Gas and inflation affecting the hobby?

LadyAnastasia's Avatar
Ahh the 9-5 quandry.

I don't think those of you who are single realize that the majority-- may be as much as 80%-- of hobbyists are married.

What that means for us-- is that most of them will sneak away from the office, which is much easier than sneaking away from home. Some ladies can have open availability, but many of us do have families and if we have to choose the time of day that is most profitable, its generally going to be that workday for the guys who are sneaking off. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well said! For me personally, I have more requests for the 11-2 bracket on weekdays and longer evening bookings on the weekend. Married also happens to be my favorite flavor
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-17-2022, 10:54 PM
Well said! For me personally, I have more requests for the 11-2 bracket on weekdays and longer evening bookings on the weekend. Married also happens to be my favorite flavor Originally Posted by LadyAnastasia
What about the single tricks? I'm feeling left out
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
What about the single tricks? I'm feeling left out Originally Posted by BLM69
Most providers know that if they publically state what kind/type of guy is their favorite, then that usually will drive any other client or potential client away. So they either do not care or not too smart to realize that.

As has been said, if as a hobbyist, an extra 10 or 20 dollars to fill your gas tank is too much, you are in the wrong hobby. If you are a provider and feel you have to raise you donation price because of inflation, then your service also needs to be that much better as well (BTW, what you think about your service does not count, the opinion of your paying clients is the only one that does).
Grace Preston's Avatar
If you are a provider and feel you have to raise you donation price because of inflation, then your service also needs to be that much better as well (BTW, what you think about your service does not count, the opinion of your paying clients is the only one that does). Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Eh-- I think that honestly depends on how MUCH a person is raising their rates. It costs me more these days to get a mani-pedi, but its still the same service I got a decade ago. Same can be said for my haircut and color, waxing, facials, hotels, groceries. All are still the exact same products and services-- but all cost more. That's what inflation is. Inflation increases pricing without any added benefit. I don't see any issue with a person raising their rates nominally to keep up with the cost of doing business. Now-- if we're talking a steep escalation, then I'd agree that a change in looks or services should be an aspect in that. Having said that-- its really up to the ladies what to charge and up to the gents what they feel any given lady is "worth", rate wise.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Eh-- I think that honestly depends on how MUCH a person is raising their rates. It costs me more these days to get a mani-pedi, but its still the same service I got a decade ago. Same can be said for my haircut and color, waxing, facials, hotels, groceries. All are still the exact same products and services-- but all cost more. That's what inflation is. Inflation increases pricing without any added benefit. I don't see any issue with a person raising their rates nominally to keep up with the cost of doing business. Now-- if we're talking a steep escalation, then I'd agree that a change in looks or services should be an aspect in that. Having said that-- its really up to the ladies what to charge and up to the gents what they feel any given lady is "worth", rate wise. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Eh-- The cost of other goods and services are going up for the same service and good, but are you honestly comparing how a provider treats a paying client to a haircut? LOL! Perhaps you are playing stupid or are you doing your usual post just to disagree?

Besides, unlike those goods and services you mentioned, providers are not raising their donation prices a few dollars. I have not seen a provider who raised her donation price to count for inflation just a few dollars, they are raising prices a minimum of $50-100 or more for the same time. So, I do not know what you call a steep escalation, but I say those are pretty damn steep! Nothing wrong with that if the service matches the price however, in most cases, it does not.
Grace Preston's Avatar
No.. not posting to disagree-- but it is important to acknowledge the increase in pricing.

In 2013-- I could get a full set and a pedi for $60.
In 2022-- That same full set and a pedi runs me $85
That's a 41% increase

The house I rented in 2013 in DFW was $900/month.
It currently rents for $1650.
That's a 83% increase

If someone who charged $200 in 2013 were to charge $250 now-- that would be a 25% increase. While the actual dollar amount is more steep on the surface, from a percentage standpoint-- its much more nominal than the increases in other areas.

