Obama's Proposal for free 2 year college Tuition Good Idea or Bad Idea?

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
But we already do have free college for military service. Its called the GI Bill. Its as easy as walking into any local recruitment office.

Granted there are some that don't qualify for military duty, but like I said, there are thousands of scholarships and grant programs available out there for just about every type of student. Especially if you are a female or a minority. This "new" idea about free college for everyone is just more oil on the wheels of career politicians. Its bullshit. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
even if you can't find grants/scholarships a kid just had 12 yrs of free education to excel
they can save up, or get scholarships. people need to stop looking for free handouts and gimmie gimmie
If you can't get a scholarship because you didnt work hard on HIGH SCHOOL GRADES*(what a joke) why is college going to be a turning point for you? is it going to get easier?
I wish I had time to read through all the pages of comments. Politics is such a sore subject, and I got into it with numerous people last night/this morning.

I wish I could figure out how to post this meme I saw that I totally agreed with. It said, "Obama 'Free College For All'...But where does that money come from?".

Yes, I think everyone should have a chance to get an education. There are scholarships, saving money, etc. I don't think it's fair to raise taxes even higher on those who worked their asses off to get to where they are, to help people that, more than likely are just out looking for "free" help. Don't get me wrong, I understand there are exceptions...but take a drive by the projects and explain to me why the majority (not all) are driving new Chargers, yet living in government housing, and eating off food stamps. To me, if this goes through, it's just another part of Obama's plan to signify his fathers vision - anti-colonialism and anti-white. And no, I'm not racist.

Also, and this is off subject a bit and my two cents, which I'm sure will get plenty ridicule, but...I think Obama's goal is:

Mass Immigration/Multiculturalism
Reducing white Europeans to a minority in every country
Elimination of the nuclear/traditional family consisting of man, woman and child or children
Teaching and promoting of alternate sexual lifestyles such as homosexuality
Elimination of all borders and dissolution of the nation-state
Encouraging and pursuing the destruction of religion, unless it advances their cause as is the case with the Islam in Europe
Attempts to deconstruct the reality of natural differences between the genders and races
Using pseudo-scientific "findings" to push the idea that race is a social construct.
Blaming all minority crime on "white oppression"
Only whites can be racist, people of color can't be racist because they have been oppressed.
The use of education, media, academia and entertainment to push these ideas

And so on.

Eh, but maybe I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Happy hump day!
I B Hankering's Avatar
But we already do have free college for military service. Its called the GI Bill. Its as easy as walking into any local recruitment office.

Granted there are some that don't qualify for military duty, but like I said, there are thousands of scholarships and grant programs available out there for just about every type of student. Especially if you are a female or a minority. This "new" idea about free college for everyone is just more oil on the wheels of career politicians. Its bullshit.

Oh ya, and my kids still have recess at their school. What schools don't have recess??? Kids need recess to reset and blow off steam. Especially boys. It helps them focus better in class. At least I think so. Tire them out so they can sit still and learn something.

And be honest, when you got a little older how many of you guys had to jack off during school in order to focus. Of jacked off before doing homework? Guys just need that "recess". Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Not arguing your point. In fact, I agree with you. However:
[S]ome schools have eliminated recess for liability reasons. They are concerned about the injuries and lawsuits that can arise from outdoor play. (source)
boardman's Avatar

And be honest, when you got a little older how many of you guys had to jack off during school in order to focus. Of jacked off before doing homework? Guys just need that "recess". Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I can assure you, my fapping had nothing to to do with a need to focus...

It had everything to do with tight jeans, short skirts, sweaters and Farrah posters.
sounds racist and/or sexist
I thought EVERYONE was special/unique snowflakes?

what people in USA don't seem to grasp, is not everyone deserves everything. Why is everyone allowed to have kids?
Seriously, it is so hard to go through the adoption process, but anyone can have kids, then you gotta force everyone else to pay for them
-kids deserve healthcare
kids deserve food
-kids are so retarded, they need you to slow down so they dont run out in the street like a deer.
no longer do we have "survival of the fitesst." now the peope who don't do jack, are passing on their genes many times, while the people who have intelligence/dont need money from the guberment, arent
Idiocracy shows this well

*Pic removed - JCM Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I think he'll be an Electrician, lol.

You really want to improve education? Get the federal government out. There is NO authority in the Constitution allowing the Feds to get involved in education. That is SOLELY a state and local issue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Our Government is like Ronco, remember that company? Sell you anything cheap with no quality, Ronco went out of business and so will Obama's Government, lol.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny thing, when I was very little my mother said I used to shove my fingers into a receptacle like I was trying to figure it out. Later, I became an electrician's mate in the navy.

