This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-21-2015, 11:05 AM
That this has happened to you... I too have been in the hobby for a long time, and I realize that a client will say anything to try and get you to only see him exclusively. That way they stop paying or donating to you. It is a trick.

Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
A regular man will do that, a trick is much worse, I rather bullshit a civilian chick than a hooker but that's just me.
That this has happened to you... I too have been in the hobby for a long time, and I realize that a client will say anything to try and get you to only see him exclusively. That way they stop paying or donating to you. It is a trick, don't fall for it!!!
Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Preach Girl!
this is epic and hilarious....or maybe sad. probably all. lets just say it is the usual pattern with this individual. Originally Posted by Bluesplyr

Crap talk for someone who likely has a small brain and no heart. Totally unnecessary and not warranted. There is no justification for harsh treatment.

Feel better about kicking someone when they're down?? Wait until it's your turn when life dumps a nasty steaming pile of poo on you.

Thanks for posting how much of an asshole you appear to be. Chances are you're exactly that.

Compassionate people help others around them, instead of becoming selfish and shoving them down into the muck.


I'm over it now, he's still bitching about what a hooktard loser I am, that taking calls and discussing sex with other men is still technically cheating, even if you don't actually have physical contact. He's started calling me "Hey Pornstar!" I told him i never did any but he told me he's calling me that because I agreed to the PSE.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour

Since he's shown his true colors, it's better you found out now versus much later.

Be the bigger person and walk away. Do not cave in and let him pull you down to his level.

I'm really sorry about the heartbreaking experience. This is the time to gather your strength and sort out thoughts, emotions and potential actions to determine a new direction of your life.

Big hugs to you!!

glade55's Avatar
this is epic and hilarious....or maybe sad. probably all. lets just say it is the usual pattern with this individuals. Originally Posted by Bluesplyr
Fixed it for you
I really love talking to you hopefully we can remain friends I wish you well doll with all my heart.
corona's Avatar
Good luck and best wishes!!
BBW Katrina's Avatar click? click?
corona's Avatar
Well shit, just read the whole thread and now feel like an idiot. Sorry he did you wrong Kitty, nobody deserves that!
Kitty fuck that pos you don't need that I just started reading this thread omg what pos. You are sweet person I have someone you might like text me love. 2148388351 hugs.
TheEccie214's Avatar
It's very nice of Shea to stick up for Kitty. Since Kitty was out of business for a few days she's probably a little behind on money, maybe Shea will let Kitty live with her to show how supportive she really is.

Sure hope those guys that said they wanted to see her for holding true to their word.
glade55's Avatar
Chia the brit will just try to endeavor with a post ... ...wait for it
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 10-21-2015, 03:21 PM click? click? Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Great advice falling on deaf ears.
ManSlut's Avatar
I hate when people mistreat electronics. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Funny shit right there Luke!!...I see what you did, you're still mourning the Kenwood stereo and speakers, too.
ManSlut's Avatar
Every relationship has challenges but a provider-John relationship has challenges to the max. First of all it will be full of jealousy and insecurity. "Are you seeing providers again"? "Are you providing"

Common sense should have told you to delete all contact with your former life and you should have disabled your account. If you are truly out of this life then there is no reason to communicate with hooks and johns.

Dudes want what they can't have so now that you announce of course multiple people want to fuck you so your shit is gonna go off. If you really truly expect to have a normal happy relationship then you have to do your part to make it normal. There is nothing normal about you talking about sex with other dudes and getting calls and texts for sex.

lastly, you met this dude 5 minutes ago. In reality the only think you know about each other is what you've shown each other in that 5 minutes and of course this life style. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
Nailed it .
This provider is an attention whore and till she learns to stop, it's the same old merry-go-round!