Trump Nails It On SNL

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jesus fucking Christ you're a thick headed moron. I never said that they don't pay any tax. If they claim exempt or a large number of dependents then they would not pay any federal income tax but they would pay the employee's portion of FICA which is 7.65%. If they are paid in cash or as contract labor they would not pay any federal income tax or FICA tax. You seem to confuse federal income tax with all sales tax. They are not the same you fucking moron.

The jobs would be filled either by US citizens or by legal immigrants. You act like all commerce that depends on Mexican labor would cease to exist if the illegals were suddenly gone. The demand for labor would still be there and the jobs would be filled. Wages may increase or the jobs may be done by legal immigrants but they would get done. Since they would be on the books then the federal tax revenue would increase.

With every post you make it becomes increasingly clear that you are nothing more than a POS left wing moron that wants to see this great country destroyed.

Swim back home you fucking wetback. Go whine to the MODS again you fucking coward. Originally Posted by Budman

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Every american who would pick oranges or do any of the myriad of other jobs that immigrants do, has one, yes. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So, you're saying every American who has a job, has a job. What wisdom and insight you have, sir. Immigrants do have a lot of jobs. No problem with immigrants. Those who enter the country illegally are not immigrants, they are criminals, and should be dealt with as such. Then maybe a few of the 94 million Americans who are not in the labor force could rejoin it.
You keep trying to change the argument. This isn't about deporting the illegals or giving them amnesty. It is about your false statement that they pay taxes and if they were deported we would lose that revenue. The immigration policy is a separate issue from your statement that I replied to. I will be happy to have a discussion about that but quit trying to worm your way out of your original statement.

I do think you give a shit about the DOTY. It must just eat at you that everyone here thinks you're an idiot. If you didn't give a shit why did you try and get others to vote for Rey? Originally Posted by Budman
I keep asking woomby " How 'BOUT that ' grass roots ' response ' that he said he was going to work on to get me elected and get no answer ! He must still be basking in his glory of that landslide election and busy with his defense of HIS crown for next years election ! It's like he never came out of campaign mode, what with his typical lying liberal idiot responses, since being crowned DOTY 2016 ! Are we looking at a challenge to assup's record for consecutive wins of DOTY ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's some brilliant shit Whiny. No wonder they don't let you practice law anymore.
Americans wouldn't fill those jobs and if you think they would, you're as stupider than I already think you are.

How you going to ship all 11-13 million of them home, dumbass? Republicans and more bullshit ideas. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Surely YOU don't have any problems recruiting for " therapist " positions down at the 'holes woomby ! Your protégé and WK Ekim responded to your bellering and screams !!
This is one of the many reasons WR won DOTY in a landslide.

I never said we could round up all illegals. My response was to your foolish statement about how they pay their taxes and if they were deported we would lose all the tax revenue they pay. The tax revenue would increase because the workers that fill those jobs would be on the books. You have the misconception that if the illegal Mexicans were to disappear that the jobs they do would never be filled. You believe that americans would not do the jobs currently being done by illegals. I don't buy it but assuming you are correct the jobs would be filled by legal immigrants who are on the books. Do you see the difference. Just in case it has gone over your head like some things do let me point it out to you.

illegal versus legal. Does that help you understand? Probably not but that's why you are the DOTY.

Do you realize that your margin of victory was so large that even your so called friends on the left voted for you? Yea that's right. Not only do the conservatives think you are stupid the left does as well. Everyone thinks you're a fucking moron. Originally Posted by Budman
And those fellers on the left suuure know how to " get out the vote " and get the " absentee " cemetery voters to cast their ballots ! SOME of them know what " grass roots ' efforts really mean !
SNICK FUCK YOU DIRT BAG Originally Posted by gary5912
That's the DOTY emeritus, runner up to woomby's landslide win and woomby " mentor !
If you would simply get the people already HERE on the books, that income would be taxed and the taxes would ALSO increase. One way(mine) wastes less money and doesn't tear families apart. Your way is not even realistic and if it were, it would cost a shitload of money. Perfect microcosm of the republican vs democrat problem. I offer a realistic solution and you offer some bullshit solution that won't solve the original problem and is likely to cause even more problems. Good going, dumbass. No need for some fucking roundup that wastes a bunch of goddamn money, although you republitards do love wasting some taxpayer money, but get the people already here on the books and get them paying into the system.

Every american who wants a job, has one. That's how I know they wouldn't be filled by americans. Americans simply won't do these jobs for the wages the immigrants are making.

As for DOTY, it's a fucking hooker board. You think I give two shits what goes on here? This is all for shits and giggles. Don't get it confused and think it's the real world. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Kinda tough for you to ' give a shit ' with Big Sir doing ATM on you twice a day when your grande nalgas aren't " occupationally engaged ' down at the 'holes woomby / DOTY ! And with YOU and ekim having rusty trombone practice on each other daily, it would be tough for YOU to give a woomby about anything !
  • shanm
  • 11-10-2015, 10:40 PM
Strawman. Who says the same logic doesn't apply? Cite one economist who claims getting rid of illegal immigrants as a source of cheap labor would NOT raise wages and prices or reduce jobs. You're making this up.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
I wasn't talking about "economists", was I? I was talking about repubtards. Just the average hillbilly, ones like you.

