What Would You Do if Client LIED about his ethnicity to get past your screening?

GingerKatt's Avatar
I don't see anything wrong with having mother's milk. It's healthier than cow milk for humans, because we're not baby cows, who cow's milk is designed for.
And mother's milk is on a supply and demand schedule. The more it's drunk, the more the mother makes.
And I've tasted it myself a couple of times!

And ladies, you can make some good extra money by selling your milk online. For mothers that can't breastfeed due to mastectomy, illness , meds she's on, or she just doesn't want to. And everyone knows that breast milk is so much better for the baby.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Says the old white guy. TTH, stfu on this subject. Originally Posted by Boltfan
You don't think old white guys can recognize racism? You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
Chung Tran's Avatar
How often have you people if ever called the cops?? She couldn't help what he did he had been raping woman.. She would had been it. Originally Posted by Velvetangeltouch
given your previous comments, I have to ask nervously... just exactly who is "you people"?

I disagree.. threatening the guy to get him to leave only moved him to the next victim, her neighbor.. calling the police would have likely saved both of them.
How often have you people if ever called the cops?? It takes them forever to respond... When they do they've gotten where they don't really do anything.. Don't get me wrong but with the cops being shot and sued etc.. It's become a society where ya better stick up for yourself.. To the rest that will bad mouth this I am from the country and we didn't have a cop til I was in my teens.. Neighbors helped neighbors.. And now cops just try to defuse situations and inform you it's a civil matter.. So if you want to put your life in the hands of someone you don't even know good luck with that. As for what I said prior the point was he left her alone by her saying that he did hurt her. She couldn't help what he did he had been raping woman.. She would had been it. The average for a cop to show up ranges 30 min to hour give or take. How long does it take to pull a trigger? And if you were to actually grab a gun would depend how fast you are to unholster it before they are on top of you. Sure guns aren't always the answer. But I would sure recommend some good self defense classes.. As you the smart remark about the lies etc and honest hookers and johns.. The only thing you don't know my name.. I'm as blunt and as honest as I can be and try to be with everyone from my show case to my opinion. I've taken a lot shit since I've been on here. But sincerely you'd never met anyone like me in this town im not trying to be arrogant I'm just on the bounds I have nothing to hide I am what I am.. And I'm sincere blunt to the point sometimes a smart ass.. But I do care about people and safety... When your in danger remember it you or them... Things are sutuational and we're all different and think different nothing wrong with that it just sometimes makes things interesting!!! She did the right thing not opening the door in this case listen to gut instinct sometimes keeps you alive! Originally Posted by Velvetangeltouch
Ok, in your first post you insult AA's, in this post you infer that it is a waste of time to ever call the police because they are always slow to respond, when they do they don't do shit and are pretty much useless. You are shallow, and extremely unattractive in multiple ways.
StopShort's Avatar
As many others have said, the OP should have called the cops. I'm not a fan of misrepresenting yourself and then being a complete asshat once you're found out.

I've always let providers know that I'm AA. I just want them to know in case anything has changed with them or they will know who to look for coming to their door. I've actually been able to crack a few providers NBA policies because they've checked references and been told that I was a gentleman. So, there are a few providers with NBA policies that may relax that policy if you can be validated as a gent.
Boltfan's Avatar
You don't think old white guys can recognize racism? You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You are causing the wind.
snarl's Avatar
  • snarl
  • 06-10-2016, 02:26 PM
given your previous comments, I have to ask nervously... just exactly who is "you people"? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You mean...
To get back on topic, its fucked up he lied and said he was Asian knowing your rules. And to say Asian at that...when he probably wasn't even close to looking asian.
What this thread has devolved into is so wrong on so many levels.

OP did the right thing by ignoring him until he went away.

I would go one step further and report the incident on all the blacklists as well as an alert in the ladies' section here.

Get yourself a can of wasp spray and small hand held can of pepper spray... much better than a firearm for scuffles in residential areas.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Get yourself a can of wasp spray and small hand held can of pepper spray... much better than a firearm for scuffles in residential areas. Originally Posted by Putanna Di Classe
I appreciate your redirection of the thread, but I think this advice is worse than brandishing the 45! if the Guy is crazy.. and we have some reason to believe he is, he already impersonated and lied to get to the door.. threatening him with wasp spray or mace may piss him off, and potentially cause real harm to the OP and her baby.. it's easy to be tough with internet advice, but this is real life, her goal should be to DIFFUSE the situation.
Ted E. Bear's Avatar
First, sorry you found yourself in such a situation.

This is not an issue of race. It is an issue of deceit and inappropriate behavior.

Your screening failed to catch his deceit. That is problematic. You should address that.

The client overtly lied by claiming he was something he was not. He sought to purposely circumvent your conditions upon seeing him. His intent on being deceitful should cause you not to open the door. And you should not communicate with him beyond the one time stating why you wouldn't see him and that should only be done by text or a phone call.

His behavior at your door, in the parking lot and through text was inappropriate and troubling enough to cause you some concern about your safety. If you were truly concerned about your safety, you should have called the police to make sure he understood that harassment or intimidation is criminal and carries consequences.

You should let the other providers know his handle in the ladies-only area. His deceit and behavior could be an indicator of larger issues, exhibited when he doesn't get what he wants.

I agree with others, you should not escalate matters telling him you are armed with a gun or mace. If you are that fearful in the moment, call the police. You were safe in your dwelling, not need to boast what you are going to do. But you do have a right to protect yourself. If you have the proper weapons training and permits, you can arm yourself with the weapon of your choice and use it if you feel you are going to be seriously harmed.

