The Pfizer vaccine “does nothing to stop the overall risk of death”

Grace Preston's Avatar
You not follow the news much? NY and CA are in hot pursuit of viable passports. All you need is a retailer like Walmart to attempt it and it's going to blow up. The Feds are exploring controlling interstate commerce with one, FFS.

The regime WANTS a passport.. because it gives them the ability to control the population with a good excuse.

It might also be the flashpoint for a serious Constitutional Crisis... because so far, SCOTUS has allowed public universities to require the shot... period. No alternative. Originally Posted by texassapper

Which-- given the fact that SCOTUS leans conservative and has a couple of staunch constitutionalists -- would suggest that perhaps its not the dog whistle that some feel it is? I mean.. even ACB supported the whole shot mandate.

Walmart won't be the one to fall.. it will be Meijer or Target first. Walmart is based in conservative country and is heavily marketed in Small Town USA.
texassapper's Avatar
Which-- given the fact that SCOTUS leans conservative and has a couple of staunch constitutionalists -- would suggest that perhaps its not the dog whistle that some feel it is? I mean.. even ACB supported the whole shot mandate.

Walmart won't be the one to fall.. it will be Meijer or Target first. Walmart is based in conservative country and is heavily marketed in Small Town USA. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
LOL... what makes you think ACB is a real conservative?

Personally, I think that the NSA is dumping intel on SCOTUS to Democrat leadership... it explains a WHOLE lot of questionable decisions on the part of seemingly reliably conservative jurists suddenly changing colors once on SCOTUS.

Old John Roberts Obamacare "It's a tax, but not a tax decision"... the week before the decision was published sure makes that seem plausible. And we know for certain that the NSA is spying on US citizens (Trump cough cough) and the Obama administration was illegally unmasking them.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Personally-- I think that people had the idea that Conservative Judge = Is gonna do what I want. When in reality-- it just means, generally, a more strict interpretation of the Constitution.. which often leads to decisions that will leave some scratching their heads.

What makes me think ACB is a Conservative? Well.. judging by the way folks were rubbing their nipples over her appointment last year-- why do you feel she isn't? Lots of conservatives on this forum were gloating about it.....
She looks like a dibeeetus poster woman...

Jummai's case was referred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to investigate.

After a virtual call that included 70 to 80 health experts from around the country, the CDC determined that COVID-19 and MIS combined were the cause of her complications, according to the GoFundMe page.

Jummai Nache will soon need her hands amputated as well, though her heart has fully recovered

The agency could not determine whether the vaccine played a role in her condition, however.

FIrst, since it had not been 2 weeks since her 2nd shot, she was not fully protected against COVID.

Did the vaccine cause the problems? Unknown. Possibly. But do you really want to compare lives saved by the vaccine vs. POSSIBLE lives loss due to the vaccine?

If you or anyone else is worried about such complications, including death, from the vaccines, you can choose to not receive the vaccine. I made my choice and you made your choice. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Personally-- I think that people had the idea that Conservative Judge = Is gonna do what I want. When in reality-- it just means, generally, a more strict interpretation of the Constitution.. which often leads to decisions that will leave some scratching their heads.

What makes me think ACB is a Conservative? Well.. judging by the way folks were rubbing their nipples over her appointment last year-- why do you feel she isn't? Lots of conservatives on this forum were gloating about it..... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Generally they were gloating about trump getting a 3rd justice in. So far that hasn't worked out well for them. Also when the tables were switched and it was an election year, it was alright for a president to seat a justice...just a couple months before an election. But when Obama had a selection a year and a half before an election, nooooo wayyy, too close to election... I bet trump hates Merrick Garland is Attorney General now..... lol. Will be fun to see how this plays out.
texassapper's Avatar
Personally-- I think that people had the idea that Conservative Judge = Is gonna do what I want. When in reality-- it just means, generally, a more strict interpretation of the Constitution.. which often leads to decisions that will leave some scratching their heads. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I'm in the latter camp... But refusing to hear a case w/o comment on a matter such as forced vax seems suspect. Remember her VERY first action was to abstain from voting on the legality of the PA supreme court changing the election rules... something that CLEARLY the Constitution gives to the state legislatures. I mean

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.
is pretty FCUKING clear... But I think she'd already had her talking to before that decision.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Y'know.. some conspiracy theories have merit... but I just can't go around in life thinking everything is a deep state conspiracy. I just can't. You're certainly entitled to your views on this but.. I just don't see it through the same lens.
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  • 08-16-2021, 03:29 PM

Did the vaccine cause the problems? Unknown. Possibly. But do you really want to compare lives saved by the vaccine vs. POSSIBLE lives loss due to the vaccine? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Exactly. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved by the vaccines in the USA. Hundreds have died as a result of taking the vaccine, if that many. That's a pretty good risk-reward ratio.

So how did we get started on this narrative? Well, perhaps this is part of the answer,

Excerpt from Wall Street Journal:

Russian intelligence agencies have mounted a campaign to undermine confidence in Pfizer Inc.’s and other Western vaccines, using online publications that in recent months have questioned the vaccines’ development and safety, U.S. officials said.

