How has hobbying affected your RW social skills?

Russ38's Avatar
Yup! A lot of stay home moms are professional women who choose to stay home and raise their kids. Case in point: Most professional women marry professional men who can afford to support the family while the wife stays home with the children. Most non professional women marry non professional men and have to work because the man doesn't make enough to support the family by himself.

Zanzibar, you don't know what you're talking about. My office is filled with former stay at home moms. Some make six figures - go figure. Originally Posted by drax1
Then good for those particular women. The greater context being that if anything goes awry in their relationship they can quickly transition back into the workforce. However, those with no transferable skills will face the hardship. It's not a big deal but it would be cool if some of you thought through the greater context before you start digging your heels in with your just positions. ;-)
Says the one who should have thought through his blatantly uninformed declaration about SAHMs.

Are you really this dense or is it just an act? It's okay you can tell me. I won't say anything. I'll even leave you alone since it's mean to pick on the slow kids.

Then good for those particular women. The greater context being that if anything goes awry in their relationship they can quickly transition back into the workforce. However, those with no transferable skills will face the hardship. It's not a big deal but it would be cool if some of you thought through the greater context before you start digging your heels in with your just positions. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Btw, what are "just positions"? Is that your NCAA debate team captain vocabulary shining through?
Says the one who should have thought through his blatantly uninformed declaration about SAHMs.

Are you really this dense or is it just an act? It's okay you can tell me. I won't say anything. I'll even leave you alone since it's mean to pick on the slow kids.

Btw, what are "just positions"? Is that your NCAA debate team captain vocabulary shining through? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
^Ok ;-)
^ ok ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

^ OK ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

^Ok ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 02-27-2015, 06:40 PM
Then good for those particular women. The greater context being that if anything goes awry in their relationship they can quickly transition back into the workforce. However, those with no transferable skills will face the hardship. It's not a big deal but it would be cool if some of you thought through the greater context before you start digging your heels in with your just positions. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I'm going to have to agree with thathotnurse. You obviously are jaded by an economically deprived background. "Those particular women" are but a few of the many SAHM who are capable, intelligent and talented enough to not only take care of themselves, but also the needs of their children, unlike many men are willing to do - especially in the AA community. Before you jump all over me about that look up the statistics on your favorite government website.

DM called you a white knight. Funny since you have such a low opinion of them other than as fuck buddies.
I think what Zeezy is trying to say here is basically this:

All women are equal, but some women are more equal than others.
Russ38's Avatar
He should've just stuck with the game plan and let Axo continue posting his thoughts for him....
I'm going to have to agree with thathotnurse. You obviously are jaded by an economically deprived background. "Those particular women" are but a few of the many SAHM who are capable, intelligent and talented enough to not only take care of themselves, but also the needs of their children, unlike many men are willing to do - especially in the AA community. Before you jump all over me about that look up the statistics on your favorite government website.

DM called you a white knight. Funny since you have such a low opinion of them other than as fuck buddies. Originally Posted by drax1
Dude you obviously can't follow an argument as you're rambling and all over the map. Learn to either stick to the topic / line of reasoning and present clear and appropriate rebuttal examples or stay quiet. I'm more jaded by a new world view ;-) fact is women with no transferable work skills are the ones who suffer when it all falls apart relationship wise. You may prefer your women stay at home cooking, scrubbing floors, and taking care of kids but that's not my thing. I prefer a working woman and it doesn't have to be a job in corporate America, just something that doesn't have her totally dependent on me. You can't have your cake and eat it too in this case. You can't reasonably make an argument that men get the raw deal in divorce cases but then leave your woman at home totally dependent on you for everything.

I'm a progressive with a 21st century viewpoint and I don't care how many people you agree with because it's a 19th century position you have in my view. Sure there are exceptions to the rule but I wasn't and am not referring to those women, that should have been obvious enough.

As for my view of escorts? They certainly aren't stay at home housewives are they? In fact most of them (less the ones that have to show they disagree with me in order to please the circle jerk club) will readily admit they are not for being "kept" by any man as most of them done been there and done that. Most will never let a man "own" them to the point they're totally dependent on that man and in fact many feel liberated by their profession. I think housewives should have this same view to be honest. If you disagree with me then fine but you're not gonna convince me I'm wrong so you best stop trying. Ok mon
I think what Zeezy is trying to say here is basically this:

All women are equal, but some women are more equal than others. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair

read my last comment, provide a reasonable rebuttal if you disagree, or keep quiet. Not interested in all that silliness from you. Deal?
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 02-27-2015, 08:18 PM
Dude you obviously can't follow an argument as you're rambling and all over the map. Learn to either stick to the topic / line of reasoning and present clear and appropriate rebuttal examples or stay quiet. I'm more jaded by a new world view ;-) fact is women with no transferable work skills are the ones who suffer when it all falls apart relationship wise. You may prefer your women stay at home cooking, scrubbing floors, and taking care of kids but that's not my thing. I prefer a working woman and it doesn't have to be a job in corporate America, just something that doesn't have her totally dependent on me. You can't have your cake and eat it too in this case. You can't reasonably make an argument that men get the raw deal in divorce cases but then leave your woman at home totally dependent on you for everything.

