Questions about the clock

phatdaty's Avatar
If she watches the clock she is a clock watcher.

If she acts like this is a job and not my fantasy, she is a clock watcher.

If you do either of those, hit the road sister, because I don't spend my hard earned money on clockwatchers.

If you don't do that, but still defend women that do, I still don't have any use for you.

Plain and simple.
I think you need to reread my posts and try again.
that reminds guys we are paying for their services.

. Originally Posted by phatdaty
May i suggest a little reality can`t harm? You ARE paying for a service. What would you prefer to be reminded of? If i go out eat a dinner, am i offended when the waiter asks for payment? If i don`t like to go out for dinner, i can cook at home?
If she watches the clock she is a clock watcher.

If she acts like this is a job and not my fantasy, she is a clock watcher.

If you do either of those, hit the road sister, because I don't spend my hard earned money on clockwatchers.

If you don't do that, but still defend women that do, I still don't have any use for you.

Plain and simple. Originally Posted by phatdaty
gosh, i admire your simplicity. I wish i`d live in a parallel universe where i`d be capable of putting complex agendas in 4 such simple statements like yours. You are the perfect example of a client out of the niche i cater to because IMHO you underestimate the human nature behind a provider. "If she acts like this is a job and not your fantasy" - I assume you need a VERY submissive provider, who is ALL ABOUT YOU. Hm... i heard there are great rubberdolls out there? Ever tried one of these?
May i suggest a little reality can`t harm? You ARE paying for a service. What would you prefer to be reminded of? If i go out eat a dinner, am i offended when the waiter asks for payment? If i don`t like to go out for dinner, i can cook at home? Originally Posted by ninasastri
SexySyan's Avatar
OK. Honestly, I'm not trying to stir up any drama or fights.

I just have a couple of questions. I'm not really looking for answers because I don't think there is one answer.

I guess what I'm looking for is input. To help me better understand what some ladies mean.

Let's start with the basic. I know what an hour is.

But some ladies advertise they are not "clock watchers." But everyone I've been with has wound up the session at one hour, almost exactly. Not that I'm complaining mind you. But when they're that attuned to the time, it makes me think they do watch the clock.

Then there's clock free. Whatever that means. Surely there's some anticipation on both parties' part of when the "clock free" session ends.

All input is appreciated. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well i am sure i can only speak for myself.... I to state that i don't watch the clock because one i'm focused on you the whole time (that means i am not constantly looking at the time to see how much longer)... and normally i forget to even check the start time. Also i take every session as its own experience, and you can not possible enjoy everyone's time. I'm sure you thought you would like to meet with someone, get there she looks great, and things start off but there is just something that isn't comfortable and you would rather watch the clock then But i can honestly say that i don't mind going over time if things flow and just seem to work. I have had time slip past and look up and its over 30 min or maybe even more but i don't mind it because most likely that means you have created the beginning of a friendship and that is always better to have in this business rather than just a "client". But in normal situations i'm sure after having hour sessions enough time you just know when an hour is up and as long as everything was satisfied then don't you think that it should be okay?
SexySyan's Avatar
May i suggest a little reality can`t harm? You ARE paying for a service. What would you prefer to be reminded of? If i go out eat a dinner, am i offended when the waiter asks for payment? If i don`t like to go out for dinner, i can cook at home? Originally Posted by ninasastri

I too agree with your statement.... but i usually push the issue of time when someone pushes the issue of donation..... Especially when they don't want to pay what is listed..... Thats like trying to buy a diamond with sterling silver $$$ its just not going to work out for the best
If you want more time, pay for it.
I too agree with your statement.... but i usually push the issue of time when someone pushes the issue of donation..... Especially when they don't want to pay what is listed..... Thats like trying to buy a diamond with sterling silver $$$ its just not going to work out for the best Originally Posted by SexySyan
Yes i know what you are talking about.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
To me, this is relatively simple, you invest in her time, you should receive that time, it shouldnt be abused by either. Everyones happy
I B Hankering's Avatar
coitus DINGeruptus ? Originally Posted by ninasastri

@ Nina: What does "dp" mean?
@ Nina: What does "dp" mean? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
dp usually means "double post" or "deleted post." Or (here we go kids):
Double Penetration
Dumb People
Dining Proposition
Dead Person
or _ _ _ _ _ _
I B Hankering's Avatar
dp usually means "double post" or "deleted post." Or (here we go kids):
Double Penetration
Dumb People
Dining Proposition
Dead Person
or _ _ _ _ _ _ Originally Posted by SR Only
Thanks. It must be "deleted post," because "double penetration" (which I knew) never fit (no pun intended - LOL).
I find guys have one of two reactions when it's all said and done; either they throw on their clothes and run out the door or they want to hang out and cuddle and chat. I kind of go with the flow. Most of my dates are at least two hours, to there is plenty of time to talk, connect and relax. As long as they leave with a smile on their face, I'm happy.
I find guys have one of two reactions when it's all said and done; either they throw on their clothes and run out the door ... Originally Posted by ClairJordan
I seem to remember a certain woman practically running out the door forgetting her pumps in the process. or