Americans Are With The Republicans on Debt...

I B Hankering's Avatar
Some nuanced polling on the issue of what the public wants on how to reduce the debt: Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It’s a disingenuous article and position. The author clearly distorts the results for his own political purpose. Using the author’s own numbers, some 89% of Americans are clearly against raising taxes alone to solve the current budget crisis. Yet, that is - and has been - Obama and Pelosi’s very position. Obama has offered absolutely nothing but “promises” and “support” for future tax reform and spending cuts. If the "Anointed One" truly wants to bargain, he’d better ante up something tangible and concrete in the way of immediate cuts in federal spending.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-13-2011, 07:24 PM
the economy sucked, we just came off the internet bubble and they crashed the economy like they always do when handing off the presidency... Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Yeah, in the 40 or so days between Bush being declared the winner, and the end of Clinton's term, he crashed the economy.
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  • Doove
  • 07-13-2011, 07:27 PM
Using the author’s own numbers, some 89% of Americans are clearly against raising taxes alone to solve the current budget crisis. Yet, that is - and has been - Obama and Pelosi’s very position. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're stupid.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You're stupid. Originally Posted by Doove

TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, Obama's proposal to the Speaker supposedly contains $3 in cuts for every $1 in tax increases (unfortunately). It should be the other way around.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, Obama's proposal to the Speaker supposedly contains $3 in cuts for every $1 in tax increases (unfortunately). It should be the other way around. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
"House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) called Obama out on the latter’s stated desire for a grand bargain on the debt ceiling, saying that despite the rhetoric, Obama had yet to produce any details on what type of bargain he would accept."

Cantor: “I’d like to see the specifics of what the president says his plans are.”

Evidently, all that's been offered is the same ol' "Hope and Change" BS that he conned some voters with.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-14-2011, 04:22 AM
You're stupid. Originally Posted by Doove
LINK? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, even the Wall St. boyz are telling your heroes not to count their chickens before thay hatch since public opinion can (and will) change on a dime if the Re-pube Kamikaze guys persist in their foolishness which has been shown over and over not to fly with the American public.
TexTushHog's Avatar
"House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) called Obama out on the latter’s stated desire for a grand bargain on the debt ceiling, saying that despite the rhetoric, Obama had yet to produce any details on what type of bargain he would accept."

Cantor: “I’d like to see the specifics of what the president says his plans are.”

Evidently, all that's been offered is the same ol' "Hope and Change" BS that he conned some voters with.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And the President said that he had given the specifics to The Speaker. It's clear that The Speaker is willing to cut some sort of deal that is in the best interests of the country, which Cantor only cares about trying to unseat The Speaker. I'm not sure about McConnell, but I think that with or without him, there are 60 votes in the Senate.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 09:16 AM
It’s a disingenuous article and position. The author clearly distorts the results for his own political purpose. Using the author’s own numbers, some 89% of Americans are clearly against raising taxes alone to solve the current budget crisis. Yet, that is - and has been - Obama and Pelosi’s very position. Obama has offered absolutely nothing but “promises” and “support” for future tax reform and spending cuts. If the "Anointed One" truly wants to bargain, he’d better ante up something tangible and concrete in the way of immediate cuts in federal spending. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are lying....nobody has said to cut the deficit by only raising taxes.

Yes 89% of us are not for that but neither is Obama or any one else.

TTH has it exactly right. Canter is fucking over his Speaker. Obama and the Speaker are in talks, not Cantor. Obama told Cantor to ask the Speaker for details. Canter is playing to his crowd and doing nothing to help solve this. He has a very good chance of being marginalized after this.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And the President said that he had given the specifics to The Speaker. It's clear that The Speaker is willing to cut some sort of deal that is in the best interests of the country, which Cantor only cares about trying to unseat The Speaker. I'm not sure about McConnell, but I think that with or without him, there are 60 votes in the Senate. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Purportedly, President Obama offered his $3.7 trillion budget blueprint that contained more spending; not cuts. He projected a federal deficit of more than $1 trillion for the new fiscal year. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) immediately declared the White House plan dead on arrival. "The president's budget accelerates our country down the path to bankruptcy," Ryan said.

Then it was “rumored” that Obama “might support” changes to Social Security and Medicare to effect savings. But again, the key words are
“might support”! Just like “Hope and Change”, there's nothing tangible in his recurring line of BS.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) quickly threw cold water on that idea, saying: “No way. No how. Not now. Not on my watch. No cuts to Medicare and Social Security.” So much for that “Hope and Change” and “support”.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You are lying....nobody has said to cut the deficit by only raising taxes.

Yes 89% of us are not for that but neither is Obama or any one else.

TTH has it exactly right. Canter is fucking over his Speaker. Obama and the Speaker are in talks, not Cantor. Obama told Cantor to ask the Speaker for details. Canter is playing to his crowd and doing nothing to help solve this. He has a very good chance of being marginalized after this. Originally Posted by WTF
When you show up with a budget that is full of spending increases? Well, you know what they say, "Actions speak louder than words."

And, just in case you missed it WTF, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) stated position: “No way. No how. Not now. Not on my watch. No cuts to Medicare and Social Security.”

To expand on your colorful analogy, Pelosi must be fucking Obama . . .now there’s a repulsive image. (I hope you haven't eaten)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-15-2011, 09:55 AM
Both sides have to try and sell things to the base that the base will not like.

Obama has said that he is willing to raise the retirement age , among other things.

And yes Cantor and Nancy should get a room, they only play to their base. The difference is that Nancy can be brought on board, Cantor can not. His base has no compromise in that ignorant base. That is the same base that thinks starting two wars and tax cuts are a smart thing. Math majors they are not!

We need both raising of taxes and adjustments to SS and Medicare.

The GOP is against raising taxes. That is just plain dumb.

The independent voters know we need to raise taxes.

That will show in 2012.

None of that changes the fact that you lied about Obama's position. He is not for only raising taxes. That is what you implied and that was a lie.
obama wants to close tax "loops holes" like he was so rightgeous and the repubs are for the rich.

well the corporate jet write off "loop hole" is on he "stimulate" the economy. to encourage corporations to buy planes so the workers would have jobs he shortened the write off life for new planes purchased...its all so sick.... his obfuscations and blubbering

everything except his droning on and on is a talking point to him, which he, being the only adult in the room, never narcissist

and this is not to even mention, the corporate jet thing will only raise about 3 billion over ten years if that (even assuming a static tax response) while our fkn deficit is like 140 Billion a damn month!