Who’s the biggest hate group in the USA?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Aha! I see the mistake, which is admittedly mine in terms of literal job titles. I switched the titles "campaign manager" (given June 20) and "campaign chairman and chief strategist" (given about a month before on May 19).

But it's misleading to try to give the impression that Manafort was only close to Trump for 60 days. In fact, according to Lewandowski, Manafort was in charge for 131 days.

"Paul Manafort has been in operational control of the campaign since April 7,” Lewandowski told The Associated Press on the day he was fired. “That's a fact.”*

So if the question is how much influence and power did Manafort have in the campaign, and for how long was he joined at the hip with Trump, it's more accurate to say 90+ days, and perhaps as many as 131 days.

But like all of these things, time will tell. And by "time" I mean the Mueller report. Nobody here knows what he knows. And not even Trump can create facts from nothing. He can only lie. And Mueller has been taking down liars his whole life.

(Meanwhile, today Manafort was denied release on bail. Again. And in response to Manafort's complaint to the contrary, the court today affirmed the legitimacy of Mueller's investigation. That ticking sound in Manafort's jail cell is getting louder every day.)

* https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/time...ry?id=50808957 Originally Posted by sean rider

this Bobby Mueller? or do you know another one leading some witch hunt?


and i've read this article before. don't try to say i just grabbed if from Bambino's post.

there's only two ways this makes your Patron Saint Bobby look...

Complicit in a coverup of innocent men or incompetent for allowing a rogue agent on his watch to frame innocent men.

neither is a good outcome, is it?
sean rider's Avatar

But ultimately this isn't about the people, it's about the evidence.

Unless you can convince me that you aren't nazi scum, and your avatar is actually some kind of post-modern ironic blah-blah-blah, this is the last response you will get from me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I hate to admit it Sean, but IB a liar is actually right. Manafort was Trumps manager for less that 60 days. He was never on the payroll for Trump, that means he was merely a chairman. He was however on one of Putins buddy's payroll for Millions it seems.
I would like Trump to explain how he vetted him and missed that. So Manafort was paid by a Russian ally and was working on Trumps campaign. And some folks have no issue with that. Pathetic.

Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Funny how your ilk keeps ignoring how hildebeest and company received millions and millions from the Russians, M T Brain Socket. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...investors.html
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

But ultimately this isn't about the people, it's about the evidence.

Unless you can convince me that you aren't nazi scum, and your avatar is actually some kind of post-modern ironic blah-blah-blah, this is the last response you will get from me. Originally Posted by sean rider
you said that last time, yet here you are again. and you are using the typical deflection tactics of your liberal ilk, don't directly reply just try to change the narrative.

what will you have to say when this august bunch finds absolutely nothing about collusion with Russia? remember .. that's what they are supposed to be doing.

so you think that Trump is guilty of tax evasion? Trump has been audited for decades and the IRS has never found anything on him. what makes you think this "dream team" of Mueller's can find what the IRS couldn't?

Cohen? he's not gonna flip, because he has nothing to flip, he's not Trump's accountant. not one thing Mueller is bringing against Cohen has anything to do with the election and collusion with Russia. Manafort? he's a long time politico but has all but zero time in Trump's orbit. Until Trump declared, Trump didn't know who he was. Page? same thing.

yet these guys supposedly know all about Trump? everything? only Cohen has any long term association with Trump and nothing he's looking at legal-wise shows collusion with Russia. in fact, it shows all Mueller has is a witch hunt against anyone within Trump's orbit. the guy is grasping at straws.

just admit, like your cousin Assup Rider, you simply hate Trump. i'm actually ok with that. i hate Obama and the Clinton's. that's a matter of opinion. it's not grounds to impeach a president.

why, even Rahm Emanuel knows you can't impeach a president simply because you don't like him. he knows that if you start doing that, the next victim of a witch hunt impeachment will be a Democratic president.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Blah blah blah, WWE. Simply blah blah blah.

Have a happy day. Stay safe from them maurauding Guatamalan kids.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Blah blah blah, WWE. Simply blah blah blah.

Have a happy day. Stay safe from them maurauding Guatamalan kids.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

it's today. TODAY! it's happening ... it REALLY IS HAPPENING .... today at Noon on the porch of Funk and Wagnalls ...

Carnac the Magnificent will release the pee tape!!!!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
And you’ll be deported to Douchebaggistan.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And you’ll be deported to Douchebaggistan. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

i hear it's a lovely place. it's right next to Uranus. send us a postcard!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fake planets.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Funny how your ilk keeps ignoring how hildebeest and company received millions and millions from the Russians, M T Brain Socket. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...investors.html Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No its funny how your Team keeps saying she did, and fine with Trumps team doing it admittedly at the same time.

So tell me, who was on the CFIUS when this happened and how did they vote?
I B Hankering's Avatar
No its funny how your Team keeps saying she did, and fine with Trumps team doing it admittedly at the same time.

So tell me, who was on the CFIUS when this happened and how did they vote?
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Trump didn't agree to sell strategic uranium reserves to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars, M T Brain Socket.
Ding, ding, ding! Stop the phones, we have a winner!

The Dims invented racism... whenever they preach hatred they are merely being true to their historical roots.

Originally Posted by lustylad
And after the voting rights act passed in the sixties all these klansman democrats (dixiecrats) joined the republican party which is where they remain till this day.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And after the voting rights act passed in the sixties all these klansman democrats (dixiecrats) joined the republican party which is where they remain till this day. Originally Posted by rayg07

well who knew Jules was such an expert in "Pulp Fiction"?


you got the dixiecrats part right, the rest is a figment of your imagination.
lustylad's Avatar
And after the voting rights act passed in the sixties all these klansman democrats (dixiecrats) joined the republican party which is where they remain till this day. Originally Posted by rayg07
Hmmm... you sure about that, Mr. Rayg07?

MT Pockets's Avatar
Trump didn't agree to sell strategic uranium reserves to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars, M T Brain Socket. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hillary didn't either you idiot. She was not on the committee. If you had a brain you would blame Obama but too late for that dipshit. Obama and the committee were the only ones that had any power. What about the Russian money Trump got via the NRA? And by adding"strategic" you are just trying to add color to your bullshit story.