Reference requests

Grace Preston's Avatar
Eh... I disagree, but I had a feeling that would be your response.

Careful-- one can be a whore and also be a lady. I may be a whore by profession, but you'd never know it if you ran into me at the store.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah thinck thet kin depend onna sitch-yew-ay-shun. If'n Ah saw tha Queen o' England at Costco a-buyin' gallon jugs o' mouthwash an' latex corndrums by tha pallet, a-payin' in cash wif a big roll o' Benjamins, Ah reckon Ah'd thinck Good Queen Lizzy-Neff was a hoogarin' on tha side. Not thet Ah'd blame her. Ol' Prince Phill looks laik a shitty coldt fish inna sack an' a womb-man gots needs, e'en at her age.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah bin a-tryin but Ah still cain't see tha r'semblance twixt FirePhoemix an' KittyBumpyFukk fer tha ta git'em cornfused. Thar handles don't look alike. Thar showcase pics don't look alike. Thar postin styles don't read alike. Thar avvy-tars an' sig lines don't look alike. Mebbe theys fukks alike 'r mebbe thar poosies taste alike but Ah wuldn't know.
Whispers's Avatar
Ah bin a-tryin but Ah still cain't see tha r'semblance twixt FirePhoemix an' KittyBumpyFukk fer tha ta git'em cornfused. Thar handles don't look alike. Thar showcase pics don't look alike. Thar postin styles don't read alike. Thar avvy-tars an' sig lines don't look alike. Mebbe theys fukks alike 'r mebbe thar poosies taste alike but Ah wuldn't know.
Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
I have no idea how they fuck or taste...... mid-thirty overweight whores are not where I spend my money......

It's their attitude and the catty way they treat other women as well as the desperation shown in their board presence as they cruise for tricks that makes them a couple of peas in a pod.....
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
It's their attitude and the catty way they treat other women as well as the desperation shown in their board presence as they cruise for tricks that makes them a couple of peas in a pod..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Well, if bein' catty has enny thang to do wif it, then a whole pass'l o' perviders oughta be cloudin' up tha pitcher wif cornfusion instead o' jus' them two.
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
I have no idea how they fuck or taste...... mid-thirty overweight whores are not where I spend my money......

It's their attitude and the catty way they treat other women as well as the desperation shown in their board presence as they cruise for tricks that makes them a couple of peas in a pod..... Originally Posted by Whispers
I'm 29 Nice try. And I'm far from insignificant.

I like and get along with everyone except YOU, and posting on a hooker board is part of marketing not desperation. I enjoy banter back and forth with people like David.Douchehurst, observing, nuglet, and the list goes on. It's a free world and I can post anywhere I want.

Only sick fucks like You twist the facts.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I see that whimpy the penguin wrote several posts. Is it the same boring ass verbal garbage he always writes? We're the words "fat,overweight,old,whore, ect" used? Did whimpy at least use a thesaurus?
From the bits I read that others put into their responses it doesn't look like it. Even knowing I named him whimpy the penguin he is increasing insulting 2 great comic book personalities. So much for even extending the credit of intelligence.
I love Co-Ed. It's a constant source of entertainment and tells me who not to see.
Whispers's Avatar
I love Co-Ed. It's a constant source of entertainment and tells me who not to see. Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2
They don't believe it costs them business.....

It always amazes me they cannot differentiate between the whores that never post in CoEd and the ones actually getting the business by simply running ads.....
They don't believe it costs them business.....

It always amazes me they cannot differentiate between the whores that never post in CoEd and the ones actually getting the business by simply running ads..... Originally Posted by Whispers
And your reviews on ANY "whores" can be found where?
Don't waste your time,or ours with the coward claptrap of how any provider that would do you would be "subject to harassment".
Whispers's Avatar
And your reviews on ANY "whores" can be found where? Originally Posted by Observing
I've wrote plenty of reviews over the years and contributed plenty.... i still do contribute in ways that enough people find relevant to follow.

"Observing" however seems to only exist for someone else to hide behind and take shots at me or champion some whore's cause.

That's what is really pathetic..... You lack either the balls or courage to speak as yourself.....

Anything I say can be brought up in person and discussed as I tend to go places a lot of others do as well. Yet issues seldom come up other than here from cowards that hide...
Whispers's Avatar
I'm 29

Only sick fucks twist the facts. Originally Posted by Kitty Bunny Fuck
So are you a sick fuck?

You are such a loudmouth when wanting to correct errors but you have multiple reviews going back 2 years that peg your age from early 30s to 36..... Haven't seen you whining to get those corrected have we?

Ya know there is a guideline about advertising false information right?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
So what's going on at 1:30 in the morning? I've noticed that's usually the time whimpy posts...mmm does he have stuff weighing down his mind down or is his mind finally dummied down enough to write the childish name calling crap he calls a "response "? Or is it because the real adults are asleep and he doesn't have to be in a true verbal/written discussion that's appropriate for the age group of the boards?
nuglet's Avatar
That's probably about the time the bars are closing and whispers is, once again, drunk and alone and wishing he had a lady, but not having one, whining on the board is his only pass-time.
Mods, this thread has turned into a train wreck and I would like it closed please...