So tell me lustytard, why support one and not the other?

On one hand you claim that raising the (minimum)wage would depress the economy by increasing prices, increasing wages and reducing jobs because it would raise supply costs a tad too much, and many employers would go out of business rather than pay the higher wages.
On the other hand you argue that its good for our economy that we deport illegal mexicans and thereby increase prices, wages and reduce jobs. All the while, keep in mind that the illegal immigrant workforce represents around 5% of the labor force, while minimum wage workers makeup around 2.5, meaning the effects could potentially more than double.

You can't have it both ways idiot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I wasn't talking about "economists", was I? I was talking about repubtards. Just the average hillbilly, ones like you.

So tell me lustytard, why support one and not the other?

On one hand you claim that raising the (minimum)wage would depress the economy by increasing prices, increasing wages and reducing jobs because it would raise supply costs a tad too much, and many employers would go out of business rather than pay the higher wages.
On the other hand you argue that its good for our economy that we deport illegal mexicans and thereby increase prices, wages and reduce jobs. All the while, keep in mind that the illegal immigrant workforce represents around 5% of the labor force, while minimum wage workers makeup around 2.5, meaning the effects could potentially more than double.

You can't have it both ways idiot.
Originally Posted by shanm
Reducing the number of illegals reduces the amount of tax money used to subsidize social services for illegals, and their families, and opens a greater number of jobs for unemployed Americans, shamman. Reducing the number of unemployed Americans also reduces the amount of tax money used to subsidize social services for unemployed Americans, and their families, while simultaneously raising the taxpayer participation rate: i.e., those paying taxes into the system as opposed to those who are a drain on the system, shamman.
  • shanm
  • 11-10-2015, 11:33 PM
Reducing the number of illegals reduces the amount of tax money used to subsidize social services for illegals, and their families, and opens a greater number of jobs for unemployed Americans, shamman. Reducing the number of unemployed Americans also reduces the amount of tax money used to subsidize social services for unemployed Americans, and their families, while simultaneously raising the taxpayer participation rate: i.e., those paying taxes into the system as opposed to those who are a drain on the system, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Where's the proof, shit-for-brains?
According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Immigrants paid 10.6 billion into the tax system last year.
They also pay an estimated 15 billion into Social security, without any chance of them ever getting it back. In fact, the SSA chief actuary said that they would have been unable to close the payout gap starting in 2009 if it hadn't been for illegals, shit-for-brains.

They also can't apply for welfare like food stamps and medicaid, because those things generally require legal status, shit-for-brains.

So tell me, shit-for-brains, where, outside of your repubtard utopia is this insanity even fucking possible?

Tell me something, what do you think would happen, if the apples at central market were being picked by someone who makes $8 an hour, instead of someone who makes 5 cents an apple?
I didn't even argue FOR illegal immigration, I just wanted to show how retarded you and your kid sidekick lustytard seem when you try to advocate for lower minimum wages while simultaneoulsy "hankering" for illegal deportation. Pretty fucking retarded is how i'd describe it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where's the proof, shit-for-brains?
According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Immigrants paid 10.6 billion into the tax system last year.
They also pay an estimated 15 billion into Social security, without any chance of them ever getting it back. In fact, the SSA chief actuary said that they would have been unable to close the payout gap starting in 2009 if it hadn't been for illegals, shit-for-brains.

They also can't apply for welfare like food stamps and medicaid, because those things generally require legal status, shit-for-brains.

So tell me, shit-for-brains, where, outside of your repubtard utopia is this insanity even fucking possible?

Tell me something, what do you think would happen, if the apples at central market were being picked by someone who makes $8 an hour, instead of someone who makes 5 cents an apple?
I didn't even argue FOR illegal immigration, I just wanted to show how retarded you and your kid sidekick lustytard seem when you try to advocate for lower minimum wages while simultaneoulsy "hankering" for illegal deportation. Pretty fucking retarded is how i'd describe it.
Originally Posted by shanm
Employed Americans would pay as much and/or more into the system than illegals currently do, shamman. You're genuinely stupid if you imagine Americans employed in those same jobs would pay less than the illegals currently employed in those jobs, shamman. It's UNEMPLOYED Americans who pay less, shamman. So, your argument is bogus, shamman. Furthermore, employed Americans are less dependent on social services than unemployed Americans, shamman; hence, citizens being taxed less to support fewer people on unemployment would offset any rise in costs due to someone picking apples being paid more. BTW, the court just ruled that deporting illegals is the law; not "illegal".
lustylad's Avatar
I wasn't talking about "economists", was I? I was talking about repubtards. Just the average hillbilly, ones like you.

Ok, then cite where a Republican candidate or even someone in this forum made those claims. I must've missed it.

So tell me lustytard, why support one and not the other?

For the record, I don't support either raising the minimum wage or deporting all illegals. Clearly, both policies would have an impact on wages, prices and jobs.

