Lets get this party started

I don't know Lauren...I spy a glove being worn!
  • Carys
  • 01-03-2010, 01:07 PM
Lovely to see so many wonderful, familiar faces! Hello all!
ed_mustafa's Avatar
Thanks for pointing that out.

I always feel more comfortable naked. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill

I feel more comfortable with you naked too
I don't know Lauren...I spy a glove being worn! Originally Posted by Claudia Mara
According to international treaties with Canada, gloves don't count in determining "naked".

And btw Darlin, your avatar, though lovely, is not quite up to standards -- way too much clothing.
You still have the best avatar Carrie. If that means anything to you. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
My skinny legs and all thank you.
discreetgent's Avatar
To echo PJ, boobs. Gals' avatars should always show naked boobs lol
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
My skinny legs and all thank you. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Skinny Legs And All
Joe Tex

(mostly spoken)
(night club)
Say man, don't walk ahead of that woman like she don't belong to you!
Just cause hers got them little skinny legs.
You know,that ain't no way to do.
You didn't act like that when you had it legs.
behind closed doors!
Now you act like you're 'shamed or somethin,
or you don't want nobody to know she's your's.
That's alright,you just walk on baby...
And don't you worry about a doggone thing a'tall, because there's
some man,somewhere,who'll take you baby, skinny legs and all

Now, Who'll take the woman with the skinny legs?
C'mon somebody please take the lady with the skinny legs.
Now, you all know the lady with the skinny legs got to have somebody too, now.
Will somebody please take the lady with the skinny legs, please?

"Hey,Joe".. (Joe answers)
"Yeah Bobby? Why don't you take her?
I don't want no woman with no skinny legs.
Look here,I thought I might give this woman to Clyde.
But, no, I know the kinda woman Clyde likes!
So Leroy'll take her. Say Leroy?
You got her!!

Say, Miss? Right here?
Now why you wanna act like that man ain't yours?
Just cause he's walkin with you, with them raggedy clothes.
Man just forgot to get his suit out a the cleaners.
, that's all.
Alright...alright... Act like that man don't belong to ya!
Go on over there and kiss him and hold his hand.
Go on..say you ain't gonna do WHAT?
That's alright.
You just walk on Mister.
and don't you worry about a doggone thing, a'tall,
because there's some woman somewhere who'll take
you, "Mr. Raggedy" clothes and all!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Welcome over Lauren! That's one avatar I never get tired of looking at.
I'm not familar with that song. I was thinking of the Tom Robbin's book with same title. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinny_Legs_and_All_(novel)
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ty, we both learned something new tonight.
Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey! Originally Posted by Egrbvr
Cool Eagle!
I'm on top of Ansley...what a way to start!
On top of and below Ansley. How kinky is that?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Double Eagle?