Black Cop Driving F. Gray in Police Van in Baltimore Charged with 2nd Degree Murder!!

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Originally Posted by shanm
Hey, Cherie ... want a really good laugh ....

Here's his "solution" ....

Post 168 on 4/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to him:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

There you have it ....... "good ol' police work."

Just for starters ..... how many magazines would Shamless empty trying to shoot someone in the leg when they are running away beginning 10 yards away .... and how many bystanders would be hit by the misses, not to mention the other officers "racing" to the scene to backup his ass?

Remember this every time he posts:

"good ol' police work."

Do you honestly believe this little loud mouth twerp knows anything about what he spews onto this board? He is a friggin' joke. The more he posts the more he sounds like WTF ... couldn't find his fat ass with both hands.
NO ONE is arguing that most police officers are bad. In fact, get stopped by a police officer and 99 times out of a 100, it'll go without incident.

The question is, why is that 1/100 still happening? This isn't a scientific experiment. It's state officials appointed by law to serve and protect us.
Am I saying they can't make mistakes? Of course not. But it goes beyond that. It's much more than a mistake when you pull out your gun and shoot someone 8 times in the back. It's much more than a mistake when you choke someone to death because he was "suspected" of selling cigarettes. It's much more than a mistake when you have to beat an arrested suspect so bad that his spine tears off in half.

That goes way beyond protecting and serving in my book. Originally Posted by shanm
There really isn't any other job that I can think of where you spend your day looking for trouble. That's the whole reason why police officers all over this country patrol around the cities they work in to detect crime in progress whether it be a simple traffic violation to a burglary. Sometimes an officer may have to fight these people. Just because a guy where's a uniform and a badge doesn't mean people will listen and comply with you. The examples you mentioned are extreme. They seem to happening a bit too frequent lately. Police work requires a person to be disciplined they aren't in the business of lynching people for their own personal enjoyment. I personally have a big problem with the manner in which these incidents are being presented to us my the media. I believe what we are seeing are Psyops the circumstances are so hideous it's not even funny. Take this latest incident in Baltimore. We are suppose to believe that the Officers involved are so insensitive that they severed a mans spine by driving so wreck less he was tossed around in a police transport van like a marble in a tin can until his spine was severed then he was denied medical attention by officers in the jail. People have died in police custody and investigations are conducted. I am not buying this ridiculous story though.

Hey, Cherie ... want a really good laugh ....

Here's his "solution" ....

Post 168 on 4/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to him:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

There you have it ....... "good ol' police work."

Just for starters ..... how many magazines would Shamless empty trying to shoot someone in the leg when they are running away beginning 10 yards away .... and how many bystanders would be hit by the misses, not to mention the other officers "racing" to the scene to backup his ass?

Remember this every time he posts:

"good ol' police work."

Do you honestly believe this little loud mouth twerp knows anything about what he spews onto this board? He is a friggin' joke. The more he posts the more he sounds like WTF ... couldn't find his fat ass with both hands. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Good ole boys", I was certainly surprised to read that that term certainly denotes racism in quite a glaring way, not quite something that would be acceptable today, even though we have NAACP, black only colleges, TV, magazines, newspapers etc etc.

I liked what Hermain Cain said at one of his Atlanta rallies (can't find it, so I'll ad-lib):

Racism, Liberals say the Tea Party is racist. (as he looks at his skin and says, "am I missing something here") Racism!!! Let me tell you about racism, the NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, you don't here them say national advancement for ALL PEOPLE, no just colored people, now that's racism.
  • shanm
  • 05-03-2015, 06:30 PM

Do you honestly believe this little loud mouth twerp knows anything about what he spews onto this board? He is a friggin' joke. The more he posts the more he sounds like WTF ... couldn't find his fat ass with both hands. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well well well.....the "friggin joke" calls someone else the "friggin joke"!

Tell us, LLIdiot, how can I be the biggest joke when you've held that title for long before I even got here?
All those nomads passing through, surely one of them could have knocked you off that perch?

Was it WTF? Maybe. Maybe not!
You've gone full racist. You never go full racist.

I guess since you can't see your way to a brighter tomorrow, we should just give up. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't see the race of anybody mentioned in my post.

Thugs, thieves, street punks, drug dealers, drug addicts, inept polititians were mentioned, but no person's racial makeup.
I don't see the race of anybody mentioned in my post.

Thugs, thieves, street punks, drug dealers, drug addicts, inept polititians were mentioned, but no person's racial makeup. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Street thugs, punks, drug dealers, and thieves are now "revolutionaries"
The Bloods and Crips are now "peace keepers"
Al Sharpton is a "statesman".