And while it may seem silly to use nails and rent to compare-- those are the smallest and largest expenses a decent provider has. We all either pay rent on a private incall or we pay for hotels-- and heaven forbid we don't have a fresh mani-pedi. Plus-- more and more free advertising venues are disappearing-- meaning many ladies who never paid for advertising in the past are now paying anywhere from 50-250 per month to advertise (no exaggeration-- I'm gearing up for a tour, the costs have skyrocketed).

I get that you see things differently-- and I do get that you feel that you've been burned numerous times in the hobby. However, I have to ask-- at what point do you feel the price matches the service? I know you have to have had some really good times in the hobby, otherwise you would have given it up... so why do you always focus on the negative? No shade at all-- genuine curiosity.
Well said Grace
TexTushHog's Avatar
Modest price increases, with a bit of acceleration in the last year is very reasonable and to be expected. Mountains out of molehills.

Wines I used to pay $45 for are $200 to $300 a bottle now. But that was a long time ago, demand from newly prosperous countries mean more people chasing the moderately rare bottles. You just adapt. I have a much shorter life span now, so wines that won’t be ready fur 25 or 30 years will end up being drunk by my kids, not me. So I buy fewer of them. I also make more money now, but I’ve trimmed my purchases and have also found less expensive wines that I enjoy. So how often, and what I buy has changed. The hobby has to be treated the sane way. Change u=is the only constant in life, and in the long run us most often for the good.
ManSlut's Avatar
If someone who charged $200 in 2013 were to charge $250 now-- that would be a 25% increase. While the actual dollar amount is more steep on the surface, from a percentage standpoint-- its much more nominal than the increases in other areas.
... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
The problem with your math, correction not your math, but your reasoning is, those Ladies that were charging 200 in 2013 are not asking for 250 now, they are asking 400 or +.

300 is the new 150...It’s rare to see a lady advertising for 250 or less.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The problem with your math, correction not your math, but your reasoning is, those Ladies that were charging 200 in 2013 are not asking for 250 now, they are asking 400 or +.

300 is the new 150...It’s rare to see a lady advertising for 250 or less. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Now-- I've seen plenty of ladies advertising at 250 and less, particularly when OH2 was still up. Yes-- a lot more are advertising at 350, 400 and on up.. but there are still plenty that raised their rates in much smaller doses.

Its also important to note that I don't live in DFW-- so to me, I don't really bat an eye at 350, 400, 500. Around here, I get flack for being under that lower mark.
ManSlut's Avatar
To the OP, my suggestion, trade-in, lease or buy a Hyundai Ioniq for your Hobby needs. It gets 59 MPG...If fuel prices never come down, and you Hobby and live long enough, eventually the investment would be recouped, but that’s not factoring in GPS Rates inflating like they are.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have discovered the secret to slaying the Inflation Monster.

I used to see 200 pound ladies for $200. $1 per pound. Now I'm spending $250, but I swapped out the 200 pounders, and now see 300 pound ladies.. I'm getting a 16% DISCOUNT per pound vs. What I paid pre-inflation!
Finman22's Avatar
To the OP, my suggestion, trade-in, lease or buy a Hyundai Ioniq for your Hobby needs. It gets 59 MPG...If fuel prices never come down, and you Hobby and live long enough, eventually the investment would be recouped, but that’s not factoring in GPS Rates inflating like they are. Originally Posted by ManSlut
I was just using my situation as an example, my main point was just simply asking if guys were making less appointments and if the girls were seeing less appointments. That’s all. Also, I’m in real estate and if you can get a 8ft ladder in a Hyundai I O whatever the fuck it is,, I’ll buy it tomorrow, lol
Chung Tran's Avatar
Interesting thesis, Finman 22

Finman22's Avatar
Chung you are correct, they are lip-synching anyway, but when they do sing now they’re horrible. Have you heard Vince Neil from Motley Crue lately, probably on YouTube. He’s awful now.