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NATO to probe France-Turkey Med naval incident

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday that the military alliance would investigate an incident between Turkish warships and a French naval vessel in the Mediterranean, as France accused Turkey of repeated violations of the U.N. arms embargo on conflict-torn Libya and branded Ankara an obstacle to securing a cease-fire there.
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Turkey Seeks Diplomatic Gains After Risky Libya Military Intervention

ISTANBUL - Turkey is seeking to reap diplomatic rewards from its military success in Libya. Recent gains by Turkish-backed forces of the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) are enhancing Ankara’s influence in Libya and with the European Union.

Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu speaks during a joint press conference with Italy's Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, in Ankara, Turkey, June 19, 2020. Turkey and Italy continue to work for a lasting peace and political solution in Libya.

Turkey sent military personnel to Libya in January to support the Tripoli-based GNA. It had been under sustained attack from forces led by Libyan General Khalif Haftar, who has a power base in eastern Libya. Haftar's Libyan National Army (LNA) has the backing of countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Russia.

The Turkish military deployment to Libya, widely seen as a gamble by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, turned out to be a game changer in the civil war.

Haftar’s forces were driven from the suburbs of Tripoli and continue to sustain territorial losses.

Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization, led a high-level delegation Wednesday to Tripoli, underlining the critical role Turkey is now playing in Libya. According to pro-government Turkish media reports, Ankara is looking to establish an air and naval base in Libya.

The Turkish government so far hasn't officially commented on the news reports, but Ankara's military presence in Libya could be a big bargaining chip with the European Union.

"Libya is so strategically important to the EU, as Libya is the gateway of Africa to Europe," said retired Turkish ambassador to Qatar Mithat Rende.

The Libyan civil war’s chaos made the country one of the main smuggling routes for migrants trying to enter the EU.

Ankara already has a deal with the EU to prevent refugees and migrants from trying to enter through Turkey, in exchange for billions of dollars in aid.

Political science professor Ilhan Uzgel of Ankara University said Erdogan now sees an opportunity to extend Turkey's role as the EU's gatekeeper to Libya. Ankara has myriad issues it's negotiating with Brussels in the renewal of a customs union on visa free travel.

"Turkey used the Syrian refugees as a bargaining chip against the EU, it was a policy of blackmail, and it worked somehow. Now with Libya, Turkey has a new card or leverage against the EU. So, they [the EU] may not be happy, but the EU is usually making a bargain with Turkey over the refugee issues," said Uzgel.

France and Germany have sharply criticized Turkish military intervention in Libya, although with Germany taking over the EU presidency in July, German Chancellor Angela Merkel could be looking to Erdogan for a deal.

"Turkish military presence in Libya would strengthen its position vis-a-vis EU in general and Germany in particular," said international relations expert Zaur Gasimov of Bonn University.

"The fears of more influx of refugees have never been stronger than now in Europe, already heavily challenged by the [coronavirus] pandemic and economic recession," he added.

Merkel spoke by telephone with Erdogan this month about Libya. Friday, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio flew to Ankara for talks with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, on stabilizing the North African country.

"They [the EU] don't like his [Erdogan’s] personality; they don't respect him. But they know that he can make a deal, and he keeps his promises in a way," Uzgel said.

In the U.S., the Trump Administration also could see Ankara as a partner in Libya.

"Turkey and the U.S. can together make a positive difference [in Libya]," Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay said Friday.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Erdogan agreed this month to cooperate on Libya, although the nature of the cooperation remains unclear.

Also this month, the U.S. military accused Russia of seeking to push for a strategic foothold on NATO's southern flank at the expense of innocent Libyan lives. Moscow is a key backer of Haftar, although it denies any military involvement. But Turkey's Libya military intervention is seen as thwarting Russian ambitions.

A meeting between Russian and Turkish foreign ministers called by Russia for June 14 to discuss Libya was canceled.

"The cancelation came from Turkey," Uzgel said. " It's the rule of any conflict it's usually the losing side who asks for a cease-fire. Turkey does not want to stop in Libya."

Moscow, however, is accused of establishing a substantial military presence in Libya. On Thursday, the U.S. Africa Command published what it said were new images of Russian warplanes in Libya.