I'm a progressive with a 21st century viewpoint and I don't care how many people you agree with because it's a 19th century position you have in my view. Sure there are exceptions to the rule but I wasn't and am not referring to those women, that should have been obvious enough.

As for my view of escorts? They certainly aren't stay at home housewives are they? In fact most of them (less the ones that have to show they disagree with me in order to please the circle jerk club) will readily admit they are not for being "kept" by any man as most of them done been there and done that. Most will never let a man "own" them to the point they're totally dependent on that man and in fact many feel liberated by their profession. I think housewives should have this same view to be honest. If you disagree with me then fine but you're not gonna convince me I'm wrong so you best stop trying. Ok mon Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I think we all get your view very well. You must have been asleep for the last 30 years. Many women are CHOOSING to stay home with their children because they feel it's better for their children. What used to be the Gloria Steinem Cosmopolitan view of Women Can Have it All attitude has been changing over the last 20 years. Many mothers would stay home with their children, especially when they are preteen, if they have the opportunity. Why don't you just ask a dozen or so? You're the one stuck in the '70's. Better check the date on your Timex.

Let's have a survey of the ladies on this board? How many of you would prefer to be a stay at home mother if you had young children? Zanie thinks you'd rather drop them off at daycare or have latch key kids.

Throw away that green suit and harvest gold appliances and catch up with the times.
I think we all get your view very well. You must have been asleep for the last 30 years. Many women are CHOOSING to stay home with their children because they feel it's better for their children. What used to be the Gloria Steinem Cosmopolitan view of Women Can Have it All attitude has been changing over the last 20 years. Many mothers would stay home with their children, especially when they are preteen, if they have the opportunity. Why don't you just ask a dozen or so? You're the one stuck in the '70's. Better check the date on your Timex.

Let's have a survey of the ladies on this board? How many of you would prefer to be a stay at home mother if you had young children? Zanie thinks you'd rather drop them off at daycare or have latch key kids.

Throw away that green suit and harvest gold appliances and catch up with the times. Originally Posted by drax1

Once again you're taking a topic and trying your best to turn it into a wedge type issue. Kids are a part of the equation but you're pivoting by singularly focusing on kids. I'd imagine most would want to stay home with kids but that's not the main argument here. I know you want to get the women on your side but again stick to the topic. Women staying at home to take care of kids should be until they're at least ready for pre-K after that I'd expect them to be back in the workforce.

The main argument here is that stay at home housewives with no transferable skills are at a decided disadvantage when things fall apart. I don't care if you're staying at home to be with kids or not as people with kids get divorced all the time and they suffer with those kids. If they're staying at home temporarily it serves them well to be ready to renter the work force.

It's pretty simple. Carry on with your 19th century views. I ain't mad at cha
dearhunter's Avatar
Don't you bitches know you are arguing with the captain of a NCAA debate team...........heh
Don't you bitches know you are arguing with the captain of a NCAA debate team...........heh Originally Posted by dearhunter

tell em again DH apparently they didn't get the memo ;-) and thanks for the support
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 02-27-2015, 08:43 PM
Once again you're taking a topic and trying your best to turn it into a wedge type issue. Kids are a part of the equation but you're pivoting by singularly focusing on kids. I'd imagine most would want to stay home with kids but that's not the main argument here. I know you want to get the women on your side but again stick to the topic. Women staying at home to take care of kids should be until they're at least ready for pre-K after that I'd expect them to be back in the workforce.

The main argument here is that stay at home housewives with no transferable skills are at a decided disadvantage when things fall apart. I don't care if you're staying at home to be with kids or not as people with kids get divorced all the time and they suffer with those kids. If they're staying at home temporarily it serves them well to be ready to renter the work force.

It's pretty simple. Carry on with your 19th century views. I ain't mad at cha Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Now I understand. You are completely oblivious to reality. What time do you think pre-K begins and ends? And, what do you do when your kid becomes ill? What would you do on school holidays, Spring break, summer..?