Fcuk it: let's get 5 shots...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Scroll through this thread and it will become apparant who "we" is.

The vaccine works. I am living with a person who is COVID positive and have not gotten the virus. Solid proof.

Your personal report is anecdotal - One patient - and unproven by confirmatory antibody studies.

You may well have had an asymptomatic infection.

You don't Know
I suggest you reconsider your definition of 'vaccine Works" - which means if vaccinated - you may still contract the Wuhan virus - but You will likely have a much less severe clinical course. Vaccination does not necessarily prevent infection with wuhan virus.

That is the typical DPST 'Solid Proof' - - ie - 'I think it is 'reality' - therefore - 'it is reality"
a lot like the ancient aliens premise - 'we think it is possible ancient aliens built the pyramids, Therefore - that is 'Proof" that ancient aliens did build teh pyramids. "

Ignoring the Speed of light limit which makes interstellar travel impossible.

similar to trying to present Facts and Truth to indoctrinated DPST minions to Comrade Xi -minions are incapable of dong other than slavishly following the DPST narrative.

BTW - typing in 'RED' does not make your points the slightest bit more 'authoritative" .
Originally Posted by oeb11
I type in red when it is a quote from an article rather than something I am stating.

My wife has tested positive for the virus. I have tested negative. To me that is another indication that is on the plus side for the vaccine. Not undeniable proof by any means. I have stated time after time that the vaccine will not give anyone 100% protection against contracting the virus. A vaccinated person can catch it and spread it but the odds are much lower that a vaccinated person will catch the virus compared to unvaccinated individuals based on all the information we have.
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2021, 07:16 AM
I understand what has been put on paper, the reality isn't quite the same. More and more break through cases are emerging. If these incidents are absolutely true, there was a Plane with nothing but Vaccinated Congress men and women from Texas who tested Positive. Then a member here posted something about a Cruise Ship with all passengers Vaccinated and the majority came down with Covid while on the cruise. What's the source of disease transmission in these cases? How many more incidents of this type will emerge. Just saying that if you get Vaccinated you can still contract the virus but slim chance you'll die from it just isn't enough for me. There is something that isn't being told to people. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You’re letting your imagination run wild. Only a few passengers on the Carnival cruise ship came down with COVID.

As Speed Racer said, and I think you agreed, the vaccine is much more effective at preventing hospitalization from the now predominant Delta variant than preventing infection. Some are speculating here that COVID is like the flu. Well for those of us who are vaccinated, that’s probably true. For the rest of you, particularly the older among us and those with underlying conditions, you’re running a much higher risk of hospitalization, death, and/or long hualer’s syndrome.

I’m looking forward to getting my third shot! I may do that this week.
bambino's Avatar
You’re letting your imagination run wild. Only a few passengers on the Carnival cruise ship came down with COVID.

As Speed Racer said, and I think you agreed, the vaccine is much more effective at preventing hospitalization from the now predominant Delta variant than preventing infection. Some are speculating here that COVID is like the flu. Well for those of us who are vaccinated, that’s probably true. For the rest of you, particularly the older among us and those with underlying conditions, you’re running the risk of hospitalization, death, and/or long hualer’s syndrome.

I’m looking forward to getting my third shot! I may do that this week. Originally Posted by Tiny
Not true. A majority of COVID patients admitted to hospitals in Israel and Australia are vaccinated. Carnival hasn’t released how many people are infected. But hey, all passengers and crew were vaccinated!!!!!!!
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2021, 07:27 AM
I type in red when it is a quote from an article rather than something I am stating.

My wife has tested positive for the virus. I have tested negative. To me that is another indication that is on the plus side for the vaccine. Not undeniable proof by any means. I have stated time after time that the vaccine will not give anyone 100% protection against contracting the virus. A vaccinated person can catch it and spread it but the odds are much lower that a vaccinated person will catch the virus compared to unvaccinated individuals based on all the information we have. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If I remember correctly your wife was one of the first persons to get the Pfizer vaccine. I linked to an article in this thread where the Israeli ministry of health said the Pfizer vaccine was only 39% effective against infection, but around 90% effective against hospitalization. The virus is evolving and Pfizer is saying it’s only 84% effective against infection (but more effective at preventing severe disease) after 6 months, thus we’ll probably need boosters.