"Russia has sent its military jets to Libya, but we have not heard they had used their jets effectively against GNA forces. It could have been used effectively because [Turkish] drones are no match against fighter jets. But they haven't been used. It appears more like symbolic importance; it's more of a bluff than a tool in a fight" said Uzgel.

Moscow may be reluctant to risk its relations with Turkey, which have markedly improved in the past few years, much to the alarm of Turkey's NATO partners. The two countries have strong trade ties and are cooperating in the Syrian civil war, despite backing rival sides in the conflict. Turkey, Russia and Iran are part of the Astana Process, which is seeking to end the conflict. While Moscow and Ankara struck an agreement to enforce a cease-fire in Afrin, the last rebel-controlled region.

Observers say that despite Turkey's success in Libya, it still needs to handle Moscow with care. Russia can undermine Turkey's efforts to stabilize Libya or push back against Turkish interests elsewhere.

However, Gasimov believes pragmatism is likely to prevail.

"Turkey and Russia would highly likely manage a deal in Libya, as they did in Syria, and indeed the Libyan antagonism would even bond them closer," he said.

Gasimov said Russia could be accommodating to Turkey's demand to end Haftar's leadership role, as part of any Libyan deal.

"The Russian position is heterogeneous and dynamic. Haftar, who studied in the U.S.S.R., is not seen any more as the only key factor for Russia's presence in Libya. Moscow is searching for alternatives," he said.

Any Russian deal, though, is likely to be limited by Turkey’s desire to work with its Western allies in Libya.

"Ankara can make a deal with Moscow but on its terms," said Uzgel. “They may be a short-term limited deal with Russia. Anything more and the EU would not be happy or the United States. There may be a temporary small-scale deal with Russia."

Dorian Jones
  • oeb11
  • 06-20-2020, 01:12 PM
What NATO chooses to do with Turkey and the Middle east - I care not - except to maintain Israel's independence - and they can handle that prety much alone.
fucking Putin with the situation was a smart Trump Move - and crybaby 9500 is all upset for the good buddy of the LibDPST's .

Why buddy - similar authoritarian governing agenda as Putin and Xi.

9500 should stick to playing with eric Swalwell at nuking Middle America to win teh election.
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Turkey Now Has Swarming Suicide Drones It Could Export

The Turkish military reportedly plans to buy more than 500 quad-copter-type Kargu series loitering munitions, or suicide drones, in the near term. The Kargus, at present, can operate in semi-autonomous or manually-controlled modes, but work is underway to give up to 20 of them the ability to carry out mass attacks as a swarm, which could give Turkey's troops a potentially game-changing new capability.

The Kargu-2 can also fly higher, has a longer range, and has the ability to remain in a designated area for a longer period of time compared to the earlier models. It also has updated targeting capabilities and improvements to reduce its auditory signature, the latter of which helps reduce the chance that an opponent will spot the drone before it's too late.

"I argue all the time with my Air Force friends that the future of flight is vertical and it's unmanned," U.S. Marine General Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said at an event hosted by the Middle East Institute last week. "I'm not talking about large unmanned platforms, which are the size of a conventional fighter jet that we can see and deal with, as we would any other platform."

"I'm talking about the one you can go out and buy at Costco right now in the United States for a thousand dollars, four quad, rotorcraft or something like that that can be launched and flown," he continued. "And with very simple modifications, it can make made into something that can drop a weapon like a hand grenade or something else."

The Kargus, and their future swarming capabilities, could very well become the next major Turkish drone success story, for better or worse.

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John Bolton claims Donald Trump told Turkey's President Erdogan he would intervene in a Southern District of NY investigation of a state-owned Turkish bank - as fired US attorney Berman leaves his office after being forced out


Asked about those claims Bolton told ABC: 'What Erdogan wanted was basically a settlement that would take the pressure off Halkbank. And the president said to Erdogan at one point, 'Look, those prosecutors in New York are Obama people. Wait till I get my people in and then we'll take care of this'.

'This idea that you give Erdogan and his family, who use Halkbank like a slush fund -- in exchange for, what, some hope down the road of some other kind of treatment for Trump or the country -- was very troubling.'

