Democrats, why do you believe healthcare is a right?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you fucking kidding me?

You're comparing Obamacare to Nazi Germany's selection process for racial purification?

You are a seriously bitter, ignorant asshole.

I hear things are better in Germany now... You are invited to move there.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Kind of. What about ongoing treatment that isn't an emergency, but could develop into an emergency or kill them? Is that also treated on demand and for tripple - at least - the rate they charge insurance companies? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
We do provide very basic emergency healthcare to everyone is my point. We do not refuse emergency care to anyone based on their financial situation. Most people will end up having to pay for it, yes. However, you can't be turned away from an ER just because you can't afford to pay for it. For everyone else who does have to pay because they can, yes it sucks to have to go to the ER.

And if we can't deliver healthcare - at no out of pocket expense - to the backbone of the country then no one should have it. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
This I disagree with. Stuff like this has to start somewhere. I'd rather start with the people who can least afford it first. You're never going to have a perfect system of anything starting right off the bat.

Here's two examples of "poor" people on Medicade:

My ex-brother-in-law worked for my ex-husband. He had a brand new, 2500 sq ft house - nice too - paid for in cash house. He's two vehicles were paid for too. Both nice, but not exotic. So his kids could get Medicade and they could all get food stamps my ex only paid him $560 (approx) a week. The rest of his income was in cash. He probably made about $100,000 a year.

ALL of my ex's employees had me fill out paperwork that they made $250 per week. They of course didn't make $250 per week. They made up to three times that. All so their ancher babies could get Medicare, WIC and foodstamps. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
So what you're saying is that your ex brother-in-law is a criminal and is cheating all of us? How is that an argument against Medicaid? I guarantee that most Medicaid recipients are not making 100k / year.

It's time we stop treating the working class like redheaded stepchildren. The reat of the free world doesn't have some cobbled together, abortion if healthcare in the form of forced insurance. Why should we.

Speaking of said insurance, it rolls out january of 14 right. People get taxed if they don't have their other tax in place right. As I understand it there is going to be a huge percentage of American's in the Obamacare dole. How do they apply for the aid. What is the minimum coverage? Where do you buy the coverage. How do you get your subsidies. I have no idea and I'm informed. Do you think the gob'ment can set up the infastructure, roll out the program and communicate that to the people that need it by December? I don't. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Now this is more of an argument against the ACA as opposed to universal healthcare generally. I don't pretend to have studied the ACA to answer your questions since, well, it's not my job and I don't have a vested interest in believing terrible things about it.

In the 1930s you could argue that Germany was a super power (at least in Europe) and they had universal healthcare. If you were mentally or physically unfit then you had a problem. Same thing if you belonged to an identified class (by the government) as someone who recieved next to no medical care.

That is what the end of life (death) panels are all about. In order to save money the government is already talking about excluding the elderly and the terminally ill. Obama himself voted FOR the termination by neglect of babies that survive abortions. The choosers are already among waiting for the lines to go to the right, you go to the left, you go to the left, you go to the right... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Dude, do you really believe all governments are out to get you? End of life (death) panels are not about somehow purging our society of undesirables as you imply. Those panels have always been about trying to save taxpayer money from treatments & procedures that are high cost and low value. As a conservative, you should be all for saving taxpayer money.
willdooit's Avatar
Kind of. What about ongoing treatment that isn't an emergency, but could develop into an emergency or kill them? Is that also treated on demand and for tripple - at least - the rate they charge insurance companies?

And if we can't deliver healthcare - at no out of pocket expense - to the backbone of the country then no one should have it.

Here's two examples of "poor" people on Medicade:

My ex-brother-in-law worked for my ex-husband. He had a brand new, 2500 sq ft house - nice too - paid for in cash house. He's two vehicles were paid for too. Both nice, but not exotic. So his kids could get Medicade and they could all get food stamps my ex only paid him $560 (approx) a week. The rest of his income was in cash. He probably made about $100,000 a year.

