Trump visit

Sugar tits, parts of the wall are being built. Check your facts and try not to be so stupid.

That’s why Mexico wasn’t dumb enough to pay for some stupid wall that will probably never be built. I reckon half wits like you darlin should pay for it. You deserve to be duped by El Douche, that lying sack of shinola Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
{Staff edit-ck - nuclear subject}
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sugar tits, parts of the wall are being built. Check your facts and try not to be so stupid. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Up until now no NEW wall has been built by our government. As was true during the Bush and Obama administrations, replacement FENCES have been built. The first new construction has begun but has not been finished yet. And what is being built is not close to what Trump wanted and are anywhere close to the prototypes that were built, with millions of dollars wasted on them.

Construction on a new border wall in Texas where none previously existed has begun along the Rio Grande river, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed to Fox News on Friday.

While 75 miles of wall has already been built under the Trump administration, until now all of those structures replaced existing ones such as vehicle barriers or dilapidated fences, which were ineffective before being replaced, according to the agency.
Precious_b's Avatar
Sugar tits, parts of the wall are being built. Check your facts and try not to be so stupid. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
When are you going to admit Trump lied?
You stated Mexico is not paying for the Wall.
This was a lynch pin promise that was the mantra during campaigning.
I see you want a little word play here. Ok. Parts of the wall have been built by private citizens that do not want open borders as advocated by the Democratic party. The wall is going to be built. That's the bottom line.

Up until now no NEW wall has been built by our government. As was true during the Bush and Obama administrations, replacement FENCES have been built. The first new construction has begun but has not been finished yet. And what is being built is not close to what Trump wanted and are anywhere close to the prototypes that were built, with millions of dollars wasted on them.

Construction on a new border wall in Texas where none previously existed has begun along the Rio Grande river, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed to Fox News on Friday.

While 75 miles of wall has already been built under the Trump administration, until now all of those structures replaced existing ones such as vehicle barriers or dilapidated fences, which were ineffective before being replaced, according to the agency. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
My dear Precious,

Trump made promises just like any other President. Some came true, some didn't.

C'est la vie.

When are you going to admit Trump lied?
You stated Mexico is not paying for the Wall.
This was a lynch pin promise that was the mantra during campaigning. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Dev Null's Avatar
The wall is never going to be built. Trump knew it would never be built, and he never even intended for it to be built. It's just a wedge that he used as a power move on gullible people. It was hugely successful, beyond his wildest dreams. Just look at how many people he got to sacrifice all reason to buy into his foolish idea. Not nearly enough to come even close to making it happen, but impressive nonetheless. The man is the king of bullshit artists.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I see you want a little word play here. Ok. Parts of the wall have been built by private citizens that do not want open borders as advocated by the Democratic party. The wall is going to be built. That's the bottom line. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Another lie by a Trump supporter. You can't name one Democrat that advocates open borders.

The wall will be built and many military projects will lose their funding.

Again, the majority of the people in this country do not support building the wall. Even Texans. Let's spend the money on infrastructure which will be more beneficial to this country.
Precious_b's Avatar
My dear Precious,

Trump made promises just like any other President. Some came true, some didn't.
C'est la vie. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Non non non, Madam Ellen.
Voir c'est croire

Par exemple, Politico Truth o Meter.

Barack Obama has a history of his *promises* coming true that pretty much mirrors the distribution on a standard bell curve.
Trumps *promises fall nearly the exact opposite of what Obamas is

It can be construed that someone who opens their mouth and the great majority of what comes out of it is false, you can come to a very big conclusion.

Ellen, just admit he lies. The facts are there from sources you have previously stated are not of the "Fake News" ilk.

It won't kill you. You accepted the fact that Mexico is not paying for the Wall. I won't embarrass you by bring up the details of the phone call with the Mexican president where Trump BEGS him to mouth those words.
My dear Precious,

Trump made promises just like any other President. Some came true, some didn't.

