dearhunter's Avatar
Oh now I'm more confused. Wakeup+Wayward=1 + pyramider =4 Am I coming close? maybe a little bit? Originally Posted by Ansley
Many are called....few are chosen........your lack of understanding saddens me.

Perhaps the Fucking prophet was lazy in the delivery.......let's try again:

Wakeup˛ + Wayward˛ = Pyramider˛
dear dearhunter,

I have two questions

Do you think Barfly and Anonone know each other and maybe hang out at the starbucks?

Is it front to back, or back to front?
dearhunter's Avatar
dear dearhunter,

I have two questions

Do you thinck Barfly and Anonone know each other and maybe hang out at the starbucks?

Is it front to back, or back to front? Originally Posted by monkmonk
Technically it is three questions. So, I had to fix your spelling......on two questions I would have let it pass.

To answer this very astute question I must use the analogy of the "chicken and the egg"......they are related.

Question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Since I am the Fucking prophet, I happen to know the answer to that question........ I hope this one doesn't get me points.

In the beginning there were fish swimming around in water. Then one day a couple of fish came in contact with GSO3 and had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish comes in contact with GSO3 and goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawls out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands and it has butt sex with a squirrel and made this retard frog squirrel. The retard frog squirrel got hold of some GSO3, then had a retard baby which was a monkey-fish-frog. This monkey-fish-frog got hold of some GSO3 and had butt sex with a monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed a rodent…………………and that made Joanie............Joanie wandered the earth looking for that perfect cup of coffee (price was not an obstacle). One day he waddled into a new coffee shop called a Starbucks and ordered a mocha latte lite (heavy cream & no sugar). He was in heaven. He enjoyed it so much he sat there and drank mocha latte lites (heavy cream & no sugar) all day. Soon he started feeling a bit queezy and light headed. He fell to the floor flopping around like a fish out of water (see first sentence for you tards). Suddenly his face turned purple and he started sweating profusely. To his amazement and delight, an egg popped out of his butt. The egg cracked open and out popped a retard chicken. Joanie named the retard chicken "Barfly", and bought him a mocha latte lite (heavy cream & no sugar). Of course, Joanie was thrown out of Starbucks for having made such a huge mess. Alas, in his wake Barfly was unable to order a mocha latte lite (heavy cream & no sugar) correctly without his big pappa, and was thrown out of Starbucks as well.

So, there you have it.......I have answered your questions........and solved the age old riddle of "which came first, the retard chicken or the egg".......I thinck.

Thanck you

I have another question.

When will London Rayne tour Dallas and Houston?
When will London Rayne tour Dallas and Houston? Originally Posted by monkmonk
dearhunter's Avatar
Thanck you

I have another question.

When will London Rayne tour Dallas and Houston? Originally Posted by monkmonk
+1 Originally Posted by DickEmDown
This is a tough one......I know that she can be tempted with backstrap and venison tenderloin (the Fucking prophet knows stuff)......but, I am going to go out on a limb and say.......London Rayne will tour Dallas and Houston........when the cows come home.
boardman's Avatar
Technically it is three questions. So, I had to fix your spelling......on two questions I would have let it pass.

To answer this very astute question I must use the analogy of the "chicken and the egg"......they are related.

Question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Since I am the Fucking prophet, I happen to know the answer to that question........ I hope this one doesn't get me points.

In the beginning there were fish swimming around in water. Then one day a couple of fish came in contact with GSO3 and had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish comes in contact with GSO3 and goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawls out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands and it has butt sex with a squirrel and made this retard frog squirrel. The retard frog squirrel got hold of some GSO3, then had a retard baby which was a monkey-fish-frog. This monkey-fish-frog got hold of some GSO3 and had butt sex with a monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed a rodent…………………and that made Joanie............Joanie wandered the earth looking for that perfect cup of coffee (price was not an obstacle). One day he waddled into a new coffee shop called a Starbucks and ordered a mocha latte lite (heavy cream & no sugar). He was in heaven. He enjoyed it so much he sat there and drank mocha latte lites (heavy cream & no sugar) all day. Soon he started feeling a bit queezy and light headed. He fell to the floor flopping around like a fish out of water (see first sentence for you tards). Suddenly his face turned purple and he started sweating profusely. To his amazement and delight, an egg popped out of his butt. The egg cracked open and out popped a retard chicken. Joanie named the retard chicken "Barfly", and bought him a mocha latte lite (heavy cream & no sugar). Of course, Joanie was thrown out of Starbucks for having made such a huge mess. Alas, in his wake Barfly was unable to order a mocha latte lite (heavy cream & no sugar) correctly without his big pappa, and was thrown out of Starbucks as well.

So, there you have it.......I have answered your questions........and solved the age old riddle of "which came first, the retard chicken or the egg".......I thinck.

Originally Posted by dearhunter
People are starting to look at me funny.

That was hilarious!!!!
boardman's Avatar
Mr. Fucking DearHunter Prophet:

My ex-SO found some explicit emails between myself and my ATF. She promptly vacated the marital domicile. She took MY FUKKING DOGS, and left HER FUKKING CATS. The dogs were AKC registered and the cats were strays found in the dumpsters of various restaurants in the area.

My question is in two parts:

A. Do you Houston boys need any of these cats for Avatars, and

B. Since the SO is gone, should I install a chrome stripped pole (which matches the kitchen fixtures) or a brass stripped pole (which is classic)? Originally Posted by MrSmith8691
I have all the pussy I need but can you provide these unattended dumpster locations please?
dearhunter's Avatar
I have all the pussy I need but can you provide these unattended dumpster locations please? Originally Posted by boardman
There is an unattended dumpster behind every Subway.
boardman's Avatar
There is an unattended dumpster behind every Subway. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I was presented with a cease and desist order this morning.
Subway was specifically mentioned.
dearhunter's Avatar
I was presented with a cease and desist order this morning.
Subway was specifically mentioned. Originally Posted by boardman
Then, you will have to just bite the bullet, become a Mod and herd cats.
London Rayne's Avatar
Thanck you

I have another question.

When will London Rayne tour Dallas and Houston? Originally Posted by monkmonk

LOL thanks for giving Monk the correct answer DH.
boardman's Avatar
I've been banging away at the Request To Moderate button for a year now. They won't let me do it.
London Rayne's Avatar
It's because you're a cat..mods are dogs lol.

In your spare time practice herding those cats.......when you thinck you are good enough, bring your cat herding skills to the Houston board and we will see what you got. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Does the Cat Avatar Posse have any Continuing Education Seminars currently scheduled for Cat Herding Certification?