Ladies, here is your chance; Gents, pay attention....POPCORN TIME!

I don't see a problem with sending a text message saying "I got here a little early, do you want me to come in now, or wait until the time we set?"
If they are ready, great. Traffic is unpredictable, so it is better to be there a little early since we get burned if we are late. Originally Posted by tron
I couldn't agree more on the early rather than late.

Contrary to popular belief.....we do not lounge in bellydance outfits all day eating grapes whilst being fanned by naked slaves donned in gold. We have a business to run. I am not being sarcastic or mean. If you go for an appt anywhere else the appt time is not 'soft' or 'approximate', so please don't be offended if we are not able to be 'flexible' on time. Sometimes we can! othertimes not.

I am just as sorry sometimes when clients are late. We really DO enjoy our time with most of our clients. Otherwise we wouldn't do this (or get any business).

Sometimes I will call the next client and ask to push back 15 just so I can ready myself and the room for them, and not be frazzled when they arrive. I like to have calm energy when we start the massage.

PLEASE make sure to read the ad. Some people DONT text. annoying huh? I remember when you had to use you can't find one..........

So it's not to be mean or greedy but clock watching is done by everyone, whether you know it or not, that's how we make money. The good ones don't let you know it, that's all. That's how we make bills. And once you are a regular some of us sometimes throw in some extra time. It's all about treating each other nicely, the way we would want to be treated!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
While we are on the subject of texting. What is the common ettiquette?
When you send a message D.E.W. you sign it so that the one receiving the message will know who it is from?

I got a text and didn't recognize the phone number, read it while driving and then it disappeared somewhere into my phone. Took me hours later to finally find the message and then I have to finally call to find out who it was.

Please, PLEASE when you call, email or text, say who you are. It really helps ladies who get messages from quite a few gents. It is polite.
yes! and please don't send a text that states, simply, "hey" or "working?". No name will usually get you no call.

Just a thought.....
Guest102312's Avatar
So I have read everyone's remarks so here are mine.

Please be sure your breath is would not want me to kiss you with bad breath.

Make sure your finger nails are trimmed and clean especially if you want to play in certain areas.

I dont like talking about my menu with me via pms, emails, phone, or even chat. I do not like taking risk of this sort. I do not offer everything to the same people. There is a definition to YMMV

I dont like being told well so and so does this so you should too. I am not her and every ladies session is different even if they order the same menu items. I think this is rude and it takes the fun out of things.

I am not submissive with new guys only ones that I have built a level of comfort and trust with.

I like things to run smoothly in during our time together because I get things out of this as well.

Although I am a provider does not mean that I mesh well with another provider during doubles. I have a list of girls that I am comfortable with and we can hunt together for a playmate.
Reincarnated's Avatar
Also ladies and gentlemen, if you think your getting a cold or flu, don't go to your appointment...better to call and reschedule than make them sick and miss work.
Yes and thank you Maci Lynn, that reminds me........

YMMV; this has always puzzled me.

If you tip well (or are a pleasure to be around) in a restaurant do you not get better, more congenial service?

If you give good xmas presents do you get invited back quicker than the surly town drunk?

If you take a girl out to dinner, that doesn't mean you'll get laid even if she isn't a virgin. It all depends on how you treated her and your chemistry.

I have had clients that I was CERTAIN I would never want to see again for whatever reason. But when they called back they were just so damn NICE I couldn't say no.

Your mileage, gentlemen, is determined SOLELY by you. I know noone likes to hear this in the age of not taking responsibility for one's own actions or life, but it remains true none the less.

Some ladies (like myself) prefer to get to know a person before getting really COMFY with them. This is not YMMV/ it is "I don't know you yet". If the young lady has a bad attitude, that is different. Maybe she is INCAPABLE of being happy. I would simply not go back. I'm certain there are situations where I am wrong on this. But chances are when you post "YMMV, watch out for her"- you basically just told on yourself.

Just my humble opinion, nothing special!
Ladies, I have an honest question. I do not have any problems with behavior, generosity, or body odor, but I do have a weight problem.

It's the only thing I'm sensitive about and I wonder if that has any effect on the time you spend with gentlemen? Are you more prone to turn down a second visit from someone because they are overweight?
gooose's Avatar
Sometimes I will call the next client and ask to push back 15 just so I can ready myself and the room for them, and not be frazzled when they arrive. I like to have calm energy when we start the massage.
So are you ladies saying that its OK for providers to call a client and and push back the scheduled appt 15min, 30 min, or even 1 hr for whatever reason but a client can't be late because of traffic or some other valid reason and their time gets deducted for being late.

Whats good for the gander should also be good for the goose.
Texting: If you know me (which means folks I talk to or text on a regular basis) signing is a waste. But for providers, you might or might not have my number in your phone with a name (likely not) so I always slap my name on until we can get a convo going.

