the others. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Too right.

For myself, I'm of the opinion that hobbyists, especially most of my repeat clients, already have a woman who will tolerate them because there's money involved - their wife. No guy is going to be happy about spending cash on me when he could have gotten the same thinly-veiled tolerance of his presence at home. I aim for better. If I can't come through for a gent, best for both of us that he be allowed to find someone who can.

Too right.

For myself, I'm of the opinion that hobbyists, especially most of my repeat clients, already have a woman who will tolerate them because there's money involved - their wife. No guy is going to be happy about spending cash on me when he could have gotten the same thinly-veiled tolerance of his presence at home. I aim for better. If I can't come through for a gent, best for both of us that he be allowed to find someone who can.

YMMV. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
I couldn't have said it better.