Joe Bloe, If you would substitute "Western European style nanny state" for "socialist/Marxist system" I would absolutely agree with you. Obama doesn't want to convert the U.S. into Cuba. However, during his 51 years, he's spent a grand total of one year in the private sector, as an analyst. Michelle, quoted in the New Yorker, described that as a sad time because BHO was "working for the enemy." Obama wants big government. Given his background, spent in government, academics and as a community organizer, he has no appreciation for business or investment. And he doesn't realize that what he wants will make people less prosperous and less happy -- most people tend to be happier if they earn something instead of being given it. They work harder, longer and make more money. Obama views successful small business and the wealthy like cows to be milked. You get as much as you can out of them.
Would he like to see higher taxes on everyone, even if it means pushing the country over the fiscal cliff, if he can blame it on Republicans? Probably. It's the only way to grow the nanny state without bankrupting the country. If he's not smart enough to recognize that, he is smart enough to recognize he'll be damaging the prospects of the enemy (Republicans, successful small business, the wealthy) going forward, by pinning the blame on them.
Originally Posted by Tiny
I hope your more optimistic view about Obama is correct. I don't think it is. The European system is melting down as we speak. It makes no sense to use Western Europe as a role model. Why follow Europe over the cliff?
I believe Obama has been indoctrinated to believe that America's wealth is illegitimate, that we became rich by stealing the country from the indigenous people and enslaving Africans.
I think Obama has a genuine animosity towards America and feels nothing but contempt for the founders. I think Obama believes that in order to achieve social justice, there must first be punishment. Obama believes America is evil and must be punished.
"God bless America? No no no! God damn America! God damn America!"
Jeremiah Wright