Who is suiram77 express your opinion

Grace Preston's Avatar
suiram is a guy who speaks his mind freely – knowing he’ll get bashed by the usual heard of trolls on here..

keep doing what you’re doing – the troll clique is just angered because you’re not one of them.. Originally Posted by honest_abe
Incorrect. A part of me actually feels sorry for the guy. Truly. He does seem to have a good little bit of anger towards women in general. He says he's just a troll and this isn't how he is in the real world, but there is just an awful lot of anger there. Moreover, there are plenty of people here who have expressed issues with him who could not in ANY way be considered part of the "troll clique". So.. either he does have some latent anger going on.. or he truly is a troll. Your choice.

Side note.. most of the "board trolls" ultimately get themselves banned for doing something stupid enough to violate a nuclear rule. Very few actually point out anymore. Hell, I just got my first 5 points. And I knew they were coming from the beginning.
suiram77's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWtUVDG5M1w Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Lmao omg that was super funny chung, nobody can touch you when it comes to your post the very best ever buddy, and you know how I feel about you lol.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Lmao omg that was super funny chung, nobody can touch you when it comes to your post the very best ever buddy, and you know how I feel about you lol. Originally Posted by suiram77
Is this the head you were referring to the other night?

On topic, I wish the Op would kill himself.
suiram77's Avatar
The only thing I will address here is the word Anger, not evenly hardly start paying attention to how suiram77 is speaking in the 3rd person like now lol. That is done on purpose to make sure you all understand that you are only speaking of a Handle and not me the person. No one will ever know who the fuck I am, keyword is I, so therefore you can feel however you want to feel about my handle Suiram77. Your opinions of suiram77, again my handle, is not your opinions of me the person, and if you think they are both one in the same, then you are the biggest fool in the world lol.

Can anyone that has ever met me, Which will only be a few ladies here, proved to me that the person you met is the same person thats actually typing on the boards, yeah I can’t wait to see that evidence lol.

Good luck and keep sharing, and nice comments by the way, you guys are to kind Ms Gracy, please don’t ever feel sorry for me sugar, My ass is one of the few that has made it in life and have been bless with abundance of wealth. You don’t ever feel sorry for ppl like that lol. Feel free to pray for suiram77, but not sorry sun chip. enjoy your night .

Mr. suiram77
Grace Preston's Avatar
Eh-- if your money makes you happy, then good on you. There are a lot of mega rich people who are also mega miserable. I won't go as far as to say that money can't buy happiness, because its much better to cry in a Ferrari than on a Schwinn... but there are a lot of rich fucks who end up jumping off a bridge.

Your tone here implies you are either an inherently angry person.. or a troll. Nothing technically wrong with either-- but it is an important distinction since one of your buddies wants to comment about trolls.

Troll on brotha.. troll on.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I don’t think you want the ladies you have seen to share their experiences here, just saying
suiram77's Avatar
I don’t think you want the ladies you have seen to share their experiences here, just saying Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Go back and read what I said Jules, wow I know every one is not sharp, but geez I was very clear on what I said. And sorry to disappoint you ,but I would love for them that have seem me to come here and share their experience with you guys here, so why don’t you go wake them up. I will wait lol

I said no one that has ever met me, can come here and proved to me that the person they met, is the same person that is actually here on the boards silly lol. How the fuck can they do that Jules, the FBI can’t even do that. An IP address just tell you the location of a person network, but not who is actually using it. Now think about it boo. I love Jules she is so bright. ::
suiram77's Avatar
Eh-- if your money makes you happy, then good on you. There are a lot of mega rich people who are also mega miserable. I won't go as far as to say that money can't buy happiness, because its much better to cry in a Ferrari than on a Schwinn... but there are a lot of rich fucks who end up jumping off a bridge.

Your tone here implies you are either an inherently angry person.. or a troll. Nothing technically wrong with either-- but it is an important distinction since one of your buddies wants to comment about trolls.

Troll on brotha.. troll on. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well said, enjoy your evening
TheEccie214's Avatar
On topic, I think the Op is extremely insecure and thinks people buy his “I’m rich as fuck and have girls chasing me” stories.

I still wish the Op would kill himself.
suiram77's Avatar
Point coming buddy good luck
Ravasher's Avatar
I am reminded of a 5 year old who keeps jumping up and down yelling. Look at me look at me why isn't anyone looking at me.
corona's Avatar
Point coming buddy good luck Originally Posted by suiram77
1. You can mash that RTM button all you want. You ASKED for people to post how they felt about you. This is apparently has he feels.
2. You aren't a mod - you dont get to decide who gets points or not.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Point coming buddy good luck Originally Posted by suiram77
For what? On topic. Don’t bother answering as I couldn’t care less about you anymore, you’re no longer fun to play with.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I wanted to do the community a favor by creating a thread that will allow you to express your opinion, feelings, anger etc, about my handle without getting hit with points or staying on topic. I am the topic, since it’s obvious I’m the only thing important around here lmao. All I ask is that no one meantion my deceased mother or grandmother like Jules did in another thread that’s not cool.

Every thing else is fair game as long as it’s within the board rules, but at least we all will be on topic. I have band and labor mettings all day today so I will check back in here later tonight. Have fun eccie community Originally Posted by suiram77
Originaly Posted by TheEccie214-
I still wish the Op would kill himself.
Originally posted by suriam77 -Point coming buddy good luck
Nope. His expression of his feelings for you are exactly what you asked for and they are within the guidelines when it comes to this thread. Did you not read where I posted "You wrote it, you own it"? This thread is all you.

So to quote corona

Originally Posted by corona -1. You can mash that RTM button all you want. You ASKED for people to post how they felt about you. This is apparently has he feels.
2. You aren't a mod - you dont get to decide who gets points or not.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Nope. His expression of his feelings for you are exactly what you asked for and they are within the guidelines when it comes to this thread. Did you not read where I posted "You wrote it, you own it"? This thread is all you.

So to quote corona Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle

So.. what you're saying is... a regular non moderator-- does not have the power to point or ban, eh? A message that bears repeating for some.

Suiram-- I know not having that level of power is a blow.. but remember what I said.. you are a PINK Starburst....