Negative review…

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  • BLM69
  • 06-01-2023, 12:46 PM
Well, damn… I really started a shit show with this post. I guess you can say I was just venting nonetheless I don’t regret it. The comments negative and positive was definitely needed… how else will I grow and change for the better. I learned a few lessons so thank you for all your comments. I’m going to remain positive though… even after all of this. There were some comments that wasn’t needed though but it is what it is. Good night everyone. Tomorrow is going to be a good day *sighs happily* Originally Posted by BlissfulTantra
You're pretty much burned yourself with a lot of guys, maybe you can turn things around
I’ve seen Blissful Tantra multiple times. Never had any issues and alway had a great time. I don’t know what happened in this instance but she is definitely worth the visit. Ignore this negative stuff and go have a good time with her. Also, for the guy that tried to say she was trans, that’s BS. She’s all woman 😛 and has plenty of great reviews to prove it. Enjoy!
I know I'm not very active but I set up an appointment with her a couple years ago. Made it all the way to her office building and then up to her "office". I was told something came up and she had to cancel were her words. I was disappointed but not much I could do. I waited outside to see if she would leave the building and she did. Maybe it was legit, I don't know. All I know is I drove a half an hour and was turned down.
BlissfulTantra's Avatar
This is ridiculous- I’ve been canceled on plenty of times and never once called them out. People just want something to say. I’m so over this. Today I was canceled on three times. Smh. I’m not going to let this get me down. I am way better than this. Again, I’ve learned a few lessons because of this.
baby I would NEVER cancel on you. People are crazy ( that ass!!)
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
People get canceled on all the time as that is one of the detriments of being in the hobby. And those cancellations work both ways.

In over a couple of decades that I have been hobbying, I think I have canceled last minute (within 2 hours of the appointment time we both agreed upon) on a provider twice. In those instances, I have seen that provider a day or two afterwards and also tip her an extra $100.

When someone constantly last minute cancels, legit or not, then that ontel on that provider needs to be shared so that anyone who has not scheduled with her before can see a pattern during their screening out process before they set an appointment. When someone does provide a personal experience of that nature, usually there is 10 or more who have not reported it. I have been canceled on or NCNSed over 10 times in the last few years alone. I know when I reported it on OH2, I got banned for it. So that is a good reason why to just keep your mouth shut whenever you do get canceled on.

Considering this thread and others before it that were the same (venting about a review that was threatened to be written, but never came), it would be a good idea to just let sleeping dogs lie.
BlissfulTantra's Avatar
How about this… whoever books with me and mentions this post, I will give you a free upgrade. I’m trying to do the right thing… I realize I shouldn’t have canceled so many times because my brother needed me to watch my nieces and nephew. I should’ve treated my clients with more respect and for that I apologize. In my defense however, I did cancel but I would have much rather been working instead of canceling. I mean who would turn money down for the hell of it?! EDIT - StaffTrying to turn things around and I hope it’s not too late.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-04-2023, 12:06 AM
How about this… whoever books with me and mentions this post, I will give you a free upgrade. I’m trying to do the right thing… I realize I shouldn’t have canceled so many times because my brother needed me to watch my nieces and nephew. I should’ve treated my clients with more respect and for that I apologize. In my defense however, I did cancel but I would have much rather been working instead of canceling. I mean who would turn money down for the hell of it?! Soooo again, whoever mentions this post will get a free upgrade. Trying to turn things around and I hope it’s not too late. Originally Posted by BlissfulTantra
I never heard of upgrades? You bringing another chick to play? That's a upgrade
BlissfulTantra's Avatar
EDIT - Staff Originally Posted by BlissfulTantra
Are you functional? Can you top?
Wow this thread is definitely going south fast
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-04-2023, 11:47 AM
Wow this thread is definitely going south fast Originally Posted by cage196
Specially when staff has to edit your post lol🤣
Boltfan's Avatar
Forgot to add, those who threaten to do stuff rarely if ever actually do it. When it comes to taking revenge or getting back at people, there is an old saying that it is best served cold, aka without warning. It makes a better impact! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

Stated like a seasoned veteran of serving revenge dishes.
shooter6.5's Avatar

Do your job STAFF
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Specially when staff has to edit your post lol🤣 Originally Posted by BLM69
Or another staff member from a another state has to chime in and break the guidelines that he is supposed to uphold.