jill has covid

"Don't you think there is such a thing as adaptive immunity?"

Unfamiliar with the term. Can you provide a link from a credible scientific source to define please.

Nevermind, I googled adaptive immune system. It requires prior exposure...normal immune response. Not relevant.
Nevermind, I googled adaptive immune system. It requires prior exposure...normal immune response. Not relevant. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Of course it's relevant. Being exposed initially to a virus and developing antibodies to combat future exposure to where the actual symptoms of the disease don't manifest.
Lev17, you are talking in circles. In a prior post you posted that SARS_Co_V2 kills very few people. Then it's pointed out to you that it killed 1 million people in 2.5 years. Now you are saying it kills a lot people because a human being designed it to do that. You don't have 1 ounce of proof that the Spike Protein component of SARS_Co_V2 was played with in the Wu-han LAB. Of all the variants the delta variant caused the most death for humans. The delta variant was not the original variant. With SARS_Co_V2 the first mutation made it a stronger virus and the second and third mutations made it a weaker virus. With the Omicron BA4 and BA5 variants, hardly any one has to go on a ventilator. The omicron variants bind less effiently to ACE2 than the delta variant or the original variant (sometimes referred to as the Wu-Han virus). Nice sounding theory, but no proof. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You actually think a million people died from this disease? Well if that is an accurate number the vaccines didn't do much to lessen the impact. Dr Deborah Birx admits that to Neil Cavuto. She says the vaccines were over played.

adav8s28's Avatar
You actually think a million people died from this disease? Well if that is an accurate number the vaccines didn't do much to lessen the impact. Dr Deborah Birx admits that to Neil Cavuto. She says the vaccines were over played.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/aY3SHuJ8XVGO/ Originally Posted by Levianon17
1. Most of the people who died from CoVid_19 were NOT vaccinated.So that fact makes the above statement regarding less of an impact incorrect.

2. Regarding the video, you left out half of her sentence. After Birx said the words "over played" she admits the vaccines will protect against hospitalization and severe disease.

3. Did you listen to the entire video? Or did you stop in the middle? Lev17, nice try at parsing words. Did you do that on purpose or was that an accident?

4. It has been said for months in this forum that the vaccines don't prevent infection, they prevent death. Birx has really confirmed this when she admits the vaccines protect against hospitalization and severe disease.

5. Lev17, you lose again. This is with your own video from Fox.
... But the vaccines WERE to prevent infection.
That's why people were "forced" to get them.

And when they didn't prevent infection - here came the Boosters!

... DeSantis didn't lockdown - and look at Florida's numbers.

... THIS was all guess-work from the beginning. .. And it STILL is.

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
... But the vaccines WERE to prevent infection.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You can split hairs all you want to as to the original intent of the vaccines. The bottom line is as Dr Birx stated in the video from a prior post, the vaccines prevent severe disease and death.
adav8s28's Avatar

And when they didn't prevent infection - here came the Boosters!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The Boosters came because the SARS_Co_V2 virus mutates just like the Influenza_A virus. The difference is that currently the SARS_Co_V2 virus is mutating once every 6 - 8 months instead of once a year like Influenz_A.
adav8s28's Avatar

... THIS was all guess-work from the beginning. .. And it STILL is.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No it is not. The scientists at Big Pharma know that the SARS_Co_V2 virus mutates. The M-RNA concept was selected over a traditional vaccine for speed. A traditional vaccine for Sars_Co_V2 would not have been ready for distribution by Jan 2021. Big pharma met with Trump in Feb 2020 and predicted that with the M-RNA vaccine concept they could complete clinical trial by Dec 2020. This is when they gave the results to the FDA. The operation warp speed reduced the time for the approval process and the vaccines were approved for distribution starting in Jan 2021.

To make a traditional vaccine, you have to grow it in the lab and then deactivate it (remove the protein part or DNA part that causes disease) before you can put it into someones arm. This takes much longer than the M-Rna approach.
1. Most of the people who died from CoVid_19 were NOT vaccinated.So that fact makes the above statement regarding less of an impact incorrect.

2. Regarding the video, you left out half of her sentence. After Birx said the words "over played" she admits the vaccines will protect against hospitalization and severe disease.

3. Did you listen to the entire video? Or did you stop in the middle? Lev17, nice try at parsing words. Did you do that on purpose or was that an accident?

4. It has been said for months in this forum that the vaccines don't prevent infection, they prevent death. Birx has really confirmed this when she admits the vaccines protect against hospitalization and severe disease.

5. Lev17, you lose again. This is with your own video from Fox. Originally Posted by adav8s28
The vaccinated are beginning to have issues not only with break through cases but adverse reactions as well. The idea that the Vaccine doesn't prevent a person from contracting Covid, but prevents hospitalization and death is is hard to determine. There is no real definitive proof of that.
"There is no real definitive proof of that."

Quite ironic that above quote comes from Levi.....
winn dixie's Avatar
"There is no real definitive proof of that."

Quite ironic that above quote comes from Levi..... Originally Posted by reddog1951

"There is no real definitive proof of that." --Usually comes from libs who are trying to sell something to the public that aint bein bought
"There is no real definitive proof of that."

Quite ironic that above quote comes from Levi..... Originally Posted by reddog1951
Well is there proof?
"There is no real definitive proof of that." --Usually comes from libs who are trying to sell something to the public that aint bein bought Originally Posted by winn dixie
The Vaccinated don't want to see any proof that the vaccine has flaws because they took it. So they are naturally going to shame the unvaccinated.
The Vaccinated don't want to see any proof that the vaccine has flaws because they took it. So they are naturally going to shame the unvaccinated. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... Yep ... barracking the guesswork.

Like Fauci did with "wear masks" - when the high
infection numbers surely continued - Fauci quickly
changed his-own tune to "you can still get co-vid
even with the masks, but it slows the process"...
- something like that. ... Flip-Flop" Fauci.

President Biden was assuring the American people that
"the vax and booster will keep you from getting co-vid."

More guesswork.

However, I DO believe the vax prolly saved a lot of
lives - by making cases of co-vid LESS severe.

I just don't believe that people should have
been forced to get it.

#### Salty