The right to choose ?

A lady's right to refuse service for reasons other than safety or hygiene, will always be debatable. (If your smelly, dirty or an unsavory character, every lady should refuse service.) IMHO, what's not debatable is that a lady who maintains the "right to refuse policy" should make potential clients aware. That could be in an ad, or in correspondence prior to the appointment.

That way, a gent proceeds at his own risk. (Hell, I'll bet most of the married guys here have wives that exercise that policy on a regular basis!)

Olesweetie's Avatar
My 2 cents: I think every session should begin with the "what can I do for you today" conversation. I also believe that both parties should be able to play the "get out of this card" after that talk!

Who wants a session with someone that’s not feeling it or doesn't offer a service you’re looking for, actually any reason?

With all the rules about no specific conversation for a session, when do you get to say- hey this is just not what I am looking for.

Does this cause hard feelings- Oh you bet!!

Provider loses time and income and hobbyist leaves frustrated. Do you really want to go ahead with the session? Can you imagine the reviews?

Truthfully- many times I have said to a provider " hey this is your time to cancel" Most look at me like I'm crazy but I really mean-if you’re not into to this lets just admit it and move along!

On the lighter side- Rebecca if I ever schedule a session and you turn me down- I would probably cry-lmao!

After thought- any cancelled session is without financial obligation!
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
It's not rocket science, session doesn't tale place, some of us are self-employed, YOU'RE COSTING US MONEY! And I don't mean $200, either, doll. I can understand not wanting to go through the session with a guy with a stinky, smelly winky. No lady should have to deal with that. Send him off and tell him so. If the guy is an ass, do the screening, it's not rocket science, it will show through.
Now, on another note, if the ladies or gents are trying to use the hobby to find a SD or a SO, GET A FUCKING LIFE! This is a fanasy land, you can't actually live in it. If the ladies want to screen our asses like you're going to pay us, THEN FUCKING PAY US! I will be more than to send you pics and stats after you commit to paying me.
I have and will always have the opinion that I have full rights to the decision of what to do with my body. My body belongs to me, not to any man who is willing to pay to "rent" it.
I have a provider friend that used to share her incall with a couple of other ladies. Years ago she shared with me that, a lady used to look out the window and check out the hobbyists as they approached the door. If she saw something she didn't like, she wouldn't even open the door and talk to him. The bad thing is that she's still among us. Whodda thunka? What a seriously shitty behavior from a lady.
As stated previously if ladies want a strapping young stud to boink, not around here. Go online to one of the dating sites, there you're able to see the pictures of the guys that will bang you, FOR FREE. Heck, some of those studs won't even pay for Mickey D's, that's right.
Most of us are bald, fat, short and we are even ugly. That's why we pay for the ladies time. Originally Posted by Donnie Brasco
Damn, that's kinda messed up. Talk about hurt feelings....
I have seen clients with 1 leg, paralyzed from chest down, missing an eye, severely overweight, so on and so forth....this is not America's Next Top Client. Some ladies should just be clear about clients they aren't interested in meeting. That's just rude. If a client is generous, clean, respectful, and a gentleman, I don't care if he's 2 feet tall with 1-0 teeth. Treat others as you want to be treated.

See who you want to see. Get your money. Go home. We aren't signing a contract, were providing a service.
It's not rocket science, session doesn't tale place, some of us are self-employed, YOU'RE COSTING US MONEY! And I don't mean $200, either, doll. I can understand not wanting to go through the session with a guy with a stinky, smelly winky. No lady should have to deal with that. Send him off and tell him so. If the guy is an ass, do the screening, it's not rocket science, it will show through.
Now, on another note, if the ladies or gents are trying to use the hobby to find a SD or a SO, GET A FUCKING LIFE! This is a fanasy land, you can't actually live in it. If the ladies want to screen our asses like you're going to pay us, THEN FUCKING PAY US! I will be more than to send you pics and stats after you commit to paying me. Originally Posted by Donnie Brasco
I hope youre not saying that 200 dolloars to me! You have no idea what happened in that appoinment and why I gave him is money back, so dont be throwing comments around like that, it's not nice!
If I open the door and the gent doesn't look like David Beckham, I just slam the door in his face and go back to watching Oprah.
CassidyBlue's Avatar
OMG~ Heather you need to come clean my computer screen!
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 04-16-2010, 03:57 PM
...YOU'RE COSTING US MONEY! ...GET A FUCKING LIFE!...FUCKING PAY US!... Originally Posted by Donnie Brasco
This might be an appropriate place to remember that there are different levels of expectation and different levels of service in P4P Land.