Anyway, glad to hear you’re trying to get into the booster shot trial, and hope you’ll let us know, like before, how it goes if you get in.

How long was it between when your wife got vaccinated and when she tested positive?
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2021, 07:33 AM
Not true. A majority of COVID patients admitted to hospitals in Israel and Australia are vaccinated. Carnival hasn’t released how many people are infected. But hey, all passengers and crew were vaccinated!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
At this point in time, this week, you may be right about Israel, where most of the adult population, over 80%, has been vaccinated. Australia is a complete fiction. A medical director in New South Wales misspoke and corrected himself a couple of minutes later. But Russian government hackers or others who don’t want us to get vaccinated spliced out the last part of the director’s press conference and ran with it.

Israel is combatting this with booster shots. So far about 1/3rd of people over 60 have gotten a 3rd injection.

I’ll compare hospitalization rate from COVID and vaccination % in Israel to one of our states with a low vaccination % later today time permitting.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 07:35 AM
Not true. A majority of COVID patients admitted to hospitals in Israel and Australia are vaccinated. Carnival hasn’t released how many people are infected. But hey, all passengers and crew were vaccinated!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

B - to make statements as such - Please provide links to a confirmatory refeence from teh medical literature.

Thank you.
bambino's Avatar
Nailed it! Notice DJT always refers to “The Spanish Flu” in his speeches. All it requires is a little research (but our lazy society is too distracted from the Luciferian traps to do it).

  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 07:38 AM
I type in red when it is a quote from an article rather than something I am stating.

My wife has tested positive for the virus. I have tested negative. To me that is another indication that is on the plus side for the vaccine. Not undeniable proof by any means. I have stated time after time that the vaccine will not give anyone 100% protection against contracting the virus. A vaccinated person can catch it and spread it but the odds are much lower that a vaccinated person will catch the virus compared to unvaccinated individuals based on all the information we have. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

since you brought it up and 'opened the door '- what test did your wife have.?
That was information not given in your post.

However One used 'red' - I feel it still has teh import I mentioned.

"works' - is a worthless term in medical science - particularly in relationi to the effects of wuhan virus vaccine debate.
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2021, 07:48 AM
since you brought it up and 'opened the door '- what test did your wife have.?
That was information not given in your post.

However One used 'red' - I feel it still has teh import I mentioned.

"works' - is a worthless term in medical science - particularly in relationi to the effects of wuhan virus vaccine debate. Originally Posted by oeb11
She was in the Pfizer trial. She got the vaccine and SR got the placebo. I think.
rexdutchman's Avatar
More shot is the push of Big pharma / tech , side note look up on Tic Toc @ hewey mediaa guy
Explains very well whats happening

Also the "new tearm" cases doesn't mean sick
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not true. A majority of COVID patients admitted to hospitals in Israel and Australia are vaccinated. Carnival hasn’t released how many people are infected. But hey, all passengers and crew were vaccinated!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Here is a report from Israel:

"According to Health Ministry data published on Sunday, the number of seriously ill patients has jumped to 97 – an increase of 30 patients since last Wednesday. Of the seriously ill, 22 are in critical condition and 17 are on ventilators. In total, 191 coronavirus patients were hospitalized as of Sunday, of whom 113 were vaccinated.

But the number of seriously ill patients has risen much more slowly than the number of cases. The latter figure jumped from 132 to more than 1,400 over the last month, a tenfold increase. Over the same period, the number of seriously ill patients rose from 23 to 97, a fourfold increase.

Before vaccinations began, around four percent of patients became seriously ill. But today, with most of the country vaccinated, an estimated 1.5 percent of patients become seriously ill.

