Px, Sp, Sc - same person?

I extend myself tb2....I've made the offer of peace and love. And you want to read more into it than necessary. I understand you're hesitancy because I have been a bad boy. but I'm here and I'm trying...

Excuse me for laughing at myself but sometimes it does seem funny. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I would ask members take other members at their word when an attempt at positive change is being made.
B3....sc has said this 100 times before. He's even started threads telling people he has changed. That normally last a day or two. There is only maybe 3 members on this board who might believe him. Between him and shine you mods have given them a free pass. He should have been banned immediately after his threats yesterday. What happened to our rules about this. Why are these two given special treatment? Anyone else would have been banned in a heartbeat.
This board is going to hell.
boardman's Avatar
I would ask members take other members at their word when an attempt at positive change is being made. Originally Posted by B Three

I'm sorry B3, this made me

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
B3....sc has said this 100 times before. He's even started threads telling people he has changed. That normally last a day or two. There is only maybe 3 members on this board who might believe him. Between him and shine you mods have given them a free pass. He should have been banned immediately after his threats yesterday. What happened to our rules about this. Why are these two given special treatment? Anyone else would have been banned in a heartbeat.
This board is going to hell. Originally Posted by tbone2u
My brother. Peace and One Love...please dont spew caluminous and false statements that slander other members. Your perception and reality of what occurred are two different things. Now let's get on with this business of loving each other. I'm extending my hand to you will you accept it?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I would ask members take other members at their word when an attempt at positive change is being made. Originally Posted by B Three
Please keep observing my love, graciousness, and humility and how I'm extending myself to these guys. Notice their reaction. I will continue manifesting the fruitages of Gods spirit towards them. Because I'm a man of my word.
Russ38's Avatar
Fucking H. Tebow.....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
That goes for you too Russ. One love my brother. Dont thank Tebow thank me.
Thank you.

For those of you that think anyone is getting a free pass from me, you’re quite mistaken.

There are rules and procedures in place. I follow them precisely and without being overly punitive. We work on a point accumulation process with different infractions being worth different points and when you reach certain thresholds you receive a ban for a designated amount of time. It’s not brain surgery. Perhaps a couple long timers here who personally know me can attest to my fair mindedness. (Cue Russ here...paging R.M., lol)

There is an infraction that deals with threats. It applies to one member making a statement such as “you think you’re so great, well I’m gonna come find you and punch you in the face”. Clearly a threat, but not one that will ever come to fruition. That would recieve an infraction. And a very specific warning that statements as such are not okay and another will result in immediate action.

Now, if we tweak this example and the OP says something along the lines of...”I know you go to Centerfolds a lot and I know what car you drive, I’m going to come shoot you when you least expect it. goodbye, asshole”. THAT is a terroristic threat and would result in immediate and permanent termination and God knows what else.

SC’s comments on the board merited removal, so I did. CVKatie was rightly disturbed by them, but that appeared to also be spurred on by certain text messages. In my experience in the studying human behavior, I HIGHLY doubt those text were from SC...but rather some random lurker who is a sick individual playing off of information on this site.

Occam’s Razor yet again...
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I would ask members take other members at their word when an attempt at positive change is being made. Originally Posted by B Three

In all due respect, please don't let us think you're buying his bullcrap. It's just a temporary act to buy him some time before he starts back up again. Please have some patience and observe for a week or so, it will happen.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In all due respect, please don't let us think you're buying his bullcrap. It's just a temporary act to buy him some time before he starts back up again. Please have some patience and observe for a week or so, it will happen. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Care to wager a monetary bet?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Thank you.

For those of you that think anyone is getting a free pass from me, you’re quite mistaken.

There are rules and procedures in place. I follow them precisely and without being overly punitive. We work on a point accumulation process with different infractions being worth different points and when you reach certain thresholds you receive a ban for a designated amount of time. It’s not brain surgery. Perhaps a couple long timers here who personally know me can attest to my fair mindedness. (Cue Russ here...pairing R.M., lol)

There is an infraction that deals with threats. It applies to one member making a statement such as “you think you’re so great, well I’m gonna come find you and punch you in the face”. Clearly a threat, but not one that will ever come to fruition. That would recieve an infraction. And a very specific warning that statements as such are not okay and another will result in immediate action.

Now, if we tweak this example and the OP says something along the lines of...”I know you go to Centerfolds a lot and I know what car you drive, I’m going to come shoot you when you least expect it. goodbye, asshole”. THAT is a terroristic threat and would result in immediate and permanent termination and God knows what else.

SC’s comments on the board merited removal, so I did. CVKatie was rightly disturbed by them, but that appeared to also be spurred on by certain text messages. I’m my experience in the studying human behavior, I HIGHLY doubt those text were from SC...but rather some random lurker who is a sick individual playing off of information on this site.

Occam’s Razor yet again... Originally Posted by B Three
Thank you. As I stated in the open forum yesterday. Issuing threats to random people I dont know and dont care about is simply not in my gift basket. I even wanted to get the site owner involved because it was such a ludicrous allegation for a guy like me to be texting anyone from this site. No one here is that important to me...B3 these guys head would spin if they saw even one of my RW girl friends and I barely text them back. So yes it was a ludicrous notion to begin with. Thanks for being reasonable.
My brother. Peace and One Love...please dont spew calumnious and false statements that slander other members. Your perception and reality of what occurred are two different things. Now let's get on with this business of loving each other. I'm extending my hand to you will you accept it? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No "olive branch" this time TM...I've never seen a member wanting a thread closed so fast in me life, you only asked about five times...Hummmmm
Care to wager a monetary bet? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Like your self banning thread TM and your poll thread asking if you should leave...which was a LANDSLIDE YES!!!!!
That kind of wager...don't think you're good for it!!
Did anyone ever bother to look at those texts?
SC is smart but on the edge, most narcissistic people are this way.
He is like a bomb ready to go off.
If things don't go his way he will run for cover and hope someone will cover for him.
His personality can change whenever he wants but sometimes.....he can't help himself and he goes too far. He knows how to push the limits and considers himself an expert at it. He enjoys it and craves it. Problem he has is someone always has to come to his rescue and he's lucky they do. Alas...sooner or later he will lose that protection and revert back to what he started out as....the class clown.
Why do guys keep coming back after B3 asks us politely to back off?
Because most of us don't enjoy sc getting the last word in when we all know he's full of shit.
He loves games as long as he is winning.
Smart guy but doesn't have the sense to get out of the rain.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If you continue with your harrassment I'm gonna officially report you to St.C you've been warned cease and desist. Next time either the mods will deal with you or I will be forced to make you waste your money on an attorney. I've given you a fair amount of time lament and get it out of your system. Enough is enough. I will serve you legally through this site if you continue with the harrassment and slander.