What he is saying is the entire concept of the Catholic Church’s idea of communion is a crock of shit.The Vatican spokesman did not confirm Biden’s story.
It basically says that if you are in unconfessed sin, you cannot take communion. A woman can have an abortion and later realize she killed a living human, confess her sins and then take communion.
If she later says she feels abortion is nothing more than disposing of a unwanted clump of tissue, then she basically made a false confession.
Politicians cannot say, “I am personally against abortion, but will defend a woman’s right to have one.”
In the eyes of the Church, that is no different than saying “I am against murder, but will defend someone else’s choice to kill someone”. Keep in mind, the tenants of the Church are a “fetus” is a human from conception.
For the Pope to say it is OK for Biden to take communion is simply saying…..”It’s just an unwanted clump of tissue”.
That makes the Pope he ultimate hypocrite. Originally Posted by Jackie S