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With assault on Iraq, Turkey and Iran cement partnership in crime


Turkey in particular blames the PKK for a series of recent bombings in areas of predominantly Kurdish northern Syria, occupied by Turkish troops.

By contrast, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the UAE view the strikes as a clear violation of Iraqi sovereignty. From the Arab perspective, Turkey and Iran are brazenly flexing their muscles as if to remind Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Iraq’s new prime minister, who the real regional powers are.

US President Donald Trump in particular could not care less about such attacks on Kurdish opposition groups. Although many in the Pentagon value a close relationship with the Kurds, they play a limited role in US policymaking, a fact most recently confirmed by Trump’s former National Security Adviser John Bolton in his White House memoir, “The Room Where It Happened.”

During the past year, influential voices within the US Department of State even argued for closer cooperation with Turkey as a means of containing Iran. This likely formed part of President Trump’s logic when he betrayed Syrian Kurdish groups to a Turkish onslaught in October of 2019.

  • oeb11
  • 06-21-2020, 06:52 PM
9500- you are so concerned with turkey - why not take your "Breast Buddy"H.... to mediate the situation with you . Remember Benghazi!!

Why is it 9500 never posts a female meme?? Why, Pray tell???? Old dead Males Only - 9500- ???
  • UHB
  • 06-21-2020, 07:22 PM
9500- you are so concerned with turkey - why not take your "Breast Buddy"H.... to mediate the situation with you . Remember Benghazi!!

Why is it 9500 never posts a female meme?? Why, Pray tell???? Old dead Males Only - 9500- ??? Originally Posted by oeb11

not a miss place period. that it edit in a wall scam
still trying to build that firewall,
not going to replace the web broswer(also the key) with an app. no one going to have millions app on their smart phone of computer

windows too, fishing too $$$$$$$$

all part of iraq afganstan selective intel operation
  • oeb11
  • 06-22-2020, 06:47 AM
MLB may have found its' "Left Field".
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Turkey test-fires domestically made concrete-piercing aircraft ammunition


The ammunition, which is a new generation ammunition that can be used with thermobaric explosives with its pre-piercing warhead feature, was developed for priority targets such as caves, runways, hangars, bunkers and dams.

SARB-83 can pierce 1.8 meters (5.9 feet) of concrete and is capable of destroying additional targets inside.

Turkey is making big, aggressive international moves.

Turkey’s War Against the Markets: What you need to know

Central Bank Governor Murat Uysal said in May that Turkey isn’t defending any specific currency level and that it maintains a floating exchange-rate regime. Many investors worry that by standing in the way of the lira’s depreciation, there’s a risk that economic imbalances exacerbated by rapid credit growth could build over time.

Littlt, little shit.
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2020, 08:28 AM

Littlt, little shit.

Thank you - 9500-Cogent and constructive debate???? - No - just the usual name-calling and scatology to substitute for ideas and discourse

typical DemLib radical.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Littlt, little shit.

Thank you - 9500-Cogent and constructive debate???? - No - just the usual name-calling and scatology to substitute for ideas and discourse

typical DemLib radical. Originally Posted by oeb11

is e9500 admitting he's female?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
is e9500 admitting he's female? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Not even a "lol" or "Bahahaha"?

Just pro-choice.

I've posted these before.

All for women's equality.
  • oeb11
  • 06-25-2020, 12:07 PM
I agree with and fully support Equal treatment For All Under the Law and Constitution.

Unfortunately - the DemLibs mean "Our groups" are more equal than others - with special Laws, setasides, and giveaways to pacify and buy their "Groups " Votes for the Dems. With special penalties for those not members of "special Lib Dem "Groups" - ie Hate Crimes.

White male Caucasians (straight) - are unacceptable in the LibDem agenda and ideology.

Fit only for concentration camps or up against a wall looking at gun muzzles. and - As leaders of the Dem party - note the debates were Lily white - and Biden - an elderly white male with pre-senile dementia - is the nominee - as an easy pick for the DNC radicals to manipulate.

Hypocrisy - Lib Dems!!!