ESPN pulls Asian-American announcer from Virginia football game because he has a Confederate general's name.

MT Pockets's Avatar
And, don't forget, he's seArgent shitburner's # 1 WK ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
MT is demonstrating why he and Lubed Wide Ass are so inseparable and a constant lurking presence at the HEB parking lots ! No wonder he's Lube's # 1 WK ! Reckon this is MT way of " throwing his hat in the ring " for the DOTY award ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Man you just can not let go of Luke can you? Has he still been giving you the cold shoulder. Maybe DSK can come out of his self induced ban and let you have a little dick. Then again maybe him and Luke ran off together.
lustylad's Avatar
Here is the difference between you and a normal person. Had you been able to hold a cognitive thought for more than a nano second you would have asked yourself" Hey he said it didn't happen and then commented about some of the events that occurred. Maybe he meant it happened but not in the way first thought." Then you could choose between the options or simply ask " hey you seem to say it happened and did not happen I am confused." Then I could have said well let be a little clearer, You guys implied that ESPN is ran by Lib's I pointed out it was a measure of safety that all involved felt would be prudent. Then of course they did all they could to keep a lid on it, or maybe not. Either way it hit the press as a spin. And we all know how you like to get on a spin and run wild.
So all that for you to understand what pretty much everyone else understood already.
As for taken out of context, you copy and pasted a clip out of the article and posted it like I said it. WTF? no one is that stupid. LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
This is typical gobbledygook from MT Jockstrap. He is just an argumentative jackass who is too stupid to pick his fights carefully and instead will challenge the obvious and then try to wear you down with his tit-for-tat nonsense claiming he didn't say what he actually said. He's a fucking trailer trash tranny troll whose sole purpose in this forum is to waste our time!
MT Pockets's Avatar
This is typical gobbledygook from MT Jockstrap. He is just an argumentative jackass who is too stupid to pick his fights carefully and instead will challenge the obvious and then try to wear you down with his tit-for-tat nonsense claiming he didn't say what he actually said. He's a fucking trailer trash tranny troll whose sole purpose in this forum is to waste our time! Originally Posted by lustylad
Wow! "they" must be desperate to pull out the LL alter. Seems like when your co host runs out of fodder you always seem to show up. Always late for the party. Then again you are known to be the "clean-up" man LOL.
Why is it so hard for you guys to realize that Neocons are not the only folks capable of stirring shit. This whole forum has one purpose. That is to be the feeding ground for human Ant-lions. You guys post thread after thread trolling for moderates or liberals hoping to drag them into your web of bullshit. Now and then someone comes along that can compartmentalize themselves and "slum" with you and not take it personally. I start every relationship off with a respectful comment. It is normally answered with an insult or two. Pretty much the only conservative that I have engaged with here that was not a dickhead is Mr Mojo. He has been a bit hostile but hanging with you guys has influenced him I suppose. If you look at all the post between him and I you will see we may argue but refrain from name calling.
If you thought my posting was just nonsense you would block me or not respond. By you even entering in the conversation means I have struck a nerve. So good luck with whatever time you have left with Emperor trump at the helm.
From a philosophical stand point -- corporate jocks are simplistic greed-masters. This is the evolution of professional sports. You'll see strains of this type of stupidity in many aspects of the professional athletic business sector. Yet we worship jocks and their densities. They are complete sell-outs to the greed culture, pushing stupid food and drink and behaviors. I like sports, but our society has gone too far with sports, and we have elevated thick-headed, short-sighted people to positions of stature. This Robert Lee debacle is evidence of their dopey worries about hurting the bottom line.
I agree, all can see where I made a comment about what happened. You can try to divert what I said but the fact I commented about what really happened and how proves you are full of shit. I think the issue is you read one line and skip over the rest. Must be that 3rd set of the 21st chromosome flaring up again.

Well since I have added the post where I commented about what really happened, maybe you are the one with cerebral cortex problem.
Just because mine (Cortex) has more folds in it does not mean there is a problem. By the way I am not on Obamacare, then again no one is on it. Now you on the other hand may be getting it from the exchange. Thanks to Krute and Burdette you may have other options.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets

The above is call a "published research paper". However, it may take you 6 months to read it and another 6 months to comprehend it. However, it may help you understand why you can't think and why you shit your paints occasionally.

Doug Adler: "ESPN 'killed me' over misunderstood racial comment".

Another example of liberal PC going to far.

Now if I did the commentary, it might have sounded more like this:

"WOW, that she-boon got on the knuckle and charged the net like a pissed-off gorilla."

Then I could see why they might need to ask me to tone it down a notch. LOL

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The above is call a "published research paper". However, it may take you 6 months to read it and another 6 months to comprehend it. However, it may help you understand why you can't think and why you shit your paints occasionally. Originally Posted by Muscleup
your link is not working p=rep1...pdf

See if this works.

You have to wrench this stuff off the net unless you go to the dark web.

I'm guessing its some kind of PC effort not to decimate the truth about anything that conflicts with the liberal agenda.

This article is from Berkley profs, ironically. In-depth study of probable genetic variants among the races influencing intelligence.
[PDF]thirty years of research on race differences in cognitive ... - CiteSeerX

Yeah the link is broken. Probably some lib realized it had been publish and shut it down. LOL

I can't get the PDF to come up.

It was a great synopsis of the genetic influence on intelligence among all races. It took data from the infamous "Bell Curve" and several other studies.

Jewish Americans took the cake with an average of 113 I.Q.
Asians: 106
Euro/American whites: 103
Hispanics: 89
AA's: 85
Sub-Saharan black Africans: 70

An I.Q. of 70 or below is considered functionally retarded in the west.

That means half of the entire black population of the African continent would be considered retarded in the West.
MT Pockets's Avatar

The above is call a "published research paper". However, it may take you 6 months to read it and another 6 months to comprehend it. However, it may help you understand why you can't think and why you shit your paints occasionally. Originally Posted by Muscleup
You mean take 6 months to get the virus off my PC? Fucking idiot.
Post it out where I can see it then.
You knew it was a bullshit move and killed the link. Or "mebbe" your "Typo-squatting" buddy did it for you.
MT Pockets's Avatar
[PDF]thirty years of research on race differences in cognitive ... - CiteSeerX

Yeah the link is broken. Probably some lib realized it had been publish and shut it down. LOL

I can't get the PDF to come up.

It was a great synopsis of the genetic influence on intelligence among all races. It took data from the infamous "Bell Curve" and several other studies.

Jewish Americans took the cake with an average of 113 I.Q.
Asians: 106
Euro/American whites: 103
Hispanics: 89
AA's: 85
Sub-Saharan black Africans: 70

An I.Q. of 70 or below is considered functionally retarded in the west.

That means half of the entire black population of the African continent would be considered retarded in the West. Originally Posted by Muscleup
So which of those groups do you think I am in?
lustylad's Avatar
So which of those groups do you think I am in? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're at least 3 standard deviations off the low end of the curve, MT Jockstrap.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're at least 3 standard deviations off the low end of the curve, MT Jockstrap. Originally Posted by lustylad
And yet I am still ahead of you.
PS I know you think those Facebook IQ test are real.
Hate to break it to you. You are not even on the scale.