Iran shoots down American drone in international airspace, US official confirms

Little Monster's Avatar
Son, America does not "go to war" with Iran .. we conduct a Military exercise.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
First off I'm not your Son (Thank the Gods!!!), can't imagine how dumb & ignorant your offspring turned out to be. And second then why did your hero Trump back down from simply performing a "Military exercise" on Iran??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
First off I'm not your Son (Thank the Gods!!!), can't imagine how dumb & ignorant your offspring turned out to be. And second then why did your hero Trump back down from simply performing a "Military exercise" on Iran?? Originally Posted by Little Monster

So son, did ya win the Falklands War or was that just a military exercise?

seems like it took all Queen Lizzie II could muster just to beat little Argentina

explain why you live in the US again??
Little Monster's Avatar
So son, did ya win the Falklands War or was that just a military exercise?

seems like it took all Queen Lizzie II could muster just to beat little Argentina

explain why you live in the US again??
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

At least Queen Lizzie served her country and didn't dodge a draft like your pussy ass leader did. No wonder why he backed down from Iran, he's obviously been backing down his whole life. Pssshhh.... fucking patheic wuss!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
At least Queen Lizzie served her country and didn't dodge a draft like your pussy ass leader did. No wonder why he backed down from Iran, he's obviously been backing down his whole life. Pssshhh.... fucking patheic wuss!!

Originally Posted by Little Monster

she sat on her fat royal ass in the motor pool.
ya need to try harder than that, son.

Little Monster's Avatar
she sat on her fat royal ass in the motor pool.
ya need to try harder than that, son.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump backed down from the draft 5x, which explains why he would back down from Iran. The man has been a coward his whole life no wonder why you love him so much. "Birds of a feather", but keep trying though!!


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump backed down from the draft 5x, which explains why he would back down from Iran. The man has been a coward his whole life no wonder why you love him so much. "Birds of a feather", but keep trying though!!


Originally Posted by Little Monster

getting a deferment is one thing. many did. lying to a Colonel is quite another, don't ya think, son?

Ex-ROTC Leader Says Clinton Deceived Him, Cheated Military
Little Monster's Avatar
getting a deferment is one thing. many did. lying to a Colonel is quite another, don't ya think, son?

Ex-ROTC Leader Says Clinton Deceived Him, Cheated Military Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump backed down from doing his duty to his shithole country, he's a pussy get over it. He backed down from striking back at Iran, get over it.
And the best you can do is bring up the Clintons??? psssshhh fucking pathetic, keep trying

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump backed down from doing his duty to his shithole country, he's a pussy get over it. He backed down from striking back at Iran, get over it.
And the best you can do is bring up the Clintons??? psssshhh fucking pathetic, keep trying

BAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by Little Monster

presidents one and all. fair game. and Q Lizzie II on her fat ass in the motor pool. it's a leadership thing.

my dad took 2 deferments in Korea. what ya think of that??
and fyi he did serve in the Army.

and tell us again why you left the "great" UK for the "shithole" USA?


LexusLover's Avatar
...can't imagine how dumb & ignorant your offspring turned out to be. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Is this supposed to elevate your self-perceived superior intellect?

Actually, it demonstrates your insufficiency. You're even attacking "offspring" .... kindergarten, playground name-calling. You revealed your membership in the SocialistLiberalAntiTrump groupies. You have no cogent criticism of Trump that is fact-based just your worn-out, meaningless opinions pretending to be more intelligent than a billionaire businessman, who ran for POTUS and won as his first ELECTION TO ANY OFFICE and whipped the favored candidate who was the putative spouse of a POTUS and who had the support of the current administration at the time of the election and had made a living sopping up on the government tit most of her adult life, including the time two terms she resided in the White House. And you call ANYONE dumb and ignorant. If you weren't so sad you'd be a natural comedian.
LexusLover's Avatar
So son, did ya win the Falklands War or was that just a military exercise?


explain why you live in the US again?? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
At least Queen Lizzie served her country and didn't dodge a draft like your pussy ass leader did. Originally Posted by Little Monster
"Birds of a feather", but keep trying though!! Originally Posted by Little Monster
So you didn't like Clintonian or Obaminable. Did you vote ... (oh wait .... can you vote in the U.S.?) ... for HillariousNoMore?

Here's your ATFS draft dodging in your "mother's land"? Speaking of "birds of a feather"!

