I B Hankering's Avatar
the problem with voter fraud is that it only affects very tight races 50-50 or 49-51 where 100 or 1000 votes can swing the election one way.

from what I can tell, voter fraud has little or no affect if a vote is 55% higher, unless there was some blatant ballot stuffing going.

vote fraud wasn't as blatant as it used to be from 1796 - 1960's)

heck, I had a co-worker tell me stories where his father and some friends would steal some ballot boxes and toss them in the swamp in the 40's -50's.

There are examples of possible voter fraud like Washington governor's race between Dino & Gregiore; minnesota senate race where a comedian won in very close race. Ballot boxes that disappeared and reappeared sucspiciously. both of them had precinct discrepancies where they were more voters than the population of the precinct.

dead people voting is generally found in Chicago. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Judge Perez always asked Huey how many votes he needed from Plaquemines Parish to win; the Judge always ensured Huey got those votes - and a little more; and to be fair, he also saw to it that the opponent received a few token votes. Altogether, when numbered and accounted for, the ballots almost always exceeded the Parish's population.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm sure nothing like that goes on in America anymore. We can trust our electoral process.
It is not in my life. I have a government ID. But I lost my DL once and could not find my passport and had to go to the county office to get a copy of my Birth C. Guess what, they wanted a DL or passport. A fucking nightmare. I can't even remember wtf the next step was but it was a circle jerk. And I have money and means and time to fix those problems...many do not.

So while it may not be more government in your life, it sure the fuc is for people with little or no means....Not that you give a fuc about the ederly and poor. Originally Posted by WTF
So you lost your DL, could not find your passport and had to go to the county to get a copy of your birth c. and all this justifies your feeling that government is too intrusive. My, my, lets just forget about all rules and regulations for those who can't hold onto their important documents.

A couple of things you seem to forget about the people who you keep looking out for in this thread is. 1. Old people have a tendency to follow the rules and hold on to their important documents and understand the need to present what they need. 2. The poor is used to dealing with government guidelines, heck, they got on welfare and section 8 housing didn't they. See, everyone will be ok except those who commit and support voter fraud.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 10:44 PM
Wrong list!

Positive ID cannot cure voter fraud, Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sorry, wasn't sure which list...but what you folks seem to be missing is this.

If you have x number of voter fraud without I D's. and your cure is to impose a law that will eliminate x but in doing so you then eliminate y number of voters....what have you really done?

The question ya'll are having difficuilty understanding is this:

If x = voter fraud and
y = disenfranchised voters

Which is worse?

There is no right or wrong. Let me repeat , there is no universial right or wrong to this question. It just depends on which you thinks is worse, x or y. I happen to think disenfranchised voters are worse than voter fraud.

That said...it could vary from election to election. Again there is no right or wrong.

So get the fuc over yourself COG.

I am not trying to be right, I am trying to teach you that there are some problems that the solution to fixing only creates another problem. That you do not think it a problem is because those were not subtracted from your side.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 10:51 PM
So you lost your DL, could not find your passport and had to go to the county to get a copy of your birth c. and all this justifies your feeling that government is too intrusive. My, my, lets just forget about all rules and regulations for those who can't hold onto their important documents.

A couple of things you seem to forget about the people who you keep looking out for in this thread is. 1. Old people have a tendency to follow the rules and hold on to their important documents and understand the need to present what they need. 2. The poor is used to dealing with government guidelines, heck, they got on welfare and section 8 housing didn't they. See, everyone will be ok except those who commit and support voter fraud. Originally Posted by robin hood
I thought you were robin hood....you should rename yoursel 1984.

Yes I think we are over regulated...so shoot me.

That has not been my main point in this thread. See my above post is you passed a basic algebra class and freshman philosophy class you will understand my main point.

Again, I think we have to fucking many rules in this country and sheep like you enforce my thought on the matter.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 10:58 PM
Here is why we need more control over who votes; think this Mayor voted for Obama and reflects Obama's attitudes on this issue?

...New Haven, Conn., Mayor John DeStefano argues that illegal immigrants who live in New Haven pay local taxes and their kids go to school in the city. That’s why he believes these city residents deserve the right to vote on local issues Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Does anybody but Whirlway think that local election should not be decided by local rules. If a town decides to allow illegals to vote....shold another town , state or federal government enity care?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, you've been saying I was wrong, now you say there is no right or wrong. And I'm supposed to get over myself?

If any state wants to allow non-citizens to vote, they may simply amend their state constitutions to so allow. In federal elections, the federal government would likely have to amend the Constitution. Go ahead. Pass the amendment.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-15-2011, 11:47 PM
WTF, you've been saying I was wrong, now you say there is no right or wrong. And I'm supposed to get over myself?

. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes, get over yourself.

You are wrong so damn much, I just come to expect it from you!

Do you at least understand now, that the so called solution only created another problem?

Do you understand that that was/is the intention of the people that crafted these laws?

They know that there is no massive voter fraud.

I just wanted you to realize wtf they are doing and why. You can agree or disagree with them depending on your political bent but that is wtf they are doing.

These are political hacks that know exactly wtf they are doing. You are not. That is why I take the time and try and educate you on these matters.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Well thank you for the education. You're wrong, but I appreciate the effort.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-16-2011, 12:34 AM
I already told you there is no right or wrong. My job withb you is never ending.
Budman's Avatar
I don't buy the claim that many will be disenfranchised. If the dems are so concerned about it maybe they can bus all the poor and old people down to the goverment office to get ID's. Problem solved. Every person in the country should have an ID. Hell we need to get a SS Card for new borns. The only reason anybody could be against this voter ID law is they believe their side benefits from voter fraud.

Your claim that the Acorn fraud I pointed out didn't count because it was discovered before the actual election. Well how many cases were never discovered? Do you honestly believe these are the only cases?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-16-2011, 06:53 AM
I don't buy the claim that many will be disenfranchised.

And I do not buy the claim that there is massive voter fraud

If the dems are so concerned about it maybe they can bus all the poor and old people down to the goverment office to get ID's. Problem solved. Every person in the country should have an ID.


And every person that can use an ER for free should have to buy health insurance.

Hell we need to get a SS Card for new borns. The only reason anybody could be against this voter ID law is they believe their side benefits from voter fraud.

Not true....but you can believe as you plaese. There is no massive voter fraud.

Your claim that the Acorn fraud I pointed out didn't count because it was discovered before the actual election. Well how many cases were never discovered? Do you honestly believe these are the only cases? Originally Posted by Budman
I didn't say it did not count. I said it was discovered before the election and that even the ones that were not discovered were vetted and no dead people voted in the election that matters. Do you understand that in really close election , that is exactly the kind of thing that they look for.

Furthermore how many cases of disenfranchisement will we never know about.

What if COG next hoax upon us is people from Mars voting in our elections. Do we next go to bio metric voting? It would be the best was to insure voting you know. It would be expensive as fuc but we could keep the Martians from voting!
Budman's Avatar
The martian thing won't be a problem if we get the voter ID law passed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This could present a problem. Some scientists believe that life on earth originated on Mars.


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-16-2011, 08:18 AM
The martian thing won't be a problem if we get the voter ID law passed. Originally Posted by Budman
Aww yes, you are correct,I forgotten all GOP voters came from Mars.