An official with the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, which monitors foreign disinformation efforts, identified four publications that he said have served as fronts for Russian intelligence.

The websites played up the vaccines’ risk of side effects, questioned their efficacy, and said the U.S. had rushed the Pfizer vaccine through the approval process, among other false or misleading claims.

Though the outlets’ readership is small, U.S. officials say they inject false narratives that can be amplified by other Russian and international media.

“We can say these outlets are directly linked to Russian intelligence services,” the Global Engagement Center official said of the sites behind the disinformation campaign. “They’re all foreign-owned, based outside of the United States. They vary a lot in their reach, their tone, their audience, but they’re all part of the Russian propaganda and disinformation ecosystem.”
texassapper's Avatar
Y'know.. some conspiracy theories have merit... but I just can't go around in life thinking everything is a deep state conspiracy. I just can't. You're certainly entitled to your views on this but.. I just don't see it through the same lens. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
yeah, I get it... it's more comfortable. But there's just too many coincidences that don't make sense. I hate to say it but sometimes the only thing that makes sense of the motivations of these folks is the fact that there is a Deep State... and clearly we've seen an assload of evidence.

Seth Rich - get plugged a few days after the DNC "hack" of which there has never been any evidence. Frankly, he probably pulled the data, got ID'd and killed but not before getting the data in Assanges hands.

Hillary and her lawyers come up with the Russian/Trump hack and then create a dossier to pin Russian collusion on Trump. It was used to illegally tap Trumps communications on the expectations that of course the guy is a crook because everybody else in DC is too. But they came up with Bupkis... But that didn't stop the FBI and Congressman repeatedly saying there was tons of evidence until they got put under oath. They lied for years about this shit.

They've lied about the Wuhan flu origins too at the direction of the ChiComs. They've lied about the efficacy of the vax. They've lied about the efficacy of masks. They've lied about the efficacy of lockdowns.

The bureaucrats of the US government can no longer be trusted.

I understand the reluctance to think this is true and what that REALLY means about the state of this Republic... it destroys faith in the institutions that we were raised ot believe in. I've still many friends in the FBI and military... I know there are good and honorable men/women out there... but they are NOT the ones in charge.

Shitbags like Rosenstein, Comey, Barr have subverted our institutions to the point that American citizens are the sole targets of their activities...

The blue pill is comfortable... I get it.
Should we be surprised the Russians want to sow discord in America.
Grace Preston's Avatar
It's not even a matter of blue pill/red pill. Its just.. from what I see... some notions have merit and some do not.
texassapper's Avatar
Should we be surprised the Russians want to sow discord in America. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
What is it with the Democrats and their hard on for Russia? It's the Chinese that are the issue... it's the Chinese that have our President on their payroll, not the Russians... but the whoel ruskie thing is a convenient distraction...

Like a magician doing slight of hand misdirection.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
In my humble opinion, you are truly delusional.

yeah, I get it... it's more comfortable. But there's just too many coincidences that don't make sense. I hate to say it but sometimes the only thing that makes sense of the motivations of these folks is the fact that there is a Deep State... and clearly we've seen an assload of evidence.

Seth Rich - get plugged a few days after the DNC "hack" of which there has never been any evidence. Frankly, he probably pulled the data, got ID'd and killed but not before getting the data in Assanges hands.

Hillary and her lawyers come up with the Russian/Trump hack and then create a dossier to pin Russian collusion on Trump. It was used to illegally tap Trumps communications on the expectations that of course the guy is a crook because everybody else in DC is too. But they came up with Bupkis... But that didn't stop the FBI and Congressman repeatedly saying there was tons of evidence until they got put under oath. They lied for years about this shit.

They've lied about the Wuhan flu origins too at the direction of the ChiComs. They've lied about the efficacy of the vax. They've lied about the efficacy of masks. They've lied about the efficacy of lockdowns.

The bureaucrats of the US government can no longer be trusted.

I understand the reluctance to think this is true and what that REALLY means about the state of this Republic... it destroys faith in the institutions that we were raised ot believe in. I've still many friends in the FBI and military... I know there are good and honorable men/women out there... but they are NOT the ones in charge.

Shitbags like Rosenstein, Comey, Barr have subverted our institutions to the point that American citizens are the sole targets of their activities...

The blue pill is comfortable... I get it. Originally Posted by texassapper
eccieuser9500's Avatar
In my humble opinion, you are truly delusional. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
On August 14 there were 177 deaths attributed to COVID. 7-day average was 662. I'd be willing to bet they all received "good treatment".

Pfizer will say that your chances of death or even hospitalization are not only lessened but almost eliminated. Your chances of catching the virus are lessened.

You are correct in believing that the odds of catching COVID and either requiring hospitalization or dying are very low. But they aren't zero and since a vaccine is available that will bring a person much closer to zero with no known serious side effects, the choice for me was an easy one. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What was that treatment?