The Predator and the Facilitator aka his "girl"!
I B Hankering's Avatar
At least Queen Lizzie served her country and didn't dodge a draft like your pussy ass leader did. No wonder why he backed down from Iran, he's obviously been backing down his whole life. Pssshhh.... fucking patheic wuss!!

Originally Posted by Little Monster

Do tell what the fuck Queen Lizzie did when Mossadegh nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and kicked you Brits out of Iran? It seems you came crying to Uncle Sam for help: fucking, pathetic little wussies.

What in the fuck does Obamacare have to do with America being humiliated by Iran and Trump backing his ass down after giving the go ahead to strike back??? NOTHING! Originally Posted by Little Monster
Iran handed the Brits their ass in 1952, and you haven't a fucking clue as to whether or not a new Stuxnet virus has been employed against Iran for a more "proportionate" strike back.

U.S. Cyberattack Strikes Iran's Military Computers

Updated: 8:47 a.m. on Sunday, June 23, 2019

The U.S. launched a sweeping cyberattack against the Iranian military last week in direct response to Iran’s downing of an American surveillance drone, U.S. officials told the Associated Press over the weekend, confirming that President Trump personally approved the retaliatory measures.

The response was aimed at Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the nation’s military that the White House officially labeled a terrorist organization earlier this year. The cyberattack targeted computer systems that control the Corps’ rocket and missile launchers, administration officials said.

(The Washington Times)
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
If it hadn't been for the backward United States you and Andy Marksman would be German speaking butt buddies.
LexusLover's Avatar
If it hadn't been for the backward United States you and Andy Marksman would be German speaking butt buddies. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Why do you believe they aren't today?

They've never recovered from the FACT that their women swooned when the Yanks walked in.
  • Tiny
  • 06-23-2019, 11:33 AM
Iran is more advanced in so many ways than Iraq. If we target just their military, remove the ayatollahs, I think the Iranians can handle the rest. If they install a secular government we can guarantee their security...right Iraq and Saudi Arabia? But only for a limited time. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

not necessarily. unlike Iraq, Iran is a more modern culture where there is a higher living standard. Hussein controlled that and kept the masses in basic poverty and more isolated. Iran is different. many young people know full well about the "decadent" west and they like it. they want Levis and pop music. they have means. they are more prosperous.

in Iran the religious situation is not so polarized. while in total control, there is no oppressed faction like Iraq so once you take out the leadership the people are more open to a non-religion based government. a more democratic form. there is no guarantee of that but it is far more likely to happen in Iran than Iraq.

we don't need to invade Iran so we don't have to occupy the country. we can achieve the objective without it and then who cares what they do next, as long as they don't revert right back to a religious fanatical regime. and if they do .. we fuck 'em up again. sooner or later the masses will turn against the religious fanatics .. if there are any left.

this has nearly happened on its own in Iran. with the fanatics out of the way i.e. dead there is a far greater chance the people will force a new direction away from the current system. their military also could facilitate such a change, after they get their asses handed to them and the top Generals, like the religious leaders, are dead. More moderate leaders can emerge. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Gentlemen, I think you're far too optimistic. This is likely to backfire, and create popular support for the Supreme Leader and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Moderate Iranian politicians supported the 2015 nuclear deal, and we're pulling the rug out from under them. Take a look at this article by Mohammad Ayatollahi Tabaar, an Iranian scholar at Texas A&M who wrote Religious Statecraft: The Politics of Islam in Iran:

This and a documentary on Mossad that's running on Netflix, where a couple of Israeli intelligence agents support the deal with Iran, lead me to believe that Obama's Iranian policy was superior to Trump's.

Still, I applaud Trump for calling off the attacks last week, against the calls of many Democrats and Republicans, and most of his advisers. He's trying to use sanctions and threats to try to force them to improve their behavior. He rolled the dice and he's probably going to lose.

These are just instinctive thoughts. I wouldn't post this in Hankering's thread because I'd get my ass kicked by people who know a lot more about this than I do.
  • Tiny
  • 06-23-2019, 11:39 AM
No wonder why he (Trump) backed down from Iran, he's obviously been backing down his whole life. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Trump backed down from the draft 5x, which explains why he would back down from Iran. Originally Posted by Little Monster
This is sad. Our names are custom made for professional wrestling. It could have been the ultimate tag team bout, The Little Monster and Tiny against The Waco Kid and Barleycorn. However you're far too ready to unleash the American War Machine. I stand with President Trump on not attacking Iran last week.