Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump wrecked his chances for 2024 by lying his fat ass off on CNN last night

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
.... The ATTENDANCE was near 55,000. ... There's MANY
that were turned away - as I mentioned and listened
while on the streets near there... Over-all numbers
near upwards of 70,000.

"Not hard to do..."??? ... WHO was the last Democrat
to do it?? ... ...

WHO was the last Republican?? ...

... Can Joe Biden draw 500? ...
"Not hard to do" ... He IS your President.


#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
As I said. there is no correlation between crowd size at political rallies and election results. The 30 or so percent of Republicans who are in the Trump base will bow down at his feet and follow him no matter what. Trump's rallies outdrew Biden's rallies by maybe 10-1 yet Trump lost by 8 million votes. And plesse don't reply with claims of fraud.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Have you noticed that all of the so called “crimes” that the Liberal Left keeps screaming about are based on lies and innuendo advanced with the help of their lap dogs in the MSM.

In the mean time, the very bureaucratic swamp that keeps slinging monkey shit at Trump are guilty of the very “crimes” they keep trying to pin on him.

First and foremost, that criminal cartel, The Biden Familly. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Come on Jackie, you're much smarter than that post shows you to be.
Fraud,fraud,fraud!! Hey,dimocrat Staff Edit - Biomed1 !!!
matchingmole's Avatar
Cum guzzling lying sack o' shit Trump is having a very bad Summer,with all the small rallies in podunk towns and the indictments looming