There are guys who do this just to fuck (goddammit) and when they go see a lady they expect to do exactly that. Bend-her-over-fuck-her-and-get-on-their-way guys. A few moans and some canned dialogue is all the "chemistry" they understand, or want. They got the money, she's selling, they're horny, WTF is chemistry, anyway? Talk of anything beyond that makes them think you're looking for a wife or husband.

Let me be the first to say that there is a place for guys like that here. And there are plenty of women to service them. Donnie B, if you spend just a little time and make sure you select women who care about money as much as you seem to, you will never be turned away.

There are also guys who want a lot more than that, Happily, there are also women who are better suited to their desires and expectations. If I were going to a restaurant, or a tire store, or anywhere else I was planning to drop a couple hundred bucks, and was informed, "I don't think you're going to be satisfied with the results today," I might be miffed, but I'd sure rather know that before I spent my money than after.

To be fair, I wouldn't hesitate to tell others about what had transpired at that business. And I think that a provider refusing a gentleman due to "lack of chemistry" is something that should be shared among guys here.
Bestman200600's Avatar

Don't i look like David Beckham?
Precision45's Avatar
We (hobbiest's) know who we are seeing and what they look like beforehand, we've done our research, discussed her with "friends" and get a mental picture of her long before we ever meet. The gals on the other hand, literally have a minute or two (or less) to make a "yes or no" decision. So, I wouldn't take it personal if a gal ever said "Not today, sweety" to me.

There have been several gals that it was obvious were not attracted to me, but they pushed ahead anyways and we both leave happy (most of the time.) I've found being polite, respectful and not pushy will get you a "yes" nod 99% of the time.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 04-16-2010, 09:21 PM
...There have been several guys that it was obvious were not attracted to me, but they pushed ahead anyways and we both leave happy... Originally Posted by Precision45
Who were these pushy guys, if you don't mind my asking?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
I hope youre not saying that 200 dolloars to me! You have no idea what happened in that appoinment and why I gave him is money back, so dont be throwing comments around like that, it's not nice! Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Nice, very nice. You're a VERY BRIGHT ONE! Not only did you PM me and gave me shit because you thought I was talking about you, (and I kindly explained to you that I was not, at the time I had no reason to have a beef with you), BUTT you come on the thread and also gave me shit publicly. I guess this really is aspd, where we can have all the drama available. Sad, sad, sad. Same shit different day. I'm done with this one. Have a good day.
Precision45's Avatar
Who were these pushy guys, if you don't mind my asking? Originally Posted by jfred
Sorry, I meant gals. Haven't swung that way in years
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Wow...this sure turned into some shit. Huh?
I actually thought it was a good thought provoking question.

And, MY 2 CENTS is....If for WHATEVER reason...I start to NOT be okay with a client...I will stop the my concerns and go from there.
I personally have not turned someone back out onto the street....but some I would have loved to.
Looks? LOL.....Please. My issue had NOTHING to do with his looks. Or his money for that matter. I decided to continue my session because he decided to quit being a jackass. Then things were better. Not great...but, better.
BTW...It was His choice to stay. But, Mine to allow him.

No need for personal attacks...

Come on people...
"What the world needs Love and some butt sex", wait? How's it go? I forgot the words.
Aahhh well, you get what I'm sayin..

~Kelly TNT