This is clearly a reference to the people rioting, who are black. Bloods and crips are black gangs. Al Sharpton is obviously black. Don't try and disown what you said now.

And the 'animals' running the zoo comment. We know what animals is code for. C'mon man, at least own it.
Street thugs, punks, drug dealers, and thieves are now "revolutionaries"
The Bloods and Crips are now "peace keepers"
Al Sharpton is a "statesman".

This is clearly a reference to the people rioting, who are black. Bloods and crips are black gangs. Al Sharpton is obviously black. Don't try and disown what you said now.

And the 'animals' running the zoo comment. We know what animals is code for. C'mon man, at least own it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Would you prefer "inmates running the asylum"?
Where are the facts in the Gray case? Yes, what I've been writing. Fact: Gray's spine was not severed when he entered the van. How do we know this? The video of his arrest shows him moving his legs. It is possible that his neck was injured, but not to the point of severing his spine during his arrest. However, his spine was intact when he was put into the van. It was not intact when he was taken out. Fact: The idea that he could sever his own spine is simply laughable. Have you ever seen a human spine? It is very thick, fibrous, and tough. Even if the vertebrae has been broken, it still takes a great deal of force to sever the spine.... Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Even though the van is basically an unpadded steel box I find it hard to believe that a person in reasonably good shape and conscious could have their spine "severed" from a rough ride in what amounts to city streets. I know it's happened before and Baltimore was successfully sued by it. At this point, I think the mayor is throwing Baltimore under the bus hoping the Feds step in with "economic development" money.

Fact: His legs were working when he was placed in the van. This is confirmed from video footage. In essence, we were all there when he was arrested because we can all observe Gray moving his legs as he was being placed in the van.

Fact: When he was removed from the van, his legs were no longer working because his spine was severed.

There are two problems with the other detainee.... Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Given what the detainee originally said about Freddy slamming the partition in conscious manner it doesn't really matter that he was not there during the entire ride.

Any number of scenarios, including the rough ride one is plausible. Supposedly Freddy has an impression of the van door lock on his head. The police could have viciously slammed the door on him. He could have stood up just at a time the van took off from a stop light and unable to control his fall freakishly injured himself.

Are you guys fucking serious? Show me which "fact" is incorrect?... Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I'm surprised the autopsy hasn't been released. Like the Brown case, the family had their own autopsy done.

The fact is we don't know the facts. Like the Brown and Martin case, the media is selling "more questions than answers" hysteria. It's the stuff that fuels unrest and glues eyes to TV screens. I agree with your conclusion on what the video shows Freddy getting into the van.
Would you prefer "inmates running the asylum"? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Wombatraper would prefer his name on top of the site's post count...and a few sold "freelance articles."
Well well well.....the "friggin joke" calls someone else the "friggin joke"!

Tell us, LLIdiot, how can I be the biggest joke when you've held that title for long before I even got here?
All those nomads passing through, surely one of them could have knocked you off that perch?

Was it WTF? Maybe. Maybe not! Originally Posted by shanm
Interesting: "how can I be the biggest joke when you've held that title for long before I even got here?"

Because you are WTF or some other member of the Austin Reacharound Crew?
LexusLover's Avatar

I'm surprised the autopsy hasn't been released. Like the Brown case, the family had their own autopsy done.

The fact is we don't know the facts. Like the Brown and Martin case, the media is selling "more questions than answers" hysteria. It's the stuff that fuels unrest and glues eyes to TV screens. I agree with your conclusion on what the video shows Freddy getting into the van. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And the Garner (NYPD) case .... the autopsy told the "tale of the tape"!

The public will get to read the autopsy report on Gray after the fact, when the FACTS can be buried in an obscure story in the Saturday edition ... Page 20.

Without an autopsy report I'm still curious how ANYONE can "conclude" the cause of death was a "severed spinal cord."
Wombatraper would prefer his name on top of the site's post count...and a few sold "freelance articles." Originally Posted by gnadfly
And you'd prefer to be on top of a transvestite whoooore. We all have our crosses to bear.
Wow. You guys really haven't been following the facts of the case. Just never mind.
Wow. You guys really haven't been following the facts of the case. Just never mind. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
You think they're going to let facts get in the way of a juicy story where they get to be right? They don't give a shit about facts.
You think they're going to let facts get in the way of a juicy story where they get to be right? They don't give a shit about facts. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Just don't forget that I'm a racist. Shanm says so.