Finally, to those who would make this about race. It's not. This is about preference and ultimately deceit. The client could have lied about his age, weight, height, hair color, eye color, etc. If the provider deems she wants to see a select group, it is her right. Just as it is the right of the client to determine the type of provider that appeals to him.

In this case the provider appealed to the client, but the client was not appealing to his provider, because it didn't meet her preference and he overtly lied about it.

Personally, I am not offended by providers stating their preference in their ads. These are advertisements. They are meant to appeal to the market the ladies are trying to attract. A provider is free to make her money in the manner and with whom she feels is best for her. Maybe the term NBA (No Blacks Allowed, No Blacks Accepted) is a bit insensitive, but damn grow some thicker skin. The ads are helpful for nothing else than letting you know you don't have to waste your time getting screened. Imagine if the no AA or NBA were removed because of political correctness, and then black men seeking to appointment were repeatedly turned down after going through screening, with no explanation.

This hobby is built on choice. I am free to spend my money on providers that appeal to me. I don't want someone dictating to me that I have to spend my money on a provider that does not appeal to me.
Stop caping for these chicks... she didn't screen him at all

All these essays are pointless...

Providers with race/age/weight restrictions need to be more thorough p p

If a provider doesn't want to see a FAT/OLD/BLACK/INDIAN client... screening will take care of that

How exactly are you screening a client without verifying his age,ethnicity with the refs he provided??

Only way one is getting around screening is if his refs lie for him

Lets be honest.. most providers do not screen at all

Doesn't matter where your client comes from... BP,eccie or p411,verify his info with other providers before seeing him
MarkusH's Avatar
First, sorry you found yourself in such a situation.

This is not an issue of race. It is an issue of deceit and inappropriate behavior.

Your screening failed to catch his deceit. That is problematic. You should address that.

The client overtly lied by claiming he was something he was not. He sought to purposely circumvent your conditions upon seeing him. His intent on being deceitful should cause you not to open the door. And you should not communicate with him beyond the one time stating why you wouldn't see him and that should only be done by text or a phone call.

His behavior at your door, in the parking lot and through text was inappropriate and troubling enough to cause you some concern about your safety. If you were truly concerned about your safety, you should have called the police to make sure he understood that harassment or intimidation is criminal and carries consequences.

You should let the other providers know his handle in the ladies-only area. His deceit and behavior could be an indicator of larger issues, exhibited when he doesn't get what he wants.

I agree with others, you should not escalate matters telling him you are armed with a gun or mace. If you are that fearful in the moment, call the police. You were safe in your dwelling, not need to boast what you are going to do. But you do have a right to protect yourself. If you have the proper weapons training and permits, you can arm yourself with the weapon of your choice and use it if you feel you are going to be seriously harmed.

Finally, to those who would make this about race. It's not. This is about preference and ultimately deceit. The client could have lied about his age, weight, height, hair color, eye color, etc. If the provider deems she wants to see a select group, it is her right. Just as it is the right of the client to determine the type of provider that appeals to him.

In this case the provider appealed to the client, but the client was not appealing to his provider, because it didn't meet her preference and he overtly lied about it.

Personally, I am not offended by providers stating their preference in their ads. These are advertisements. They are meant to appeal to the market the ladies are trying to attract. A provider is free to make her money in the manner and with whom she feels is best for her. Maybe the term NBA (No Blacks Allowed, No Blacks Accepted) is a bit insensitive, but damn grow some thicker skin. The ads are helpful for nothing else than letting you know you don't have to waste your time getting screened. Imagine if the no AA or NBA were removed because of political correctness, and then black men seeking to appointment were repeatedly turned down after going through screening, with no explanation.

This hobby is built on choice. I am free to spend my money on providers that appeal to me. I don't want someone dictating to me that I have to spend my money on a provider that does not appeal to me. Originally Posted by Ted E. Bear
Good solid advice.

To the OP, since your current condition puts you in physical limitations, for your safety you should screen thoroughly. Probably, the best response would have been to text or say to the hobbiest in question that you are going to call the cops. That would have made him leave. If you really needed to call the cops, you could have said that there is someone trying to break into your home.

For your safety, install deadbolts on your door. If you are comfortable and willing to use force (firearm/taser/mace etc) acquire one and practice. Do not brandish or announce their presence, but if the door gets kicked down, use it.

Stay safe.

You don't "brandish" mace. You spray the aggressor in the eyes quickly without them knowing you have it. This is why it's more effective than a gun. There is no fear of killing someone which completely eliminates the user's need to threaten or hesitate.

In this particular scenario mace was not needed. That being said, every woman should be sure to have some on hand in case someone tries to push their way in or assault you on your way to and from your car.

The tiny hand held ones can be completely palmed and carried discretely while walking back and forth to the car and/or opening the door to "strangers."

Your first and best defense will always be screaning. I do think if you have a race restriction you should ask each and every new client what their race is and not rely on them to volunteer it to you or even realize that you have a restriction. Any and all attempts to circumvent your restrictions once explained to the hobbyist should be posted in the ladies' section and on the various blacklists.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ok, in your first post you insult AA's, in this post you infer that it is a waste of time to ever call the police because they are always slow to respond, when they do they don't do shit and are pretty much useless. You are shallow, and extremely unattractive in multiple ways. Originally Posted by Golden Man
Oh, it's OK to insult us. We're the dregs of society.

Go ahead. We like it.