CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Those were never the terms. You give pond scum a bad name.
LexusLover's Avatar
Didn't you also "slither away" from the draft, back in the day?

Fuk'n coward! Originally Posted by bigtex
Did you get drafted?

Didn't you campaign for this guy and vote for him 2x's?

Campaigning and voting for a "Fuk'n coward" did ya?
LexusLover's Avatar
Those were never the terms. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG ... that's why he voted for Obaminable 2x's .... he likes "changing terms"!

Others call it "hedging" ... with him it's engrained dishonesty.

That story about the coward in his grade school was really a story about himself.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
COG ... that's why he voted for Obaminable 2x's .... he likes "changing terms"!

Others call it "hedging" ... with him it's engrained dishonesty.

That story about the coward in his grade school was really a story about himself. Originally Posted by LexusLover
True. I also don't believe he ever jumped out of an airplane. I believe he was pushed.

Did you get drafted? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Responding once again, I see!

Not that it is any of your business but ...

I enlisted!

How about you, LLIdiot!

Were you ...

A) Drafted?
B) Enlisted?
C) None of the Above?
  • shanm
  • 04-07-2015, 07:45 PM
Responding once again, I see!

Not that it is any of your business but ...

I enlisted!

How about you, LLIdiot!

Were you ...

A) Drafted?
B) Enlisted?
C) None of the Above? Originally Posted by bigtex
B) LLIdiot enlisted in Jihadi training camp along with his brothers from syria
True. I also don't believe he ever jumped out of an airplane. I believe he was pushed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wanna bet?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You'll just dodge it. HAREBRAIN!

But we can discuss it AFTER we settle the bet where you were going to prove the lie you told about my late mother. Deal?
I also don't believe he ever jumped out of an airplane. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wanna bet? Originally Posted by bigtex
You'll just dodge it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There is no "dodge" involved!

For the right price, I would be more than happy to provide actual proof that I not only served in the military but jumped out of an airplane while doing so.

Multiple times, I might add!

Shall we say a wager of $5000 (+ expenses) and a 5 year restriction from posting in this forum?

BTW, did you jump while in the military?

Or did you even serve in the military?

Rumor has it, COIdiot was perfectly content to let others serve for him.

Does my memory serve me correctly?

Perhaps COIdiot had a "witty bitty boo boo."

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, BigAssSux. Well do that bet right after my bet about what you said about my late mother, and prove that I did not try to enlist and was 4F, due to a childhood illness. Prove that I was "content" to let others serve in my stead. Put your money where your fat, blowhard mouth is. But you won't. Because you are a chickenshit blowhard.
  • shanm
  • 04-10-2015, 12:33 PM
Ok, BigAssSux. Well do that bet right after my bet about what you said about my late mother, and prove that I did not try to enlist and was 4F, due to a childhood illness. Prove that I was "content" to let others serve in my stead. Put your money where your fat, blowhard mouth is. But you won't. Because you are a chickenshit blowhard. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He asked a question you fucking doofus. You're the one making the accusations. Man up now or pull a LustyLad and chicken out, you "chickenshit blowhard".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks, ShamWPF. I'll be sure to take your advice. [sarcasm]
Ok, BigAssSux. Well do that bet right after my bet about what you said about my late mother, and prove that I did not try to enlist and was 4F, due to a childhood illness. Prove that I was "content" to let others serve in my stead. Put your money where your fat, blowhard mouth is. But you won't. Because you are a chickenshit blowhard. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Cry me a friggin' river, you overgrown Idiot CryBibi.

Put your $5,000 (+ expenses) where your mouth is. You said I never jumped from an airplane. I clearly stated that I did! The end game is simple! Either I can prove that I did or you win the wager. There is nothing left to interpretation!

I am willing to put my $5,000 on the line. Apparently, COIdiot is running and hiding just like he did from the draft. Way back in the day!

Once a Fuk'n Coward, always a Fuk'n Coward!
Cry me a friggin' river, you overgrown Idiot CryBibi.

Put your $5,000 (+ expenses) where your mouth is. You said I never jumped from an airplane. I clearly stated that I did! The end game is simple! Either I can prove that I did or you win the wager. There is nothing left to interpretation!

I am willing to put my $5,000 on the line. Apparently, COIdiot is running and hiding just like he did from the draft. Way back in the day!

Once a Fuk'n Coward, always a Fuk'n Coward! Originally Posted by bigtex
You're both full of shit. Shut the fuck up, and quit slapping your tired old dicks on the table. Nobody wants to see it. You stated you jumped out of an airplane? It's the internet. Everyone is a fucking ninja.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cry me a friggin' river, you overgrown Idiot CryBibi.

Put your $5,000 (+ expenses) where your mouth is. You said I never jumped from an airplane. I clearly stated that I did! The end game is simple! Either I can prove that I did or you win the wager. There is nothing left to interpretation!

I am willing to put my $5,000 on the line. Apparently, COIdiot is running and hiding just like he did from the draft. Way back in the day!

Once a Fuk'n Coward, always a Fuk'n Coward! Originally Posted by bigtex
Sure. Right after the others. Mine first, then yours.