On one hand you claim that raising the (minimum)wage would depress the economy by increasing prices, increasing wages and reducing jobs because it would raise supply costs a tad too much, and many employers would go out of business rather than pay the higher wages.

Yes, a higher minimum wage.would have some of those effects. Most economists agree on the direction of the impacts, but disagree on the magnitudes involved. Obviously the impact of doubling the minimum wage would be much harsher than a 10-15% increase. But neither would be without cost in terms of jobs and inflation.

On the other hand you argue that its good for our economy that we deport illegal mexicans and thereby increase prices, wages and reduce jobs. All the while, keep in mind that the illegal immigrant workforce represents around 5% of the labor force, while minimum wage workers makeup around 2.5, meaning the effects could potentially more than double.

Sorry to burn your strawman, but I never said anything about mass deportations (of Mexicans or any other illegals) being good or bad for the economy. Why are you making that up? Are you trying to compete with WTFagboy by falsely attributing arguments to me? That's his specialty.

Look, mass deportations are unlikely, except for those illegals with felonies or gang connections. But as a theoretical matter, of course it would drive up wages and reduce low-paying jobs! Why do you think your libtard Dimocrat friends in Big Labor want to secure the border and crack down on employing illegals?

You can't have it both ways idiot. Originally Posted by shanm
I'm not trying to have it both ways. You have it backwards, shammytard. Republicans tend to be straightforward about the costs of their policy choices. Dimocrats are the ones who are always promising a free lunch and pretending their policies (such as doubling the minimum wage) are without cost.

  • shanm
  • 11-11-2015, 12:03 PM
Employed Americans would pay as much and/or more into the system than illegals currently do, shamman. You're genuinely stupid if you imagine Americans employed in those same jobs would pay less than the illegals currently employed in those jobs, shamman. It's UNEMPLOYED Americans who pay less, shamman. So, your argument is bogus, shamman. Furthermore, employed Americans are less dependent on social services than unemployed Americans, shamman; hence, citizens being taxed less to support fewer people on unemployment would offset any rise in costs due to someone picking apples being paid more. BTW, the court just ruled that deporting illegals is the law; not "illegal". Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Problem is, shit-for-brains, that not necessarily ALL americans would get those "same" jobs that mexicans did. Considering the immense wage gap between an illegal and the minimum wage (which lets be honest, most americans won't work for anyway), we are talking about a possibly massive reduction in the number of jobs available.

The economy has never been at full employment, and your ridiculous assertion that simply deporting illegals would create jobs for unemployed americans is complete bogus.

Not only that, consider the number of small businesses, and entreprenurial projects started by immigrants or their children, that employ many workers and help our economy. Not only do immigrants make it easy for us to do jobs that Americans won't do, they actually create jobs by taking the low skill menial jobs away. In that case, Americans have the option of going to college and/or learning skills that get them better paying jobs and a better standard of living (something that you never did, shit-for-brains).

You are an absolute fucking turd

I'm not trying to have it both ways. You have it backwards, shammytard. Republicans tend to be straightforward about the costs of their policy choices. Dimocrats are the ones who are always promising a free lunch and pretending their policies (such as doubling the minimum wage) are without cost.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Allright then. Mind explaining it to shit-for-brains (see above) and the other dumbasses you associate yourself with (whacko, IffyIdiot, buttman). You might wanna read this thread thoroughly to figure out where my "strawman" came from.

Your contention that dimocrats "always" promise a free lunch and pretend their policies are without cost is just that, your opinion. Have you ever considered that raising the minimum wage (although not without cost) could potentially have a decent outcome based on a cost-benefit analysis. Or are you simply going to give your opinion based on which party you support. I am not saying one way is definitely right. you are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Problem is, shit-for-brains, that not necessarily ALL americans would get those "same" jobs that mexicans did. Considering the immense wage gap between an illegal and the minimum wage (which lets be honest, most americans won't work for anyway), we are talking about a possibly massive reduction in the number of jobs available.

The economy has never been at full employment, and your ridiculous assertion that simply deporting illegals would create jobs for unemployed americans is complete bogus.

Not only that, consider the number of small businesses, and entreprenurial projects started by immigrants or their children, that employ many workers and help our economy. Not only do immigrants make it easy for us to do jobs that Americans won't do, they actually create jobs by taking the low skill menial jobs away. In that case, Americans have the option of going to college and/or learning skills that get them better paying jobs and a better standard of living (something that you never did, shit-for-brains).

You are an absolute fucking turd

Allright then. Mind explaining it to shit-for-brains (see above) and the other dumbasses you associate yourself with (whacko, IffyIdiot, buttman). You might wanna read this thread thoroughly to figure out where my "strawman" came from.

Your contention that dimocrats "always" promise a free lunch and pretend their policies are without cost is just that, your opinion. Have you ever considered that raising the minimum wage (although not without cost) could potentially have a decent outcome based on a cost-benefit analysis. Or are you simply going to give your opinion based on which party you support. I am not saying one way is definitely right. you are.
Originally Posted by shanm
Highlighted above, in your asinine post, is precisely the problem with a surplus labor pool created by illegals, shamman. As Gompers noted over 100 years ago, shamman: surplus labor drives down wages, you stupid jackass.