ALL of my ex's employees had me fill out paperwork that they made $250 per week. They of course didn't make $250 per week. They made up to three times that. All so their ancher babies could get Medicare, WIC and foodstamps.

It's time we stop treating the working class like redheaded stepchildren. The reat of the free world doesn't have some cobbled together, abortion if healthcare in the form of forced insurance. Why should we.

Speaking of said insurance, it rolls out january of 14 right. People get taxed if they don't have their other tax in place right. As I understand it there is going to be a huge percentage of American's in the Obamacare dole. How do they apply for the aid. What is the minimum coverage? Where do you buy the coverage. How do you get your subsidies. I have no idea and I'm informed. Do you think the gob'ment can set up the infastructure, roll out the program and communicate that to the people that need it by December? I don't. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I agree on not getting over and not paying your fair share but that should apply to everyone including big corporation that don't pay their fair share in taxes. Imagine GE paid zero in taxes and got a freaking subsidy, Halliburton moves head quarters out of the US to escape taxes those are 2 examples . Lets all pay our fair share no more or less. Lets focus on the big dogs we will use less resources for a bigger return.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Whatzup are you ever going to get tired of looking stupid and ignorant (a killer combination)? The German health care system was very good before Hitler came along. They are very efficient over there. Once Hitler got into power his people put in new directives that came from the United States (look up the Cold Springs Harbor Group, yes, I have said this before but some people need to be reminded). The research from the US was about eugenics. The weeding out of the weak and the UNDESIRABLES. In the US it was much more benign ie.; forced sterilization, frontal lobotomies, and forced committments. Germany combined their program with politics and identified people as having poor quality of life and undesirables again. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE HOLOCAUST! The retarded, the insane, the lame, the terminal were admitted to hospitals and many just died according to the records of the times. Healthy teenagers dying of exposure while in a hospital? These were good Germans....later the Jews were added but in a very special way (this is where Whatzup comes in). Why do you think that the Holocaust was some kind of healthcare program Whatzup? Are you really that stupid or is this just an act?

Not to overload Whatzup a wiki link
snmatex's Avatar
I've worked for 2 Canadian Companies now. Per Capita, their costs are half what we pay. We get screwed on healthcare pricing.

AND look at a comparison between the US/CAN for Corona spread and mortality. Canada has half the infections per capita (you feel sick you go directly to the Doctor - no concerns about coverage) and the mortality rate is less than half (just better care in the hospitals and their response was National - not providence).
Everyone needs healthcare. The US requires vaccinations to prevent the spread of disease and the overall health of the population.
Reeds's Avatar
  • Reeds
  • 07-11-2020, 10:33 AM
I'm an indie voter, but I currently lean away from the big blue trainwreck.

I see healthcare as a necessity. What the corporate medical monopoly sells to a captive market is unhealthy and uncaring. Breaking the monopoly and reviving healthy care is mostly beyond what politicians can do.

As graduates fail to pay student loans, universities go bankrupt, including medical schools. That is the first nail in the monopoly's coffin. Doctors will need to train students directly in apprenticeships. Homeopaths, herbalists, acupuncturists, and anyone else considered a quack now will have more freedom to be praised or scorned directly by patients as the monopoly dies.

As rising fuel cost makes mechanized farming unprofitable, people will be moving out to farms for work. There will be more small town doctors getting paid directly in cash or barter and fewer corporate clinics and suburban hospitals.

