
notanewbie's Avatar
chicagoboy's Avatar
Points DO expire. In 6 months. In other words, if you can behave for 6'll have 0 points. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
So how come my cabrito-flavored points (for playfully advocating the evisceration of Father Wayward) still have nine months to run?
Heavy handed moderation tactics have proven ineffective in controlling the flow of information in our Houston forums.

In light of this, these days we issue a T-shirt to all new Houston mod additions as a valuable reminder.

St. C
Attachment 6489 Originally Posted by St.Christopher
dearhunter's Avatar
So how come my cabrito-flavored points (for playfully advocating the evisceration of Father Wayward) still have nine months to run? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Because you are special.
So how come my cabrito-flavored points (for playfully advocating the evisceration of Father Wayward) still have nine months to run? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Well sir, wait 3 more months and then ask us that question.....

St. C

and yes, you are special.
boardman's Avatar
Heavy handed moderation tactics have proven ineffective in controlling the flow of information in our Houston forums.

In light of this, these days we issue a T-shirt to all new Houston mod additions as a valuable reminder.

St. C
Attachment 6489 Originally Posted by St.Christopher

That's Fucking Funny!!!!!!!!!!!
dearhunter's Avatar
It kind of makes me feel for the bros in other "city forums".
auknowho's Avatar
If you had left the mod manual after you left, he would have known that. Bad Ambassador.
Originally Posted by Merlin
....and if you had left the mod manual after you left, ERAPS would have a few new members. Bad Ambassador.
Let's be honest. Eraps was fucked from day one. Or rather (day -45).

I know most businesses survive after calling their customers assholes and telling them to fuck off. but patrons of SHMBs are a fickle lot.
chicagoboy's Avatar
and yes, you are special. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
So was my education.
boardman's Avatar
....and if you had left the mod manual after you left, ERAPS would have a few new members. Bad Ambassador. Originally Posted by auknowho
Seriously? There's a manual for this shit? Someone send me a copy. I want to start on it as soon as I finish reading the Reiki Center Manual. That fucker is 715 pages long and makes absolutely no sense.
....and if you had left the mod manual after you left, ERAPS would have a few new members. Bad Ambassador. Originally Posted by auknowho
I did but you can take a horse to the water but you can't make it drink.
Seriously? There's a manual for this shit? Originally Posted by boardman
Well hell yes there's a manual!
dearhunter's Avatar
I see St C is reading my bible....................
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I did but you can take a horse to the water but you can't make it drink. Originally Posted by Merlin
You can lead a horticulture but ya can't make her think....