And a Health Ministry study of data from January to July concluded that even vaccinated people with preexisting diseases are better protected against serious illness than unvaccinated people of the same age with no preexisting conditions."


Not all passengers on Carnival cruises needed to be vaccinated.
The CDC conditions for Carnival were 98% of crew and 95% of passengers. The covid passengers were isolated and the cruise continued without further infections to the best of my knowledge. Contact tracing was implemented.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
She was in the Pfizer trial. She got the vaccine and SR got the placebo. I think. Originally Posted by Tiny
You are correct. Both she and I were participants in the Pfizer study, receiving our first shots last August. Wife got the real vaccine and I got the placebo. I got the real vaccine in January.

The test my wife and I used was the ellume COVID-19 Home Test. The test correctly identifies 96% of positive samples and 100% of negative samples.

She immediately contacted the doctor in charge of the Pfizer study and was asked to use the Self-Swab Kit given to us as participants in the Pfizer study. The kit will be picked up today and the study team will do whatever they do with it. They are extremely interested in following up to enhance their research.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by oeb11
the publication recommendations remain to be decided by evidence one way or another

Point - the vaccine for influenza A is a yearly booster - and requires a new antigen profile each year due to the virus mutalbility.

Wuhan virus has some similar characteristics.

No one seems bent out of shape by a yearly 'flu shot'.

wuhan virus may turn out similarly.

It is not yet known - and the question raised is being actively studied.

Medical science advances slowly - and there is safety for patients in that fact.

Speak for yourself.

I have NEVER had a flu shot and I have NEVER had the flu as an adult.

And of course they are going to recommend annual COVID shots, along with mask wearing forever along with a LOT of other infringements on our lives. The people in power are way too giddy with all this new power they have over our lives to ever relinquish it willingly. Originally Posted by GaGambler

GsG - Please read my posts - I Do Not recommend mandatory vaccinations for Wuhan or Influenza.

Please consult your physician and make an informed decision based on your personal medical care.

i wish you good Consultation and good health.
GaGambler's Avatar
[QUOTE=SpeedRacerXXX;1062552088]Good for you.

Over 600,000 people in this country have died due to complications brought on by COVID-19. Hospitals are at the breaking point in several areas due to hospitalizations due to COVID, the majority of whom are unvaccinated.

If you choose not to get vaccinated that is your choice. I, like the majority of people in this country, have chosen to be vaccinated. I personally know 2 people who have died from COVID and I have friends of friends who have died from COVID. To me, there is no downside in getting the vaccine and possibly a huge upside. Life.[/QUOTE

Thank you for conceding that it's MY choice. I wish more of your ilk would remember that, at least for now, this is still a free country and we have the right to self determination.

Now let me throw you a bone. I am actually Pro Vaccination, and I sincerely hope that most of the people currently unvaccinated do indeed get the vaccine, but not me. I feel my risk of serious illness/death due to COVID is so small as to be statistically irrelevant, and while I believe the risk of getting any kind of major side effect from the vaccine is also quite small, it's still not an impossibility, and the chances of getting at least a minor reaction to the shot is quite high.

Given the choices of a high probability of getting sick for a day or so, combined with a slim possibility of getting a major side effect from the vaccine weighed against the disease itself which instills ZERO fear in me especially since I have been exposed multiple times and I haven't developed so much as a sniffle, the choice is easy for me. I have zero intentions of getting vaccination myself although I heartily encourage anyone actually at risk to the virus to go out and get vaccinated as soon as possible.

See, I can be reasonable too. lol
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 10:43 AM

United States COVID-19 Cases, Deaths, and Laboratory Testing (NAATs) by State, Territory, and Jurisdiction

Maps, charts, and data provided by CDC, updated Mon-Sat by 8 pm ET†


35,665,877 +124,928 New Cases




614,291 +630 New Deaths

CDC | Data as of: August 8, 2021 12:25 PM ET. Posted: August 8, 2021 2:00 PM ET

GaG - Your points are valid - see CDC latest numbers.