How many of you ladies have

  • Paven
  • 11-02-2011, 05:45 AM
I completely agree with Carrie. I don't have any because I'm not able to commit to the idea of having something on my body forever. I've seen some absolutely beautiful tattoos, and I've seen some that looked like they were applied during a drunken spring break trip. If it's meaningful and done by a good artist, I think they can be spectacular. But unfortunately, until they can invent tattoos that last for a few weeks at a time or something and I can get one on a whim with no commitment much like I get a manicure, I will be tattoo free. Originally Posted by Adrielle
Or there is always the Cracker Jack option as well.
I have one. I got it in 2002 and have no need to get more.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
How does God feel about the hooking? Originally Posted by SillyGirl

I never met him. I just know what he gave me and what he did not. I don't know how he feels about hooking. i don't do it and don't judge those who do. I do know that to climb a corporate ladder your baby daddy's name across your chest will not help you. They won't tell you why, yet they won't let you advance. I do not have any.

I've seen it happen to a gentlman who had a great skillset for the workplace but ue to the tattoo on his HAND he was not boardroom material.

That is why I ask how the gents feel about ladies having them.
MotoMoto's Avatar
I love tats on women. The more the better. In a perfect world I would have a "suicide girl" as my sugarbaby.

I also wish I had a job that would allow me to get full sleeves like the NFL players.
I never met him. I just know what he gave me and what he did not. I don't know how he feels about hooking. i don't do it and don't judge those who do. I do know that to climb a corporate ladder your baby daddy's name across your chest will not help you. They won't tell you why, yet they won't let you advance. I do not have any.

I've seen it happen to a gentlman who had a great skillset for the workplace but ue to the tattoo on his HAND he was not boardroom material.

That is why I ask how the gents feel about ladies having them. Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Maybe you should stop hanging out with people with no common sense.

And couching this thread in "Oh I just wanted to see how the gentlemen feel" when you just wanted to bash on women with tattoos (again big fucking difference between stripper tats and good ones) is sad and transparent. Although you do get credit for waiting until the second or third page to make your agenda clear.
Oh.........almost forgot........I wonder which is more harmful in the long run..........tattoos that can be covered by a tshirt or posting your face all over a hooker board?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
WOW! Your an angry escort. I'm not bashing anyone. I would say the same thing about implants and other items I dislike.

Geez sorry a MAN (not woman bashing) did not get hired due to a tat on HIS HAND...I really touched a nerve with you on this. WOW! Just get it removed if you don't like it, who cares what I think, I'm not paying you.

If I were bashing it would not be veiled at all. I honstly want to know how men feel about them. If YOU like them great, if not don't get one....Geeez

As for hanging out with "people with no common sense"... How would you even know who I hang out with? THAT is a silly assumption. Maybe I hang around Jewish people who want to be burried in a Jewish Cemetary....You are indeed silly
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Oh.........almost forgot........I wonder which is more harmful in the long run..........tattoos that can be covered by a tshirt or posting your face all over a hooker board? Originally Posted by SillyGirl

I guess we will see, your face is on here too my friend
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Ever heard of the Spider Hole? I'll send you an invite......
anaximander's Avatar
Tattoos are cheapening.
No quicker way to ruin a woman than ink.
As if God's creation lacked something.
Ink on a truly beautiful woman
is nothing less than blasphemy
of the highest order.

Lil non-distracting tats are tolerable.
At a certain point you're about as
attractive as a burn victim.

Tattoo's say one thing loud clear.
Damaged Goods
I love tats and plan on getting a lot more. I have 0 to worry about at work because my labcoat fully covers me. People automatically think I'm a geek and are shocked to see that I have tats. I know it is a turn off for some men but there are those who don't mind them. Am curious to see what kind of looks I will get when I show up to the VIP section of a golf tournement... Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
I am into the geeky looking girls myself reg. They can be quite freaky behind closed doors, and that is what I like.
John Bull's Avatar
This thread has become somewhat uncivil. Closed on OP's request.