President Rapist

Glock, where does the constitution address masks?
Glock, where does the constitution address masks? Originally Posted by reddog1951
I'm not sure I understand the question, could you expand on it?
Apologize if I misunderstood, I read it to mean you were espousing a constitutional right to not wear a mask.
beelzebubba's Avatar
More importantly, in the case of lockdowns or mandatory mask wearing, who's gonna enforce it? Good way to get a lot of cops shot.

Then again, do they still count as cops when they break their oath to defend the constitution? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Do like the Nazi’s did in WWII, make everyone carry papers to move about.
Germany and France are doing it now because Belgium is blowing up.
Have congress pass a bill mandating mask, people don’t comply, imprison them... don’t play games. Hurt non compliance with loss of freedom and mandatory fines.
Not that hard to wear a mask and keep distance.
Some people are just so selfish and stupid.
Personally I’d like to spend my last 25 years having fun, not living like this because of selfish stupid assholes.
Me... I’ve had it not worried about dying.
Just want my life back.
Fuck I had front row Slipknot tickets in June, cancelled... but superspreader Donnie Dickhead can roam the country spreading the disease as fast as his fucking misinformation.
Motherfucker is no more special than any other American and his ass should be complying or his ass should be imprisoned.
We all know “Do as I say , not as I do” is total bullshit.
Do like the Nazi’s did in WWII, make everyone carry papers to move about.
Germany and France are doing it now because Belgium is blowing up.
Have congress pass a bill mandating mask, people don’t comply, imprison them... don’t play games. Hurt non compliance with loss of freedom and mandatory fines.
Not that hard to wear a mask and keep distance.
Some people are just so selfish and stupid.
Personally I’d like to spend my last 25 years having fun, not living like this because of selfish stupid assholes.
Me... I’ve had it not worried about dying.
Just want my life back.
Fuck I had front row Slipknot tickets in June, cancelled... but superspreader Donnie Dickhead can Rome the country spreading the disease as fast as his fucking misinformation.
Motherfucker is no more special than any other American and his ass should be complying. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
So more blathering bullshit.

The nazi reference pretty much disqualifies you immediately. Hitler/nazi references so predictable.

And again, you have yet to show where masks/lockdowns/etc. are doing anything but slow the progression of the the disease. You can't cite or discuss any rational items where your knee jerk lockdowns/etc actually stop the spread.

You are fun to watch self explode.
So more blathering bullshit.

The nazi reference pretty much disqualifies you immediately. Hitler/nazi references so predictable.

And again, you have yet to show where masks/lockdowns/etc. are doing anything but slow the progression of the the disease. You can't cite or discuss any rational items where your knee jerk lockdowns/etc actually stop the spread.

You are fun to watch self explode. Originally Posted by eccielover
In fairness, Godwin's Law is more specifically about comparing something in a negative light to Hitler or the Nazis. He's actually citing it as a good idea.
beelzebubba's Avatar
So more blathering bullshit.

The nazi reference pretty much disqualifies you immediately. Hitler/nazi references so predictable.

And again, you have yet to show where masks/lockdowns/etc. are doing anything but slow the progression of the the disease. You can't cite or discuss any rational items where your knee jerk lockdowns/etc actually stop the spread.

You are fun to watch self explode. Originally Posted by eccielover
You are simply just an idiot.
It’s simple, deploy military in the country to monitor, anyone caught not complying... kill them.
Blah blah blah legality... when this government runs out of cash and buckles under there will be no law, there will be no supermarkets, there will be no banks.
Just people getting themselves dead for acting stupid.
Wild Wild West, cannot wait to start getting some.
Apologize if I misunderstood, I read it to mean you were espousing a constitutional right to not wear a mask. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I was gonna try to put a good argument together, but beelzebubba's offer is just too good.

Game on, amigo! I'll be your huckleberry
Glock, I stopped reading with the Nazi and extremist remarks. I do feel his pain and have experienced a little myself. All things will pass and eventually there will be a vaccine or effective course of treatment. Seems like we're experiencing a syndrome akin to road rage and should all mature a bit and grow up.
Road rage fits him...after all his name is Satan's knock off
rexdutchman's Avatar
Constitution address FREEDOM ,
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It do?
winn dixie's Avatar
It do? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Losing your faux canadjun accent!? lolling yous funnies guy
More importantly, in the case of lockdowns or mandatory mask wearing, who's gonna enforce it? Good way to get a lot of cops shot.

Then again, do they still count as cops when they break their oath to defend the constitution? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Mandates aren't laws so there is no legal basis for their enforcement. Mandates are implemented in hopes people will comply for a just cause. The way people are wired most will comply without question. I am not going to argue whether wearing Masks stop or slow the spread of a virus or nothing at all because there is no substantial scientific Data available. There has been other disease outbreaks in the past and the wearing of masks have not been implemented so it's just mere speculation of just how effective wearing of a mask in public is. I think the mask mandate is more psychological in nature because it offers the public a feeling of security that we are doing something.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 08:46 AM
Glock, where does the constitution address masks? Originally Posted by reddog1951

red puppy - I recognize the Constitution is not your, or any DPST's , strong point.
You hate our Cosntitution and representative democracy!

That said - The Constitution does not address masks.

The Constitution is designed to limit the power of treh federal govt - a horror to control and power hungry DPST's!
all powers not given specifically to the feds - are reserved to the States - a concept U DPST's are not familiar with!
which means - pandemics and 'masks' are a matter for each state to manage as the state see best for its citizens.

But - 'best for the citizens' is an oxymoron to those who value illegals south of the border for their DPST votes over the citizens who pay taxes and DPST craven, corrupt politician salaries!

See how U enjoy housing 5 families of' 'illegals' forced into your home by DPST Feds/KumHoeLa administration - to house the 'new voters ' of eeh DNC and DPST party!