Obamanomics lesson

5HARP5H00TER's Avatar
I'm going to weigh in on this debate. First of all. Illegal immigrants came here
ILLEGALLY and I believe they should be deported, and you know why? No, xxr76xx, it's not because I'm racist. I'm white. My girlfriend is from Thailand and was trafficked over here to get her visa. She is working in an AMP until she can pay off $50,000 dollars she was charged to get over here. she doesn't get to keep a cent of what she earns. it all goes directly to pay off her debt. Yet, she is here legally. she couldn't simply jump over some fence to get here. I guess that because it's easier for people to illegally cross over from Mexico that makes it ok? At least illegal immigrants who cross over from Mexico don't get exploited the way my girlfriend does. Oh, and to end the rumor of "illegals take jobs that most Americans cant," that's a lie. I have done everything from digging ditches with a pickaxe to shredding fields on a tractor until the sjin is peeling off my back to competing with illegals companies charging way less because they hire illegals trying to do landscaping. You cry Human rights violations, but you only care about Hispanic rights. Viva La Raza, right?

I'm with you 100% Sweet Heather.
I'm going to weigh in on this debate. First of all. Illegal immigrants came here
ILLEGALLY and I believe they should be deported, and you know why? No, xxr76xx, it's not because I'm racist. I'm white. My girlfriend is from Thailand and was trafficked over here to get her visa. She is working in an AMP until she can pay off $50,000 dollars she was charged to get over here. she doesn't get to keep a cent of what she earns. it all goes directly to pay off her debt. Yet, she is here legally. she couldn't simply jump over some fence to get here. I guess that because it's easier for people to illegally cross over from Mexico that makes it ok? At least illegal immigrants who cross over from Mexico don't get exploited the way my girlfriend does. Oh, and to end the rumor of "illegals take jobs that most Americans cant," that's a lie. I have done everything from digging ditches with a pickaxe to shredding fields on a tractor until the sjin is peeling off my back to competing with illegals companies charging way less because they hire illegals trying to do landscaping. You cry Human rights violations, but you only care about Hispanic rights. Viva La Raza, right?

I'm with you 100% Sweet Heather. Originally Posted by 5HARP5H00TER

And what makes a person LEGAL????????????
Eduardo Caraballo, a U.S. citizen born in the United States, was detained for over three days on suspicion of being an illegal immigrant.
Despite presenting identifying documents and even his birth certificate, Caraballo was held by federal immigration authorities over the weekend and threatened with deportation, according to an NBC Chicago report. He was only released when his congressman, Luis Gutierrez -- a vocal supporter of immigration reform -- intervened on his behalf.
Caraballo was born in Puerto Rico, making him a natural-born citizen of the United States. He moved to the mainland as an infant, and now lives in Chicago.
Last week, NBC reports that he was arrested in connection with a stolen car in Berwyn. Caraballo maintains his innocence. In any case, when his mother posted bail on Friday, he was not freed.
"Instead of being released, he was told by authorities that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was detaining him because he was an illegal immigrant," NBC reports.
Caraballo spent the weekend in the custody of federal immigration agents. When he presented them with ID and his birth certificate, he says officials were skeptical: "Because of the way I look, I have Mexican features, they pretty much assumed that my papers were fake."
Only after his congressman interceded was Caraballo set free.
Rep. Gutierrez, a Chicagoan who is himself of Puerto Rican descent, is a long-time advocate of immigration reform. He was one of the first and loudest voices on the Hill to speak out against the Arizona immigration law, and he was recently arrested at a protest demanding fairer treatment for immigrants and their families.
"It gets worse," Gutierrez said in an interview. "We know of instances in which young people in his same situation are actually taken to the border and deported from the United States.
Not surprisingly, the nine-term Democratic congressman saw a disturbing connection to the situation in the Grand Canyon State.
"In Arizona, they want everybody to be able to prove they're legally in the country. They want everybody to prove that they're an American citizen. Here we had an American citizen, that the federal government... could not determine, for more than three days, his status as an American citizen. It's very, very, very dangerous ground to tread."
According to NBC Chicago, Caraballo "is considering legal action." Meanwhile, he and his congressman hope the incident will open people's eyes to the dangers of profiling. Originally Posted by xxr76xx

Man, you just proved how coward the tea-baggers are. All they know is a collection of few words. "Illegal, spending, Obamacare, Kill, Hang, Gun " and my favorite "No"..... They can barely construct a logical sentence or reason like so.......I am astonished at how you are handling them left and right......excellent.
And what makes a person LEGAL???????????? Originally Posted by Inhouston
Well, Einstein, it's called "waiting in line for your turn". There are ways to obtain legal citizenship in the United States. ILLEGALLY CROSSING OUR BORDERS IS NOT ONE OF THEM.


I have a relative in Norway that has been on the waiting list for 5+ years.
She has a degree and would NOT bleed our system and the taxpayers that support it-she would CONTRIBUTE to our system. Wonder how much longer she has to wait?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????

The tired old bullshit fable that illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans won't is ridiculous and untrue. The truth of the matter is that Americans won't do those jobs for slave wages. You see, here in the U.S. we have a little thing called "quality of life". We don't pack 20 people in a 3 bedroom 1 bath home . We don't go to the bathroom in our back yards. We don't throw our garbage in our front yards. We have things like "car insurance".

I feel sorry for these immigrants. It's shameless the way unscrupulous employers expoit these people they know are in a desperate situation.

On the other hand, they might not be quite so fucking desperate if they didn't choose to have 4, 5, 6 children when they know they can barely make enough money to support the man and wife. Is that MY problem? Hell-fucking-NO.