Body smell: I've got a nice body wash that I use. Problem is that body wash tends to go away quickly in Austin in summer (March until last week). PLEASE let me know that "um, you want me to wash you up a little?" I ALWAYS wash all the way around, but see above about summer. And I'm sitting on it driving over. See "PLEASE"

Timing: Yeah, when I'm early, I'll call or text or even email (or, heck, PM). And if it's an apartment, I'll park in some discreet place away from your building. And if I'm running late I'll call. Maybe you can tack on (thank you), maybe not (my bad).

Parking: Please tell me if I need to park some place particular. I'll try to park some place discreet, but I don't want to leave and find my car on a tow truck!!! Happened to a friend in Dallas. He told his wife it was towed while he was downtown (if you live in Dallas you know that this is very believable and very likely. And probably while you're being ticketed for jay walking!
Texting: If you know me (which means folks I talk to or text on a regular basis) signing is a waste. But for providers, you might or might not have my number in your phone with a name (likely not) so I always slap my name on until we can get a convo going.

Body smell: I've got a nice body wash that I use. Problem is that body wash tends to go away quickly in Austin in summer (March until last week). PLEASE let me know that "um, you want me to wash you up a little?" I ALWAYS wash all the way around, but see above about summer. And I'm sitting on it driving over. See "PLEASE"

Timing: Yeah, when I'm early, I'll call or text or even email (or, heck, PM). And if it's an apartment, I'll park in some discreet place away from your building. And if I'm running late I'll call. Maybe you can tack on (thank you), maybe not (my bad).

Parking: Please tell me if I need to park some place particular. I'll try to park some place discreet, but I don't want to leave and find my car on a tow truck!!! Happened to a friend in Dallas. He told his wife it was towed while he was downtown (if you live in Dallas you know that this is very believable and very likely. And probably while you're being ticketed for jay walking! Originally Posted by austin_voy
This may be off subject, but didn't we have a conversation before ?
.I remember,your my white knight, hi ! thanks again
It's the only thing I'm sensitive about and I wonder if that has any effect on the time you spend with gentlemen? Are you more prone to turn down a second visit from someone because they are overweight? Originally Posted by BebopJet
Never! I can't speak for everyone but 4 of my best clients are over 6'4" and 350. Weight is something that causes you to NEED a massage!

And I only occasionally try to push back appt out of courtesy. If the next client is unable to or it's a terrible inconvenience, then the late client is SOL. Some days it works out and others it doesn't. And calling if you're running late is always a plus. Most providers don't have a 'massage-type' schedule or work from a professional location so their scheduling is not as structured.

This whole rediculous new trend of trying to get around screening is not only infantile, but incredibly irresponsible. It puts ALL OF US in danger. I don't need a DNA sample and I don't keep your info once you are gone.

I have better things to do in life than harass you, please be as considerate to me!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Ladies, I have an honest question. I do not have any problems with behavior, generosity, or body odor, but I do have a weight problem.

It's the only thing I'm sensitive about and I wonder if that has any effect on the time you spend with gentlemen? Are you more prone to turn down a second visit from someone because they are overweight? Originally Posted by BebopJet

NEVER.....The only thing that effects the way I am towards someone is based on how they treat me regardless of heigh,t weight, color ...if you are respectful and fun to be around we will have an awesome time but if you come at me all pissy mean and disresptful... well then you will see a side very few have ever seen of me
I had a client last week that wore my last nerve. Please don't do or assume these things........MOST people don't..........

Please don't expect to pay for a massage and get full service- REALLY????? FBSM is about ME doing to YOU, that's the whole appeal- you don't have to do ANYTHING!

FBSM is not an hour make-out session. When you are a regular, things get more comfy.
DON'T continually QUIZ me on "how many times makes a regular???". That means YOU REGULARLY COME TO SEE ME AND I CAN REMEMBER YOUR NAME.

Do not try to shove your finger/thumb in my ass.

Do not get up off the table and try to take over the session. You do not have the keys to the kingdom just because you've come to visit me. If I wanted to offer GFE to the public, I would.

These are only a few of the MULTITUDE of irritating, unacceptable things this client did during our session. WOW. I had to take a couple days off to revamp my attitude.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Wow. The gall of some guys.

Please don't expect to pay for a massage and get full service- REALLY????? FBSM is about ME doing to YOU, that's the whole appeal- you don't have to do ANYTHING!

FBSM is not an hour make-out session. When you are a regular, things get more comfy.

Do not try to shove your finger/thumb in my ass.

Do not get up off the table and try to take over the session. Originally Posted by maxieryan

This kind of thing seems to be happening more and more lately. Thankfully, not everyone crosses boundaries during FBSM. I love my polite, respectful clients oh so much.