Another possibility is the revival of fraternal organizations such as Oddfellows and Freemasons. Before government squeezed them out, their monthly dues paid doctors' retainers, unemployment insurance, and other common interests.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I truly don't understand the reasoning that says healthcare is a RIGHT. How do you FORCE someone to do something for someone else? I mean it'd be great if all those doctors that spent 20 years in school and indebted for 100's of thousands of dollars, just volunteered their time to take care of folks.... but... Forcing folks to do shit is socialist and communist. Saying healthcare is a right does not make sense in a free country. I don't want the government teet anywhere close to me, much less in my healthcare. The way they are trying to do it says, I HAVE to join and the DOCTORS HAVE to treat me. Ommmm.... where does this make sense? Didn't we fight the cold war over shit like this? Communism doesn't work the way you think. Everyone does not get concierge service or 100$ cigars, or a beach house in the hamptons. Everyone would get the bare flat minimum. F.U.C.K. T.H.A.T. What if I want more and am willing to work for it? The gov just takes it away to give to someone else? NO WAY MAN. But I am willing to try and understand from a reasonable point, why do you believe healthcare is a RIGHT? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
The Democrats are stupid: it is all about gaining power for themselves because they see themselves as a higher class of people that are in charge of everything. The inner city black people have been lied to by the Democrats for generations, and they have received nothing in return. I don't understand how a single black person could vote for a Democrat. The very name Democrat ends with "crat".
"The Greek word crat means “rule,” and the corresponding suffix -cracy means “rule by” .... good sampling of different types of “rulerships” throughout the world, all containing the suffix -cracy and root word crat."
Concerning health care: A recent visit with my eye doctor indicated it was time for me to have the cataracts removed from both eyes. I am on medicare so I thought that that may help with the payment. It did, but only the cheapest procedure $2800 for each eye. It is a good procedure, but it is the one that was approved years ago. If I was poor it would be the one that I would be required to choose the procedure that was over 15 years old.

The new procedures use advanced techniques that cost the doctor more to use the better equipment, and license agreements for using the equipment. I did several days on research, along with consulting with several doctors. By selecting the new, and better procedure, I was able to remove the astigmatism in both eyes. I can now see at a distance without my glasses that I have worn for over 65 years. It is my eyes, the additional expense of $4000 was well worth it. The $5600 payment from my medicare insurance is welcome.

When I turned 65, my health insurance was canceled and I was required to take medicare instead.

Who really understands how much the Democrats have fucked up the medical system?
You guys are responding to some VERY OLD POSTS!
If you truly believe one political party is superior to another, you sir are a fool... Rep, Dem, both serve the ultra wealthy, you are not in either of their plans and are just a pawn, just a vote to keep the status quo.

I'll try and sum up the healthcare situation, Primary care doctors are not making much money, there are not enough insured persons visiting doctors, they are not earning $200,000 a year like they were in the 1980's when unions made health care mandatory for all and a co-pay was never heard of.

The right to work, don't raise my taxes, and abortion is murder crowd decided that health insurance was an added cost to employment and has done everything to get rid of paying for it, by using tricks like co-pays and deductibles to keep costs low, while offering no service.

I'd like to see how the Democratic party contributed to this.
Nothing in life is free!! Don’t believe me, ask a provider or ur wife!!!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Democrats think everything is a right and if they do not like it, they have the right to make a law against it.
Ripmany's Avatar
Is this supposed to about hookers this be in polibicr
matchingmole's Avatar
That doesn't answer the question.

Could I please just get a straight reply? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
7 years have gone by, wonder if she is still alive...
Here is the part of the constitution that applies. Kind of like the 2nd amendment but it is for good not bad. Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution states, “The Congress shall have Power to ... provide for the common Defense and general Welfare.” It’s clear, then, that the Constitution unflaggingly gives Congress the power to equally render, for/to the people, both defense and welfare. By yoking together common defense and general welfare, the Constitution emphasizes the urgency of both, as well as their interdependence
That is what healthcare in general is defined as. The bulk of the world except a few underdeveloped nations that cannot afford or are stable enough to provide good healthcare have it the UN defines it as a human right not just an american right. We are third world in so many ways now including the ignorant dictator, but the constitution does provide leverage for public healthcare. I appreciate that the democrats have given us social security, medicare, public schools and tried to provide a good national insurance plan but fell short when they involved the Republicans in a sense of fair play. We should according to our wasteful consumerism have a plan similar to Germany's that allows for supplemental policies for the well to do. But basic and life saving health and well being should be a single payer option with minimal copays and drug plans. Our system is the most expensive in the world and in quality it is something like 23rd. You are not getting your money's worth