C'est la vie. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Do I detect a crack in the dike? ( By that I mean the barricade type of dike, just to be clear)
My prediciton for 2016 was Trump. I was calling that from the moment he came down the escalator. I was off on the 2018 election. We retained the Senate but not the House. By the way, those Democrats who won in 2018 - most of them - are not the Socialist believing kind. I sure hope Warren or Biden will be the nominee. That will be so much fun just to see Trump wipe the floor with them. Yep, there's no way any of them are going to win. No way. Hell, even Obama took a shot at Biden. And look what they are doing to Tulsi Gabbard. They are going to start eating their own pretty soon. We shall see. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You do know what he is most famous for quoting on that escalator right? Look it up as it's on record.
It involves him predicting he would one day date the individual on the step in front of him still holding her mommy's hand.

How's biz by the way?
Ok. Then tell me one Democratic candate that supports enforcing our current immigration laws? Every one of them does not support our current immigration laws and if you don't support them or willing to enforce them - you might as well have open borders. Most Americans are aware of this concept and it will be reflected in the election.

Another lie by a Trump supporter. You can't name one Democrat that advocates open borders.

The wall will be built and many military projects will lose their funding.

Again, the majority of the people in this country do not support building the wall. Even Texans. Let's spend the money on infrastructure which will be more beneficial to this country. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ok. Then tell me one Democratic candate that supports enforcing our current immigration laws? Every one of them does not support our current immigration laws and if you don't support them or willing to enforce them - you might as well have open borders. Most Americans are aware of this concept and it will be reflected in the election. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Trump's approval rating on immigration is 42%. Not good.

I do not know the positions of each of the Democratic candidates on immigration. Wanting change does not mean they don't support existing laws. So the next question I have for you is to point out what laws the Democratic contenders plan to break? My guess is that once again you are making unsupported accusations. Much like Donald.

I disagree with Trump's limit on refugees, which is decreasing every year. I disagree with the propose merit-based immigration plan. Denial rates for H-1B petitions for work have increased dramatically under Trump. New Trump regulations will make it more difficult for international students to study in the U.S. Trump wants to keep immigrants without health insurance from entering the U.S. Most Democrats disagree with each and every one of Trump's immigration proposals. As do I.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Up until now no NEW wall has been built by our government. As was true during the Bush and Obama administrations, replacement FENCES have been built. The first new construction has begun but has not been finished yet. And what is being built is not close to what Trump wanted and are anywhere close to the prototypes that were built, with millions of dollars wasted on them.

Construction on a new border wall in Texas where none previously existed has begun along the Rio Grande river, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed to Fox News on Friday.

While 75 miles of wall has already been built under the Trump administration, until now all of those structures replaced existing ones such as vehicle barriers or dilapidated fences, which were ineffective before being replaced, according to the agency. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ha ha Faux Fox News.....enough said. You know it’s a big LIE when Fox/Trump TV peddles their infamous Fake news/propaganda . I guess you bozos are still claiming that Mexico is going to pay for the wall. In your dreams cult slaves.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump's approval rating on immigration is 42%. Not good.

I do not know the positions of each of the Democratic candidates on immigration. Wanting change does not mean they don't support existing laws. So the next question I have for you is to point out what laws the Democratic contenders plan to break? My guess is that once again you are making unsupported accusations. Much like Donald.

I disagree with Trump's limit on refugees, which is decreasing every year. I disagree with the propose merit-based immigration plan. Denial rates for H-1B petitions for work have increased dramatically under Trump. New Trump regulations will make it more difficult for international students to study in the U.S. Trump wants to keep immigrants without health insurance from entering the U.S. Most Democrats disagree with each and every one of Trump's immigration proposals. As do I. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Never trumpers would never agree with anything from President Trump! However. Whats wrong with putting America first? And making municipalities abide by the immigration laws? We need to take care of our own first! And thats what President Trump is doing!
Democrats response: blah blah blah blah blah