As for the free college thing again. I heard it again, everyone deserves to have a college education. Why not everyone deserves to have a house or maybe everyone deserves to have a good car.
I heard it again, everyone deserves to have a college education. Why not everyone deserves to have a house or maybe everyone deserves to have a good car. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You would think the "Professor" would be for public education.

Perhaps he is not a Professor and is just an Idiot!
... While I don't particularly like having to pay off my student loans, half of my education was still paid thru pell grants and scholarships. What Obama's advisors forgot to mention in that speech is that the costs of college tuition can be reduced significantly if you apply for the programs and scholarships already out there. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Correct. And again there's the American Opportunity Tax Credit. And a lot of community colleges here in Texas cost about $100 a credit hour. Going to community college is already EXTREMELY affordable.

no idea what a PetE is?

I saw a 20/20 show that followed a gal after college trying to find a job
It was a slow moving "documentary" showing how she could NOT find a job or even a paid internship
Near the end, she had to get a job that was not using her $100K degree.,
Her degree was in fashion design.
Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Petroleum Engineering. A lot of very smart guys (and very few girls) go to a very expensive University hoping to make $100K straight out of college but when oil busts their degree is close to worthless.

when did you do a FAISCA last?
that's just not true. where did you get your info?
if you have some money and excellent grades,
you dont get money from the guberment
guberment does rewards good grades, it rewards poor, regardless if you can actually graduate
I am not talking about CC, i mean actual 4yr college Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
It may be spelled FASCHA. Recently. OK, I may have stretched the truth a little about "above average income" but generally a lot of free money is available. See HotNurses post. I'm also talking about community college which BTW is already subsidized by local taxes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You would think the "Professor" would be for public education.

Perhaps he is not a Professor and is just an Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
What you said Tampon. I'm up for education but leave the public out of it. In fact that has nothing to do with conversation but I'm not surprised that you missed the whole point. I bet you did that in class as well. Go back and read what people have written here, find some grade schooler to explain the bigger words to you. Come back when you have a legitimate thought.

FYI, I don't use the title of professor. I don't have a PhD......yet.

If we're telling stories, a local state college had a story about a young woman who wanted to study music but she also wanted a job. She did the research and found that someone with a degree in accounting had a 98% chance of finding a job right out of school and would probably start at about $60,000 annually. She became an actuary, got the job, made more than $60,000 a year, and she still studies music. Smart woman.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

FYI, I don't use the title of professor. I don't have a PhD......yet.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I searched many sources of information on the definition of "professor". Not one of them stated that a PhD was a requirement to earn the title or recognition of professor.

From everything I can find, if you teach at a college or university, you have the right to be called professor.


noun \prə-ˈfe-sər\ : a teacher especially of the highest rank at a college or university
I searched many sources of information on the definition of "professor". Not one of them stated that a PhD was a requirement to earn the title or recognition of professor.

From everything I can find, if you teach at a college or university, you have the right to be called professor.


noun \prə-ˈfe-sər\ : a teacher especially of the highest rank at a college or university Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think especially in the Sciences like Physics, Zoology, Chemistry. Oh and Chemistry the nightmares I use to have, lol.

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  • 01-22-2015, 08:51 AM

As for the free college thing again. I heard it again, everyone deserves to have a college education. Why not everyone deserves to have a house or maybe everyone deserves to have a good car. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So if everyone spent time in the military getting paid by the taxpayers , you'd have no problem with them then getting a free education?

cptjohnstone's Avatar
I searched many sources of information on the definition of "professor". Not one of them stated that a PhD was a requirement to earn the title or recognition of professor.

From everything I can find, if you teach at a college or university, you have the right to be called professor.


noun \prə-ˈfe-sər\ : a teacher especially of the highest rank at a college or university Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

you have to earn it, my dad retired as associate dean of engineering but did not have his Phd, however he was a full Professor as per the Board of Regents

most of the teachers would like to be called instructors, so if you teach a class, you have a lot of work ahead of you just to become an assistant Professor
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar

It may be spelled FASCHA. Recently. OK, I may have stretched the truth a little about "above average income" but generally a lot of free money is available. See HotNurses post. I'm also talking about community college which BTW is already subsidized by local taxes. Originally Posted by gnadfly
a little?
a lot, my friend

interesting I cannot get money, even with stellar grades, etc
and a friend always complained SHE could not get money, but her friends, of equal income/not as smart, could BECAUSE they had kids.

so she didnt have kids at 17, while they did, so she can't find money to go to college, but they can?>
does that make sense to not help those that do everything right,,
I'm not saying don't help the teen moms who are smart enough and have the drive to go to college, but help those who don't have kids and just want to go to college.
good grief